Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1323 nginx log folder does not have read access for group defect closed minor
#2655 Nginx Linux Package Repository key expiration defect closed major
#2380 Nginx left open proxy_temp files(deleted) defect closed critical
#753 Nginx leaves UNIX domain sockets after SIGQUIT Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect closed minor
#962 Nginx leaves old socket defect closed major
#1254 nginx leaks Basic Auth password through timing side channel when {PLAIN} method is used defect closed critical
#1735 Nginx js freezing defect closed critical
#2186 Nginx issue for only specific url defect closed critical
#2623 nginx is reporting a Status=000 on port 443 when sending large queries defect closed minor
#1399 Nginx is not using environment variables https_proxy or http_proxy defect closed blocker
#2047 nginx is not receiving cookies/header if many workers are spawned defect closed major
#204 Nginx is not compiling in pentium 3 with libatomic. somebody defect closed blocker 1.3
#2590 Nginx is not able to withstand with pwnloris DoS attack (CVE-2007-6750 and CVE-2012-5568) defect closed critical
#1572 Nginx is ignoring the charset directive for CSS files defect closed minor
#2098 nginx is actively requesting VIP access, which causes mariadb to receive a large number of error logs defect closed minor
#1659 nginx intermittent delay before sending response enhancement closed minor
#758 Nginx in FastCGI mode always returns 302 http code if location header is set defect closed major
#1008 Nginx ignores reload defect closed minor
#1471 Nginx ignores proxy_read_timeout inside location context defect closed major
#1293 nginx http proxy stops sending request data after first byte of server response is received enhancement new minor
#1680 Nginx HTTP Proxy Module enhancement closed major
#1851 nginx Http2 Push fails when Vary: Accept header set defect closed major
#1490 NGINX hold request too long, and causes timeout error. defect closed major
#1212 nginx health check for UDP defect closed major
#2383 nginx grpc have bug that when the backend grpc server repsonse over 64k will timeout(http 504) defect closed minor
#1022 Nginx graceful shutdown doesn't inform clients to close "keep-alive" connections defect closed minor
#17 nginx fail to set 'fastcgi_param PATH_INFO' (mailman+fcgicrap) somebody defect closed major
#2638 nginx fails to restart after upgrade or reinstall of RPM package via dnf defect new minor
#2339 nginx fails to process "allow" statements on subsequent keepalive requests defect closed major
#173 nginx fails to compile with SunCC on Linux somebody defect closed minor 1.2.1
#53 Nginx fails to accept new connection if active worker crashes somebody defect closed major
#834 Nginx failing to ask for PEM SSL key password defect closed minor
#483 Nginx failed with php5-fpm for new php frameworks defect closed major 1.5
#2425 Nginx failed validate config from stdin defect closed minor
#1734 nginx failed to work with openssl-1.1.1b defect closed critical nginx-1.15
#322 Nginx failed to serve SSL defect closed minor
#1742 nginx.exe filesize defect closed major nginx-1.15
#517 nginx executable hacked defect closed minor 1.4.5
#2445 Nginx event "blocking" in H2 defect closed minor
#1001 Nginx error with php socket defect closed major 1.11
#1374 Nginx error_page 499 Error report defect closed major
#1725 nginx ends up in a state where current and oldbin exist for days defect closed minor
#1988 nginx: [emerg] too long parameter, probably missing terminating "'" character defect closed blocker
#2451 nginx: [emerg] "proxy_pass" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:31 defect closed blocker
#1322 nginx: [emerg] open() "/var/run/" failed (13: Permission denied) defect closed critical
#2280 nginx: [emerg] mkdir() "/var/tmp/nginx/body" failed (2: No such file or directory) defect closed major
#429 nginx eats response header defect closed major
#614 nginx eats "%25" from URL defect closed minor
#2014 nginx dynamic configuration reload is jittery defect closed minor
#1037 NGiNX drops the body of a HTTP proxy response on Linux if proxy doesn't read all content sent to it. defect closed minor
#164 nginx dropping response body for DELETE request somebody defect closed minor
