Custom Query (319 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 319)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#478 open_file_cache doesn't invalidate cache entries when it should defect minor nginx-core
#1024 openssl: crl processing fails with X509_NAME_EX_D2I:too long defect critical other
#469 OpenSSL Static Locks Patch enhancement minor nginx-core
#1772 Option to allow syslog tags longer than 32 symbols enhancement minor nginx-core
#1084 Override previous access_log settings enhancement minor nginx-module
#1687 Overrides system default minimum TLS version defect minor other
#2178 Package for Debian 9 (stretch) defect minor nginx-package
#1777 packages for Ubuntu Bionic/Cosmic/Disco do not include i386 defect minor nginx-package
#681 Pass custom Host in upstream module enhancement minor nginx-module
#1911 [PATCH] Deprecate TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 for March 2020 enhancement minor nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1365 Pecular behaviour of nginx reload defect minor nginx-core
#574 PEM pass phrase on conftest (and restart) enhancement minor nginx-package
#1335 pkg-oss uses insecure http:// to download sources and link to content defect minor other
#2226 Please add cache compression enhancement minor documentation
#1172 Please consider pre-built package for Debian jessie-backports enhancement minor other
#1632 Pool cleanups are not called in the daemonization defect minor nginx-core
#1161 POST to static file causes 405 but lacks Allow header defect minor other
#1327 Pre-Build packages with static openssl (http2) enhancement trivial nginx-package
#883 problem when installing nginx 1.9.9 (latest mainline version) enhancement minor nginx-package
#1723 proxy_cache_background_update does not really do updates in the background defect minor nginx-module
#1990 proxy_cache_min_uses not counted per variant on initial requests enhancement minor nginx-core
#601 Proxy_pass esque directive to all endpoints in upstream block enhancement minor nginx-module
#2094 "proxy_protocol" parameter in directive "listen" is incompatible with "udp". enhancement minor documentation
#1754 Proxy request supports different Host load balancing(http+https) enhancement minor other
#683 proxy_store enhancement minor nginx-module
#1834 Rate limiting does not work after 3xx redirect defect critical nginx-module
#1201 Realip module fails if X-Forwarded-For includes port number defect minor nginx-module
#1411 realip module using first of multiple X-Real-IP or custom headers defect major nginx-core
#2469 Recursively chaging ownership of nginx owned directories enhancement blocker nginx-1.23 nginx-core
#1522 release version 1.13.13 on Friday, 13? defect critical 1.13 other
#2365 reload increases memory used (freed memory for config is not released back to the system) defect major nginx-core
#69 remote_user not being passed through to uwsgi from uwsgi_params somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2077 rename conf files with ".sample" extension for windows package enhancement trivial nginx-1.19 nginx-package
#332 request method in subrequest not honored by uwsgi module defect critical nginx-module
#2212 Returns HTTP status code 502 Bad Gateway when proxy is down (proxy_pass) defect minor nginx-core
#382 RFE - Support for bcrypt hashes enhancement minor nginx-core
#1147 RPM: Conflict with EPEL package defect minor nginx-package
#1935 Send cookie headers with HTTP2 Server Push enhancement minor nginx-module
#631 server_names_hash_bucket_size seems too low by default enhancement minor nginx-core
#462 Server: OpenSSL Safari Workaround (SSL_OP_SAFARI_ECDHE_ECDSA_BUG) defect minor nginx-core
#538 Server origin header not passed through the proxy defect trivial nginx-core
#651 Service 'stop' signal: replace TERM with QUIT enhancement minor nginx-package
#1461 set $arg_param does not work defect minor nginx-core
#927 Set $ssl_session_reused to "t" for session ticket reuse and set $ssl_session_id with session tickets enhancement minor nginx-module
#765 should not perform consistent hash on empty string defect major nginx-module
#718 Simultaneous xslt and gzip_static yields error 500 defect minor nginx-module
#71 skip 404 process for fastcgi_intercept_errors somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#805 small new optional feature for unixes enhancement minor nginx-core
#1447 Specific IP(v4) listen directives cause "address already in use" when using ipv6only=off defect minor other
#1896 SSL certificate password - startup defect minor other
