Custom Query (2297 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 2297)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1229 Bug with stream TCP/UDP on port 514 only defect minor nginx-module
#1232 nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream defect minor other
#1234 "proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate" is loaded into memory many times when defined in "http" context. enhancement minor other
#1235 open_file_cache issues with symlinks defect minor nginx-core
#1236 MP4 module defect minor other
#1239 Multiple IP address UDP response error defect minor 1.11 other
#1241 Using uninitialized variable warning in SSI module defect minor nginx-module
#1243 Add primary media type for font enhancement minor nginx-core
#1244 Externalize ngx_udp_connect and ngx_tcp_connect functions defect minor nginx-core
#1245 proxy_cache_path should create intermediate directories (recursive, like mkdir -p) defect minor 1.12.0 nginx-core
#1248 syslog UDP sockets growing until 28230 connections. defect minor nginx-core
#1249 Blocking STALE requests using proxy_cache_background_update on Docker defect minor nginx-core
#1251 Segmentation fault in special nginx mode defect minor nginx-core
#1252 Multiplexing different hosts into one HTTP/2 connection leads to 421 defect minor other
#1253 cookies are not send if location contains trailing slash defect minor other
#1255 map regexp fail to match defect minor documentation
#1258 Network error when download file by using HTTP/2 defect minor nginx-core
#1259 nginx build fails when using gcc7 compiler defect minor other
#1260 Regex Location fails resolver DNS lookup defect minor nginx-module
#1261 nginx 1.13.0/Solaris 11.3/amd64; coredump when using ssl_session_cache defect minor nginx-module
#1264 proxy_set_header directives unable to be set in condition blocks defect minor nginx-module
#1265 I keep getting 502 bad way error while I was configuring proxy_pass defect minor other
#1266 nginx:1.12.0-alpine http2 responds with binary constant without headers defect minor other
#1267 TLS 1.0 handshake fails on upstream when TLS1.2 is enabled defect minor nginx-module
#1269 $upstream_response_time is improperly evaluated in header filter handlers defect minor documentation
#1270 TCP RST with SSL and HTTP Connection:close header defect minor nginx-core
#1272 nginx don't return response body when upstream server discard request body defect minor nginx-core
#1275 php-fpm incorrectly populates PATH_INFO defect minor nginx-module
#1277 u-> in ngx_http_upstream_finalize_request defect minor other
#1280 ngx_event_connect_peer() recvbuf doesn't exist defect minor other
#1281 Location Header from proxied server is URL decoded before sent to client defect minor nginx-module
#1283 FreeBSD 11 + nginx + apache delay +0.1 second on files greater than 32768 bytes defect minor 1.13 nginx-core
#1284 Build failure if defined IP_PKTINFO but missing ipi_spec_dst in struct in_pktinfo defect minor other
#1286 Probably outdated docs defect minor documentation
#1287 Problem with proxy_pass when using upstream and map defect minor nginx-module
#1289 Nginx 1.12.0 unable to start after initial installation on RHEL 7 if access_log is uncommented defect minor nginx-package
#1291 TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1295 proxy_pass to websocket server defect minor other
#1299 Upstream docs defect minor documentation
#1301 New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module enhancement minor nginx-module
#1303 Nginx should respect error_page directives defect minor other
#1304 proxy_cache not support slice defect minor other
#1305 OCSP stapling fails due to not working DNS resolution defect minor other
#1310 SSL proxy - CRL verification error defect minor other
#1311 worker_processes auto mode does not consider isolated CPUs defect minor other
#1315 Nginx's enforced permissions enhancement minor nginx-core
#1316 $http_ variables only contain the first field-value defect minor nginx-core
#1317 load_balance failed in ngx_stream_proxy_module because of "pending buffers" defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1319 Периодическое завышение данных в статистике defect minor nginx-module
#1321 False positives in map $http_user_agent if regex does not use word boundaries. enhancement minor documentation
#1323 nginx log folder does not have read access for group defect minor other
