Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (2101 - 2200 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#246 Don't install config files for unused modules Ruslan Ermilov enhancement assigned trivial
#251 Option to disable upload buffers somebody enhancement closed minor
#259 Please differentiate stable and dev versions on download.html enhancement closed minor
#260 extend `gzip_static` to accept more extensions than just `.gz` enhancement closed minor
#264 ngx_http_parse.c does'not like LFCR enhancement closed minor
#267 Introduce static variables enhancement new minor
#279 mime.types: audio/ogg for .opus files Sergey Kandaurov enhancement closed trivial
#280 Avoid writing duplicate temporary cache files enhancement closed minor
#282 Hide a ETag header with ssi on enhancement closed trivial
#283 proxy_method does not support variable dereferencing enhancement closed minor
#287 Add option to enable IP_TRANSPARENT enhancement new minor
#289 Add support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS / RFC 6797) enhancement accepted minor
#290 Secure Link Feature Request - Compatibility with RTMP module enhancement closed minor
#292 Add mime application/font-woff for `woff` fonts Sergey Kandaurov enhancement closed minor
#293 implement $limit_rate_after, similar to $limit_rate Maxim Dounin enhancement closed minor
#298 Support X-accel-redirect with webdav PUT enhancement closed minor
#307 Filename support in error_page enhancement closed minor
#308 Add more info to "C Compiler not found" enhancement closed minor
#309 Support http status code 429 for rate limiting ( enhancement closed minor
#312 Add text/css back to the default charset_types enhancement closed minor
#314 Dynamic document roots, defaults and prescedence enhancement new minor
#316 X-Accel-Redirect should accept escaped URI enhancement closed minor
#317 Allow ssl_verify_client and ssl_verify_depth within locations enhancement closed minor
#318 Change response behavior when SSL client certificate won't validate enhancement new minor
#319 koi-utf koi-win win-utf in conf are artifacts of the past enhancement reopened minor
#320 nginx should reliably check client connection close with pending data enhancement accepted minor
#323 Lack of IPv6 support for upstream in mail_auth_http_module enhancement closed minor
#327 Add support for animated GIF to HttpImageFilterModule enhancement new minor
#339 Time zone lookup needs to be cached enhancement closed major 1.5
#342 ssl hash of subject and issuer dn enhancement closed major
#354 lsapi upstream module enhancement closed minor
#355 Proxy protocol support enhancement closed minor 1.5
#359 DENY ALL ignored when using unix sockets enhancement closed minor
#360 Feature wish proxy_ignore_client_abort = force enhancement new minor
#365 $fastcgi_http_$HEADER enhancement closed minor
#366 Feature that return ssl_client_s_dn according to the RFC 2253 enhancement closed minor
#368 RFE: add a proxy_cookie_secure to override cookes to be 'Secure' enhancement closed minor
#372 gzip_static: support for .svgz files enhancement closed minor
#376 log file reopen should pass opened fd from master process enhancement accepted minor
#382 RFE - Support for bcrypt hashes enhancement closed minor
#394 gzip module doesn't handle all certain HTTP verbs/statuses enhancement reopened minor
#395 http_spdy_module not enabled when using --with-openssl=... enhancement closed minor
#400 ssl_verify_client per location basis enhancement closed minor
#405 Support for resumeable uploads enhancement new major
#407 Cache X-Accel-Redirect responses (from fastcgi) enhancement new minor
#409 Move syslog support for the ngx_http_log_module into NGINX open source enhancement closed major
#416 proxy_cache_use_stale run updating in new thread and serve stale data to ALL enhancement closed minor
#417 ngx_cache_purge enhancement new minor
#419 one-time "Deny from all"-scan in .htaccess files enhancement closed minor
#420 keepalive_disable: bingbot (to prevent DoS) enhancement closed major
#426 log entire header and cookie enhancement new minor
#430 Allow variables in userid_domain enhancement new minor
#433 Systemd PasswordAgent Support for SSL Passphrases (http_ssl_module) enhancement closed minor
#437 Add Support for SPDY/3 Valentin V. Bartenev enhancement closed major
#438 Test audit enhancement closed trivial
#439 auth_basic: username variable enhancement closed minor
#445 RPM minor upgrade should not replace nginx.conf with default enhancement closed minor
#449 New variable for SubjectAltName in the client SSL certificate enhancement closed minor
#451 Turn NGX_SSL_BUFSIZE into a configuration directive enhancement closed minor
#452 Custom ETag is not honoured by not_modified_filter module enhancement closed minor
#454 disable ngx_http_upstream_store for HEAD requests enhancement reopened minor
#456 ngx_random: random number generator initialized (srandom) to same value for all processes enhancement closed minor
#469 OpenSSL Static Locks Patch enhancement closed minor
#479 Add mimetype for XSPF enhancement closed trivial 1.5
#481 Executable missing platform security integrations enhancement closed major
#485 Multiple WWW-Authenticate headers enhancement closed minor
#488 proxy_next_upstream_action to distinguish different network actions enhancement closed minor
#494 nginx should not ignore log_format changes during reload enhancement closed minor
#498 APIs need ability to set ssl_verify_client per Location enhancement closed major
#506 Allow http error code 101 426 returned from auth_request enhancement closed minor
#513 Implementation of UDT support enhancement closed minor
#521 mp4 on ipad enhancement closed minor 1.4.5
#523 Information leak with automatic trailing slash redirect enhancement new minor
#525 Max connection limit too low (http_limit_conn_module) enhancement new minor
#531 source port logging enhancement closed major
#532 Make Nginx configs easy to understand and shorted enhancement closed major
#536 Feature request: support SPDY clients without NPN on a single port (tengine's spdy_detect) enhancement closed minor
#539 On certain kernel version epoll_release_file() hangs. Suggest manually EPOLL_CTL_DEL before close()ing enhancement closed major
#544 Limit proxy_next_upstream enhancement closed minor
#550 Add method to remove or change deafult headers. enhancement closed minor
#557 autoindex_show_hidden_files (autoindex feature option to show hidden files enhancement new minor
#558 Conditional (If-None-Match) requests against cached content require Last-Modified header enhancement closed minor
#559 improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module enhancement closed minor
#562 error_log does should support variables enhancement closed minor
#563 improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set enhancement closed minor
#567 Include a "remove" or "uninstall" section in the makefile enhancement closed minor
#574 PEM pass phrase on conftest (and restart) enhancement closed minor
#575 Only ask for a PEM pass phrase once during startup enhancement closed minor
#586 variable support for client_max_body_size enhancement new minor
#601 Proxy_pass esque directive to all endpoints in upstream block enhancement closed minor
#605 Configuration check for ngx_http_rewrite_module only enhancement closed major
#606 lower log level of ngx_http_access_module forbidden access enhancement new minor
#609 Apply xslt-html-parser patch to http_xslt_module (used by Diazo) enhancement new minor
#615 Ability to specify different SSL certificate based on negotiated cipher suites and tls versions enhancement closed minor
#617 Add secondary groups configuration option in nginx user conf directive enhancement new minor
#619 Qualys SSL Forward Secrecy validation test pass enhancement closed minor
#627 include ngx_http_realip_module module into the default package distribution enhancement closed minor
#631 server_names_hash_bucket_size seems too low by default enhancement closed minor
#632 option to send the access log to stdout enhancement new minor
#640 enable usage of $ in variable enhancement new major
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