Custom Query (319 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 319)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1990 proxy_cache_min_uses not counted per variant on initial requests enhancement minor nginx-core
#1996 Why is there no Restart=on-failure in systemd unit defect minor nginx-package
#2033 Error page directive forces upstream's keepalive to be closed enhancement minor nginx-module
#2050 unrecognized method is rejected incorrectly defect minor nginx-core
#2055 Using addition_filter and changing the added file: still returning "304 Not Modified" defect minor nginx-module
#2071 ssl_reject_handshake on introduced in nginx 1.19.4 works but disables TLSv1.3? defect minor documentation
#2081 The restriction on directive "alias" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2082 The relationship between directive "connection_pool_size" and "large_client_header_buffers" is not recorded. enhancement minor documentation
#2084 The restriction on directive "proxy_buffers" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2086 The relationship between directive "proxy_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2091 The description of directive "index" is inaccurate. enhancement minor documentation
#2092 The description about directive "proxy_redirect" is not clear. enhancement minor documentation
#2093 Directive "starttls" should not be on when use "ssl" enhancement minor documentation
#2094 "proxy_protocol" parameter in directive "listen" is incompatible with "udp". enhancement minor documentation
#2095 Directive "user" might not be take effect in some situations. enhancement minor documentation
#2102 With UDP load balancing proxy protocol is not appended to every separate UDP packet defect minor nginx-core
#2105 thread_pools with variable $server_name defect minor nginx-core
#2115 Consider using "proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;" in all docs and examples enhancement minor documentation
#2128 Using a variable in the resolver directive enhancement minor nginx-module
#2144 $cookie_name variable inconsistent cookie-pair splitting defect minor nginx-core
#2158 ngx_stream_core_module Add $preread_server_name from http header.HOST enhancement minor documentation
#2165 minor nginx-tests issue defect minor other
#2166 Nginx-1.20.0 fails to build using clang 12.0.0 public release defect minor nginx-core
#2178 Package for Debian 9 (stretch) defect minor nginx-package
#2208 time to add something like a SSLCertificateChainFile config option enhancement minor nginx-core
#2209 HTTP version 01.1 and 1.01 accepted defect minor nginx-core
#2212 Returns HTTP status code 502 Bad Gateway when proxy is down (proxy_pass) defect minor nginx-core
#2215 Maybe a minior bug in $request_completion code defect minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2225 location-matching on undecoded paths enhancement minor nginx-core
#2226 Please add cache compression enhancement minor documentation
#2235 Allow setting TLS handshake timeouts for http(/2) enhancement minor nginx-module
#2286 When I use the proxy_cache_background_update and proxy_cache_use_stale parameter, the expired cache content cannot be returned quickly. defect minor nginx-core
#2287 fastcgi: CONTENT_LENGTH parameter missing for chunked requests defect minor nginx-module
#2297 Nginx does not provide option to read the certificate chain enhancement minor nginx-module
#2329 Unexpected request routing when Host header value contains colon defect minor nginx-core
#2361 CVEs against Nginx 1.22 defect minor nginx-1.23 other
#2372 nginx -t does not indicate potential permissions error for SSL certificates enhancement minor nginx-core
#2381 Unable to read configuration from /dev/stdin defect minor nginx-core
#2392 The limit_except directive's description is opaque defect minor documentation
#2398 Debug output is wrong for try_files directive with code as last argument defect minor nginx-core
#2414 support unknown variables when it is only used in log format enhancement minor nginx-module
#2439 1.23.3: test suite is failing defect minor other
#2452 fastcgi_split_path_info should specify NGX_REGEX_MULTILINE enhancement minor nginx-module
#2453 Variables in different contexts are mixed together defect minor nginx-core
#2467 In daemon mode nginx completes detaching before the service is ready enhancement minor nginx-core
#2534 Build error with clang 16 on Alpine defect minor nginx-core
#2570 memcpy from NULL during startup defect minor nginx-core
#126 Dinamic module support somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#166 -c option fails with pipes somebody defect major nginx-core