#1089 ssl_ecdh_curve not honored in server block defect minor 1.11.5 nginx-package
#1829 ssl: fail gracefully on Alert instead of ClientHello defect minor nginx-module
#342 ssl hash of subject and issuer dn enhancement major nginx-module
#610 SSL parser bug while parsing SSL key/pem/crt file with BOM in windows system version defect minor 1.6.2 nginx-module
#1616 ssl_preread_alpn_protocols not safe defect minor nginx-module
#108 ssl_protocols needs warning if only unsupported protocols are enabled somebody defect minor nginx-module
#2071 ssl_reject_handshake on introduced in nginx 1.19.4 works but disables TLSv1.3? defect minor documentation
#740 ssl_staping not working with WoSign SSL certificates defect critical nginx-module
#920 SSLv3 is still enabled by default in Stable defect minor documentation
#400 ssl_verify_client per location basis enhancement minor nginx-module
#206 $start_time http variable somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#999 sub_filter does not uncompress the data first defect minor other
#641 Support auth_basic inside if statements enhancement minor nginx-core
#993 support for X25519 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect major nginx-core
#73 Support logging to external process (pipe) in HttpLogModule somebody enhancement trivial nginx-module
#1951 support stream tls termination protocol detection enhancement major nginx-module
#2414 support unknown variables when it is only used in log format enhancement minor nginx-module
#298 Support X-accel-redirect with webdav PUT enhancement minor nginx-core
#1897 Systemd is unable to read pidfile after nginx start-up due to a race-condition defect minor other
#737 systemd service unit file ignores sysconfig environment variables enhancement trivial nginx-package
#1270 TCP RST with SSL and HTTP Connection:close header defect minor nginx-core
#2092 The description about directive "proxy_redirect" is not clear. enhancement minor documentation
#2091 The description of directive "index" is inaccurate. enhancement minor documentation
#2392 The limit_except directive's description is opaque defect minor documentation
#2082 The relationship between directive "connection_pool_size" and "large_client_header_buffers" is not recorded. enhancement minor documentation
#2086 The relationship between directive "proxy_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2081 The restriction on directive "alias" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2084 The restriction on directive "proxy_buffers" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#75 Thousand separators in autoindex pages somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#2105 thread_pools with variable $server_name defect minor nginx-core
#2208 time to add something like a SSLCertificateChainFile config option enhancement minor nginx-core
#1169 TLS works without supplying the ssl parameter without a WARN defect minor other
#321 try_files & $fastcgi_path_info defect major nginx-core
#1864 Tune documentation for ssl_session_tickets (supported RFC number) task minor nginx-1.17 other
#1006 two more server listen 443(ssl), none-default server's ssl_session_cache is out of work defect critical nginx-core
#1700 UDP connections are terminated when updating Nginx executable file on-the-fly defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#2497 Unable to build nginx quic with --with-stream_quic_module defect critical http/3
#2381 Unable to read configuration from /dev/stdin defect minor nginx-core
#2329 Unexpected request routing when Host header value contains colon defect minor nginx-core
#2050 unrecognized method is rejected incorrectly defect minor nginx-core
#1197 update stock nginx.conf enhancement minor nginx-package
#1277 u-> in ngx_http_upstream_finalize_request defect minor other
#786 url decoding is senseless for proxy_pass defect minor nginx-core
#1972 Use of IRIs in redirect responses causes nginx to violate HTTP RFCs defect minor nginx-core
#2055 Using addition_filter and changing the added file: still returning "304 Not Modified" defect minor nginx-module
#2128 Using a variable in the resolver directive enhancement minor nginx-module
#410 Valgrind falsepositive with ngx_string length 0 defect minor nginx-core
#2453 Variables in different contexts are mixed together defect minor nginx-core
#1181 "Vary: X-Forwarded-Proto" should be removed enhancement major nginx-core
#2631 version 1.25.5 virtual servers regexp variable is not available defect critical nginx-core
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