#1272 nginx don't return response body when upstream server discard request body defect closed minor
#1673 Nginx don't read upstream response in case upstream close connection. defect closed minor
#2140 nginx doesn't use the path specified by root directive as document_root in a location directive defect closed minor
#2060 Nginx doesn't take case http_502 as unsuccessful attempt in ngx_http_grpc_module defect accepted minor
#2062 Nginx doesn't support HTTP status code 417 (Expectation Failed) defect closed minor
#1724 Nginx doesn't sanitize and is inconsistent with multiple, repeated input headers enhancement closed minor
#1038 Nginx doesn't retry to start worker process when fork() error defect closed major
#552 Nginx doesn't honor net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 defect closed major
#1211 nginx doesn't forward response body to client when scgi backend doesn't read all input defect closed minor
#638 nginx doesn't follow file symlinks on Windows 7 defect closed minor
#2191 Nginx doesn't escape unsafe characters on proxying defect closed major
#2464 nginx doesn't disable stderr logging when using syslog as it does when using a log file defect closed minor
#2182 Nginx doesn't delete temp cache files after a crash enhancement new minor
#2455 nginx doesn't close http/2 connection on error '400' (redirected) defect closed minor
#782 nginx doesn't check delta CRLs enhancement reopened minor
#685 nginx doesn't build under musl due to missing 'current_salt' in 'crypt_data' struct defect closed minor
#1556 nginx doesn't build due to missing 'current_salt' in 'crypt_data' struct defect closed minor
#1655 Nginx does not use Proxy?? defect closed minor
#1696 NGINX does not update cached response of POST requests defect closed critical
#1274 nginx does not start in Windows Nano Server defect closed blocker
#2250 nginx does not response via TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 when built with OpenSSL 3.0.0 defect closed minor
#1101 nginx does not respond to SIGHUP/SIGUSR2 defect closed major
#1677 nginx does not resolve hostnames if there is no route defect closed minor
#1812 NGINX does not reply with HTTP Headers on broken request line defect closed minor
#2297 Nginx does not provide option to read the certificate chain enhancement closed minor
#2016 nginx does not percent-encode Location header properly defect closed minor
#1558 nginx does not pass metadata to grpc server defect closed minor
#112 Nginx does not obey client http version somebody defect closed major
#1866 nginx does not log error if packet exceeds http2_max_field_size defect closed minor
#961 nginx does not load modules from --modules-path defect closed minor
#1654 nginx does not honor ssl_protocols for TLSv1.3 defect closed minor
#1907 Nginx does not handle URL larger than 8K defect closed major
#1882 Nginx does not handle asterisk in OPTIONS request defect closed minor
#1605 nginx does not compile with LibreSSL 2.8.0 defect closed major
#1380 nginx does not clean up old sysvinit scripts with new version that provides systemd unit file thresh defect closed minor
#2330 nginx does not choose the right certificate (with "IP" server block) defect closed minor
#2436 Nginx does log anything anymore defect closed major
#1064 NGINX DNS CACHING problem. defect closed minor
#1976 Nginx DNS cache issue. ngx_http_core_module valid config is not working. defect closed major
#64 Nginx discards alive upstreams and returns 502 somebody defect closed minor
#1376 nginx disable client initiated renegotiation not working perfect with openssl 1.1.0c enhancement closed minor
#378 Nginx directive underscores_in_headers is not valid for the first character in a request header defect closed minor
#654 Nginx directives ignored defect closed minor
#1937 Nginx didn't update cache anymore after ngx_http_upstream_cache_background_update is failed. defect closed major nginx-1.17
#2313 Nginx deleted temporary file handles grows with time, when response buffering is enabled defect closed major
#330 nginx crashing in ngx_http_read_client_request_body defect closed minor
#2356 NGINX crashes when renewing certificates with certbot defect closed major
#2363 (nginx) crashed and dumped core defect closed critical
#1095 nginx crashed defect closed minor
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