#205 nginx-1.2.3.tar.gz signed with wrong key somebody defect major nginx-package
#223 when using proxy_buffer_size 0 instead proxy_buffering off gives bad gateway somebody defect major nginx-core
#291 CentOS package doesn't actually use included PGP key sb defect major other
#321 try_files & $fastcgi_path_info defect major nginx-core
#342 ssl hash of subject and issuer dn enhancement major nginx-module
#420 keepalive_disable: bingbot (to prevent DoS) enhancement major nginx-core
#493 nginx always sends 100-continue instead of delegating that responsibility to upstream server defect major nginx-core
#532 Make Nginx configs easy to understand and shorted enhancement major nginx-core
#539 On certain kernel version epoll_release_file() hangs. Suggest manually EPOLL_CTL_DEL before close()ing enhancement major nginx-core
#556 OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL defect major nginx-module
#605 Configuration check for ngx_http_rewrite_module only enhancement major nginx-core
#676 Different ssl_protocols per server won`t work defect major nginx-core
#696 host not found prevents nginx from starting defect major nginx-core
#726 NGINX will use least level of security for SSL with SNI enabled. defect major nginx-core
#736 Nginx responses 412 to invalid If-Unmodified-Since request-header defect major nginx-module
#743 Warn on Google DNS resolver use, issue a notice on non-localhost use defect major nginx-core
#765 should not perform consistent hash on empty string defect major nginx-module
#767 Deleted fastcgicache items are used with open_file_cache enabled defect major nginx-module
#820 Add neverbleed support enhancement major 1.9.6 nginx-core
#908 Nginx 1.9.12 fails to compile against LibreSSL 2.2.6 defect major nginx-core
#955 Changing vary response header based on varied-opub request hedares causes cache misses enhancement major nginx-core
#993 support for X25519 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect major nginx-core
#1026 Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx 1.10.1 on FreeBSD based proxy defect major other
#1035 limit_conn breaks on linux when keepalive_requests closes a connection defect major nginx-module
#1038 Nginx doesn't retry to start worker process when fork() error defect major nginx-core
#1153 Nginx reload hang defect major nginx-core
#1181 "Vary: X-Forwarded-Proto" should be removed enhancement major nginx-core
#1240 ngx_http_userid_module uid_set defect major nginx-module
#1273 Missing default secure configuration: proxy_ssl_verify defect major other
#1320 IPv6 listen directive prevents nginx from starting enhancement major nginx-core
#1343 ngx_http_image_filter_module loses colour profile information during resizes defect major nginx-module
#1374 Nginx error_page 499 Error report defect major other
#1411 realip module using first of multiple X-Real-IP or custom headers defect major nginx-core
#1593 Error selecting client certificate for proxy service defect major nginx-module
#1642 HTTP2 proxy limits client body size even for streaming proxied protocols defect major other
#1678 limit_rate and proxy_limit_rate broken from 1.14 defect major nginx-core
#1700 UDP connections are terminated when updating Nginx executable file on-the-fly defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1810 Complex UX - Configuration Pitfalls ("Passing uncontrolled requests to PHP") enhancement major nginx-core
#1887 Add option to enable passthrough of HTTP/2 ping with grpc_pass enhancement major nginx-module
#1899 Enhance mail module with access control like ngx_http_access_module module enhancement major nginx-module
#1951 support stream tls termination protocol detection enhancement major nginx-module
#1964 Bugs in compiling nginx with OpenSSL 3.0 Alpha1 defect major nginx-module
#2106 How can I read Subject Alternative name from client certificate? enhancement major nginx-module
#2237 get host in http stream enhancement major nginx-module
#2271 Allow to specify the ssl engine methods using a directive enhancement major nginx-module
#2365 reload increases memory used (freed memory for config is not released back to the system) defect major nginx-core
#332 request method in subrequest not honored by uwsgi module defect critical nginx-module
#728 alias lost last path character defect critical other
#740 ssl_staping not working with WoSign SSL certificates defect critical nginx-module
#940 Consider porting OCSP stapling bugfix to 1.8 defect critical nginx-core
#997 $body_bytes_sent compute bigger in HTTP2.0 then HTTP1.X defect critical nginx-core
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