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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2644)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2253 ngx_http_limit_req_module: incorrect work logic with minute time range interval enhancement closed minor
#2598 ngx_http_limit_req_module documentation should specify rate_limit work on millisecond basis defect closed minor
#231 ngx_http_internal_redirect bypasses explicit location block somebody defect closed minor
#1343 ngx_http_image_filter_module loses colour profile information during resizes defect closed major
#1046 ngx_http_gzip_filter_module is leaking defect closed major
#841 ngx_http_gzip_filter_module doesn't compress 207 multi-status responses enhancement closed minor
#1306 ngx_http_geo_module ranges do not support ipv6 enhancement new minor
#2321 ngx_http_geoip_module problem defect closed critical nginx-1.21
#1710 ngx_http_dav_module: Allow to configure some anti-overwrite enhancement new minor
#2068 ngx_http_copy_pipelined_header didn't adjust buffer pointer after copy data defect closed major nginx-1.19
#85 ngx_http_cookie_time date format error. somebody defect closed minor
#1691 ngx_http_browser_module treats amazon web service health checker as ancient_browser defect closed major
#2232 ngx_http_auth_basic_module does not support different passwords for the same user enhancement closed trivial
#1110 ngx_headers_more module no longer working defect closed minor
#1500 ngx_hash_t can have only lower case key enhancement accepted minor
#1280 ngx_event_connect_peer() recvbuf doesn't exist defect closed minor
#1366 ngx_epoll_notify override original handler defect closed minor
#417 ngx_cache_purge enhancement new minor
#2499 ngx_array_init/ngx_palloc strange behavior on zero size defect closed minor
#2131 NGNIX needs root cert in the chain for Client validation. enhancement new minor
#930 Nginx падает через несколько минут с ошибкой при включении proxy_cache на Win 2012 defect closed minor
#1394 nginx отдает мусор в первые секунды после заливки статического файла defect closed minor
#389 nginx не понимает имя upstream из переменной defect closed minor
#755 nginx нельзя заставить использовать только syslog defect closed minor
#1168 Nginx не корректно обрабатывает опцию max_size в директиве proxy_cache_path defect closed minor
#265 Nginx не запускается с ошибкой: the event "ngx_master_xxx" was not signaled for 5s defect closed minor
#219 nginx - время обработки на стороне сервера на 200 мс дольше, чем внутри fastcgi. somebody defect closed minor
#440 Nginx write content to client instead of 504 when fastcgi timeout expired in configuration defect closed minor
#2409 Nginx would not be edge-triggered to read new stream frame correctly in some case defect closed major
#547 Nginx worker randomly segfault during the day using owncloud android sync client defect closed minor 1.5
#505 Nginx worker randomly segfault during the day defect closed minor 1.4.5
#1097 Nginx worker process exited on signal 11 defect closed major
#165 Nginx worker processes don't seem to have the right group permissions somebody enhancement accepted minor
#503 Nginx worker process crash when the upstream reject the nginx connection. Maxim Dounin defect closed critical
#1247 Nginx worker process closes connection and dies prematurely on http connections with keep_alive > 0 defect closed major
#975 nginx worker die with trap divide error using upstream_conf with ip_hash defect closed minor
#542 NGINX won't use gzip_static when http request is proxied by NGINX and the browser is Firefox 28 defect closed minor
#1417 Nginx won't start if hostname isn't valid enhancement new minor
#900 Nginx won't daemonise if "NGINX" environment variable is set defect closed minor
#1469 nginx won't build under libxcrypt due to missing 'current_salt' in 'crypt_data' struct defect closed minor
#1509 NGINX with Stream utilizing memory exponentially on each connection defect closed critical
#881 Nginx with php-fpm + SSI defect closed major 1.9
#982 nginx with perl_module is not going defect closed minor
#1070 nginx with NJS compile error defect closed minor
#1555 nginx with grpc is poor performance defect closed minor
#726 NGINX will use least level of security for SSL with SNI enabled. defect closed major
#1871 Nginx will not accept the latter of two client certs if the subject is the same. defect closed major
#2648 Nginx will disable ocsp stapling over all domains even if one is bogus defect new major
