Custom Query (319 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 319)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#93 If-Modified-Since rfc compliance somebody enhancement minor 1.2.0 nginx-core
#1912 Ignore duplicate reuseport options defect minor nginx-core
#678 Image_filter don't turn the interlace bit on without resize. defect minor nginx-module
#513 Implementation of UDT support enhancement minor nginx-core
#116 Implement Changeset 4337 in v1.0.13 somebody enhancement minor 1.0.13 nginx-core
#559 improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module enhancement minor nginx-module
#563 improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set enhancement minor nginx-core
#1341 Inappropriately includes caching headers when error_page used with https://$host defect critical nginx-core
#567 Include a "remove" or "uninstall" section in the makefile enhancement minor other
#140 Include packages for 3rd-party modules in Centos/RHEL repositories somebody enhancement minor nginx-package
#1123 Include timezone in error logs enhancement minor nginx-core
#933 include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t defect minor nginx-core
#874 Incorrect $upstream_http_location value defect minor nginx-core
#2467 In daemon mode nginx completes detaching before the service is ready enhancement minor nginx-core
#724 Init script does not check config on reload for Ubuntu mainline packages defect minor nginx-package
#95 Integrate syslog patch into modules somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#1320 IPv6 listen directive prevents nginx from starting enhancement major nginx-core
#247 IPv6 not working over Windows XP Teredo somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1487 IPv6 Transparent Proxy not supported in the official pre-build package defect minor nginx-package
#420 keepalive_disable: bingbot (to prevent DoS) enhancement major nginx-core
#114 Keepalive header: max. requests somebody enhancement minor 1.2.0 nginx-module
#687 Keep-alive with fastcgi not working with HEAD defect minor nginx-core
#1035 limit_conn breaks on linux when keepalive_requests closes a connection defect major nginx-module
#1678 limit_rate and proxy_limit_rate broken from 1.14 defect major nginx-core
#1908 Listen Directive needs Documentation Update task minor documentation
#2225 location-matching on undecoded paths enhancement minor nginx-core
#1978 Logging real client IP on invalid request enhancement minor nginx-core
#1715 Logs are no longer written to /dev/stdout after HUP, if daemon is on defect minor other
#859 -lpcre should preceed -lpthread in objs/Makefile defect minor nginx-core
#354 lsapi upstream module enhancement minor nginx-module
#532 Make Nginx configs easy to understand and shorted enhancement major nginx-core
#1056 Maximum Content-Length value defect minor nginx-core
#2215 Maybe a minior bug in $request_completion code defect minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2570 memcpy from NULL during startup defect minor nginx-core
#279 mime.types: audio/ogg for .opus files Sergey Kandaurov enhancement trivial nginx-core
#1665 Minimum zone size for limit_req strangely high defect minor nginx-module
#2165 minor nginx-tests issue defect minor other
#1273 Missing default secure configuration: proxy_ssl_verify defect major other
#555 missing fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME variable in default package conf files defect minor nginx-package
#1138 Module Request PageSpeed enhancement minor 1.11.7 nginx-package
#1236 MP4 module defect minor other
#1501 multiple resolver would not down if keep failing defect critical nginx-core
#1301 New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module enhancement minor nginx-module
#958 nginx-1.10.0 breaks init script status command for unprivileged user defect minor 1.11 nginx-package
#2166 Nginx-1.20.0 fails to build using clang 12.0.0 public release defect minor nginx-core
#205 nginx-1.2.3.tar.gz signed with wrong key somebody defect major nginx-package
#908 Nginx 1.9.12 fails to compile against LibreSSL 2.2.6 defect major nginx-core
#860 NGINX 1.9.9 fails to build against OpenSSL 1.1.0 defect minor nginx-core
#1435 NGINX allows sending of a malformed header per RFC7540 Section 10.3 defect minor other
#493 nginx always sends 100-continue instead of delegating that responsibility to upstream server defect major nginx-core