#1324 add_header always doesn't work when sending HTTP response 451 defect minor other
#1332 gunzip module works inappropriately defect minor nginx-module
#1333 Crashes in timer code when ngx_log_debug is on defect minor nginx-core
#1334 pkg-oss is missing tags for nginx 1.12.1 and 1.13.3 defect minor other
#1335 pkg-oss uses insecure http:// to download sources and link to content defect minor other
#1336 pkg-oss: add non-interactive mode to improve scriptability of `` Andrei Belov enhancement minor nginx-package
#1337 pkg-oss: `dist` macro changes on CentOS 7 break nginx-module packages Andrei Belov defect minor nginx-package
#1338 ssl_session_cache get incorrect shm zone defect minor nginx-core
#1339 Missing Secure Attribute enhancement minor nginx-module
#1340 Incorrect TLS session resumption for SNI-enabled upstream. defect minor nginx-core
#1342 Problem without server_name with directive `index` defect minor nginx-core
#1344 client_body_temp_path needed, even with option proxy_request_buffering off defect minor nginx-core
#1345 improve slice subrequest memory free enhancement minor other
#1346 ngx_http_slice_module with return 416 if file length is zero defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1347 improve slice subrequest memory free enhancement minor other
#1349 TLS doesn't require different IPs defect minor documentation
#1350 Enably http2 by default enhancement minor other
#1351 NGINX closing connection with GOAWAY if client sends SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE with too large value in initial SETTINGS frame defect minor other
#1354 add another conditional to to support fedora builds enhancement minor nginx-package
#1355 Can't make 1.13.4 with ngx_pagespeed-latest-stable defect minor other
#1356 try_files directive and variables defect minor other
#1357 slice+if_range problem defect minor other
#1358 Only first parameter of querystring available defect minor other
#1359 Map command map $upstream_http_cache_control $bypass_cache_control ignored with proxy_cache_bypass $bypass_cache_control defect minor nginx-module
#1361 SSL: error:14077102:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol defect minor other
#1362 gzip_proxied default defect minor nginx-module
#1363 OCSP responder timed out on IPv6 only server defect minor other
#1364 proxy_ssl_protocols does not handle hole in version properly, or is it ? defect minor nginx-core
#1365 Pecular behaviour of nginx reload defect minor nginx-core
#1366 ngx_epoll_notify override original handler defect minor nginx-core
#1367 `gzip_static always` doesn't use index.html.gz unless index.html exists defect minor other
#1368 Date oveflow problems with ngx_gmtime() defect minor nginx-core
#1370 proxy_pass changes Content-Type to html when use variables defect minor other
#1371 some url contains space will be treated as invalid defect minor nginx-module
#1372 Nginx not respecting the TTL for the resolver at the Location block with 418 http response defect minor nginx-core
#1373 missing '=' in admin-guide/serving-static-content Yaroslav Zhuravlev task minor documentation
#1375 Can‘t use parallel ECDSA / RSA certificates in BoringSSL defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1376 nginx disable client initiated renegotiation not working perfect with openssl 1.1.0c enhancement minor nginx-module
#1377 invalid option "--with-compat" defect minor nginx-module
#1379 nginx-tests/access_log.t failed Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…> defect minor other
#1380 nginx does not clean up old sysvinit scripts with new version that provides systemd unit file thresh defect minor nginx-core
#1381 'proxy_set_header Host' causes https drop in proxied redirect's Location header defect minor nginx-core
#1382 proxy_cache doesn't respect no-cache from error_page defect minor nginx-module
#1384 request body may be corrupted when content-length is not set in headers using http2 defect minor nginx-module
#1385 how to uninstall nginx from RHEL 6.6 linux task minor nginx-module
#1386 allow_all parameter for ssl_verify_client enhancement minor other
#1387 large_client_header_buffers, SSL, 400 Bad Request defect minor nginx-core
#1389 cant run php files outside of document root defect minor other
#1390 Windows compile http_v2_module on download page enhancement minor other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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