#1953 nginx -V Website down defect closed critical
#639 nginx -V should output to STDOUT defect closed minor
#160 Nginx -V Output Format somebody enhancement closed minor
#898 nginx_version is not casted to unsinged integer. defect closed minor
#1613 Nginx uses server's ip address instead of its domain name while verifying as a load balancer defect closed minor
#2520 Nginx upgrade on debian 11 defect closed minor
#373 nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors defect closed minor
#2527 Nginx unable to install from default Ubuntu Repository if IPv6 is disabled through grub defect closed critical
#77 nginx -t изредка падает с ненулевым статусом и пустым stdout/stderr somebody defect closed minor
#2188 nginx -t with many worker_processes/reuseport is expensive enhancement closed minor
#1960 nginx -t tries to bind to ports enhancement closed minor
#150 nginx -t success but nginx -s reload failed somebody defect closed minor
#1481 nginx -t should throw error when merge_slashes is used in non-default server block enhancement closed minor
#1547 Nginx trying to create NGX_HTTP_PROXY_TEMP_PATH even when it is overridden via configuration file defect closed minor
#1682 Nginx tries to open the html file and through error 404. I expected the redirection to the php script. defect closed minor
#571 Nginx treats dashes in server_name as catch-all servers defect closed major
#943 Nginx transforms HTTP method from POST to GET defect closed minor
#1453 nginx transform https to http when using try_files enhancement closed minor
#147 nginx touched /var/log/nginx-error.log even when error_log are switched off defect closed minor
#947 nginx -t just a bit buggy defect closed trivial
#1308 nginx timer don't work if change system date. defect closed critical
#946 Nginx that is logging into /dev/log cannot handle change of inode of the socket defect closed minor
#2597 nginx-tests: some ssl tests fail with openssl 3.2.0 defect closed minor
#541 nginx-tests: proxy_unfinished.t test 'no proxy temp' does not work defect closed minor
#1671 nginx-tests fail in docker container defect closed major
#1379 nginx-tests/access_log.t failed Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…> defect closed minor
#2004 nginx temp files deleting problem defect closed minor
#2417 nginx temp file Directory permissions change defect closed major
#1883 nginx -t doesn‘t complain about wrongly formatted server_name directive enhancement new minor
#1933 nginx -t does not write to set error log defect closed minor
#2372 nginx -t does not indicate potential permissions error for SSL certificates enhancement closed minor
#2187 nginx -t disrupts streamed udp traffic defect closed major
#1791 Nginx -t changing ownersip of cache path defect closed critical nginx-1.17.1
#1638 Nginx Systemd is failing to start on reboot defect closed major 1.15.4
#2163 nginx suddenly stop accepting request & returns 499 defect closed blocker
#1242 nginx stub_status exhancement enhancement new minor
#1049 nginx stream module - listen not provided defect closed minor 1.11
#278 Nginx stops processes after reload procedure defect closed major
#2130 "nginx" stops every day itself defect closed blocker
#1900 Nginx starting more worker processes when modsec rules are enabled defect closed major
#1040 nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved defect closed minor
#2540 nginx stable 1.24 issues with cache file deletion under heavy load defect closed major
#701 nginx -s stop and -s quit hang on Yosemite defect closed major
#613 nginx+ssl crashes very often on low memory environment defect closed major
#624 Nginx SPDY module not working with Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1/ Windows Server 2012 defect closed major 1.6.2
#887 nginx skips SNI when determining protocols for SSL negotiation defect closed major
#2173 Nginx simple proxy set-up returns 400 (Bad Request) task closed minor
#1303 Nginx should respect error_page directives defect closed minor
#320 nginx should reliably check client connection close with pending data enhancement accepted minor
#494 nginx should not ignore log_format changes during reload enhancement closed minor
#719 Nginx should maintain a better default cipher suite enhancement closed minor
#1704 Nginx should have a friendly notice when config file have same port and same server_name defect closed minor
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