#163 Nginx cache and dotdot somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#1882 Nginx does not handle asterisk in OPTIONS request defect minor nginx-core
#961 nginx does not load modules from --modules-path defect minor nginx-core
#1558 nginx does not pass metadata to grpc server defect minor other
#2297 Nginx does not provide option to read the certificate chain enhancement minor nginx-module
#1677 nginx does not resolve hostnames if there is no route defect minor nginx-core
#1274 nginx does not start in Windows Nano Server defect blocker other
#1038 Nginx doesn't retry to start worker process when fork() error defect major nginx-core
#614 nginx eats "%25" from URL defect minor nginx-core
#1374 Nginx error_page 499 Error report defect major other
#1734 nginx failed to work with openssl-1.1.1b defect critical nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1022 Nginx graceful shutdown doesn't inform clients to close "keep-alive" connections defect minor other
#1254 nginx leaks Basic Auth password through timing side channel when {PLAIN} method is used defect critical nginx-module
#679 Nginx Memcached Sasl support enhancement minor nginx-module
#1403 nginx module cannot use libpcre defect minor nginx-core
#1984 Nginx module installation issue enhancement blocker nginx-module
#374 Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string defect minor nginx-core
#796 is removed during reload if pid path is changed in nginx.conf but points to the same file through a symlink defect minor nginx-core
#750 nginx refuses to start when /var/lib/nginx (client_body_temp_path) is a symlink to not yet existing directory defect minor nginx-core
#1835 Nginx reload doesnt work when limit zone in nginx.conf is changed defect critical nginx-core
#1153 Nginx reload hang defect major nginx-core
#736 Nginx responses 412 to invalid If-Unmodified-Since request-header defect major nginx-module
#1232 nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream defect minor other
#1676 nginx.service for tmpfs /var/log defect minor other
#719 Nginx should maintain a better default cipher suite enhancement minor nginx-core
#1040 nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved defect minor nginx-core
#2372 nginx -t does not indicate potential permissions error for SSL certificates enhancement minor nginx-core
#946 Nginx that is logging into /dev/log cannot handle change of inode of the socket defect minor nginx-core
#1481 nginx -t should throw error when merge_slashes is used in non-default server block enhancement minor nginx-core
#160 Nginx -V Output Format somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#726 NGINX will use least level of security for SSL with SNI enabled. defect major nginx-core
#265 Nginx не запускается с ошибкой: the event "ngx_master_xxx" was not signaled for 5s defect minor nginx-core
#755 nginx нельзя заставить использовать только syslog defect minor nginx-core
#1366 ngx_epoll_notify override original handler defect minor nginx-core
#2232 ngx_http_auth_basic_module does not support different passwords for the same user enhancement trivial nginx-module
#1343 ngx_http_image_filter_module loses colour profile information during resizes defect major nginx-module
#807 ngx_http_rewrite_module duplicate Server header defect minor 1.9.6 nginx-module
#806 ngx_http_ssl_module: Turn off 'ssl_session_tickets' by default defect minor nginx-module
#1240 ngx_http_userid_module uid_set defect major nginx-module
#1594 ngx_palloc.c may save more memory defect minor other
#2158 ngx_stream_core_module Add $preread_server_name from http header.HOST enhancement minor documentation
#1136 `ngx_stream_proxy_process_connection` does not terminate udp session correctly with param `proxy_responses` defect minor nginx-module
#1424 Not consistent type cast in ngx_unix_send() defect minor other
#832 OCSP_basic_verify : unable to get certificate CRL defect minor nginx-module
#1305 OCSP stapling fails due to not working DNS resolution defect minor other
#810 OCSP Stapling fails if first relevant server block lacks ssl_stapling directive defect minor nginx-core
#556 OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL defect major nginx-module
#539 On certain kernel version epoll_release_file() hangs. Suggest manually EPOLL_CTL_DEL before close()ing enhancement major nginx-core
#419 one-time "Deny from all"-scan in .htaccess files enhancement minor nginx-core
#575 Only ask for a PEM pass phrase once during startup enhancement minor nginx-core
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