Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (2201 - 2300 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#641 Support auth_basic inside if statements enhancement closed minor
#2434 Support dark mode in error pages enhancement new minor
#482 supported linux packages inconsistent sb task closed minor
#2275 Support Encrypted Client Hello enhancement new minor
#101 Support ETag/If-None-Match when proxy_http_version is 1.1 somebody enhancement closed minor
#1540 Support for '-' (dash) in syslog TAG field defect closed minor
#760 Support for HTTP/2 enhancement closed blocker 1.9
#239 Support for large (> 64k) FastCGI requests somebody enhancement accepted minor
#775 Support for more complex satisfy configurations enhancement new minor
#814 Support for parallel ECDSA / RSA certificates enhancement closed minor
#2519 Support for QUIC and HTTP3 defect closed major
#2677 Support for resumable uploads defect new minor
#405 Support for resumeable uploads enhancement new major
#790 Support for send log with GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) enhancement new minor
#863 Support for serving any directory as a low priviliged user enhancement closed minor
#993 support for X25519 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect closed major
#877 Support HTTP 308 in return and error_page directives enhancement closed minor
#1093 Support http_429 in *_cache_use_stale enhancement closed minor
#309 Support http status code 429 for rate limiting ( enhancement closed minor
#2509 Support IPv6 interface identifiers outside of URLs enhancement new minor
#1422 Support IPv6 zone identifiers in URLs, e.g. for proxy_pass enhancement new minor
#1068 Support JSON log format enhancement closed minor
#1624 support json return type in stub_status enhancement new minor
#1893 Support Linux abstract namespace socket? enhancement new minor
#73 Support logging to external process (pipe) in HttpLogModule somebody enhancement closed trivial
#2547 Support Partitioned Cookies for load balancing according to CHIPS enhancement new minor
#2349 Support range requests in requests served via gzip_static enhancement closed minor
#2351 Support reading file ETag from additional sources enhancement new minor
#2284 Support RFC5424 log records enhancement new major
#2546 Support RFC 8879: certificate compression enhancement new minor
#2218 Support RTMPS with non-standard ports enhancement closed minor
#1951 support stream tls termination protocol detection enhancement closed major
#2414 support unknown variables when it is only used in log format enhancement closed minor
#298 Support X-accel-redirect with webdav PUT enhancement closed minor
#711 Support X-Forwarded-Proto or similar when operating as a backend behind a SSL terminator enhancement new minor
#1059 syntax check error when an upstream is used in proxy_pass using both http and https and is defined after defect new minor
#133 Syntax error in pre-rm script of ubuntu package somebody defect closed minor
#1477 Syslog stops working after few hours defect closed major
#783 syslog tag not properly included when writing to unix socket defect closed major
#1790 syslog to localhost failure (potential IPv6 confusion) defect closed minor
#1248 syslog UDP sockets growing until 28230 connections. defect closed minor
#1087 System crashes that were solved by increasing server_names_hash_max_size defect closed major
#1952 systemd[1]: nginx.service: Failed to parse PID from file /run/ Invalid argument defect closed minor
#1897 Systemd is unable to read pidfile after nginx start-up due to a race-condition defect closed minor
#433 Systemd PasswordAgent Support for SSL Passphrases (http_ssl_module) enhancement closed minor
#1567 SystemD reload swallows error messages defect closed minor
#737 systemd service unit file ignores sysconfig environment variables enhancement closed trivial
#960 TCP connection re-use without upstream conf enhancement new major
#1291 TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx defect closed minor 1.13
#1270 TCP RST with SSL and HTTP Connection:close header defect closed minor
#1456 .tech domain location problem defect closed minor
#537 TE hop header not stripped when proxying defect closed minor
#526 test defect closed minor
#1497 test defect closed minor
#438 Test audit enhancement closed trivial
#1619 test configuration ignoring certificates andkkeys enhancement new minor
#1231 Testconfig using filename doesn't test includes defect closed major
#1400 test the configuration file failed in v1.12.2, but not in v1.12.1 defect closed major
#1927 test ticket defect closed minor
#937 Test ticket, please ignore defect closed minor
#1820 text/x-gwt-rpc post failing sometimes defect closed major
#761 The auth_request does not supports query string/arguments enhancement new minor
#2490 the backup upstream response inherits the response value of the previous upstream that failed. defect new minor
#1771 the buffer used to send PROXY protocol header to upstream do not reused in stream module defect closed trivial
#379 the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c defect closed major 1.5
#2092 The description about directive "proxy_redirect" is not clear. enhancement closed minor
#2091 The description of directive "index" is inaccurate. enhancement closed minor
#1948 The directive 'ssl_protocols' is invalid ? defect closed minor
#836 the file existence check fails if permission is denied defect closed minor
#2656 The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG ABF5BD827BD9BF62 nginx signing key <> defect new blocker
#2213 The get_handler of ngx_http_variable_t is overwritten by ngx_http_regex_compile if existing defect new major
#203 The gzip module doesn't produce a useful error on wrong syntax somebody defect closed minor
#957 the "http2" parameter requires ngx_http_v2_module defect closed minor
#86 the "if" directive have problems in location context somebody defect accepted minor
#2392 The limit_except directive's description is opaque defect closed minor
#2214 The NGX_CHANGEBIN_SIGNAL-induced restart does not preserve the original environment variables defect closed minor
#1872 The official nginx-module-njs-dbg deb package lacks debuginfo for the 'njs' executable Andrei Belov defect closed minor
#2270 The packages repo is missing newer releases defect closed major
#995 The probable error in ngx_conf_parse (ngx_palloc?) implementation defect closed critical
#92 The Proxy module doesn't support IPv6 back-ends Ruslan Ermilov enhancement closed minor 1.3
#2082 The relationship between directive "connection_pool_size" and "large_client_header_buffers" is not recorded. enhancement closed minor
#2085 The relationship between directive "fastcgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement closed minor
#2086 The relationship between directive "proxy_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement closed minor
#2087 The relationship between directive "scgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement closed minor
#2088 The relationship between directive "uwsgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement closed minor
#504 the resourcenot release in time when file be truncated defect closed minor
#2081 The restriction on directive "alias" is not complete. enhancement closed minor
#2083 The restriction on directive "fastcgi_buffers" is not complete. enhancement closed minor
#2084 The restriction on directive "proxy_buffers" is not complete. enhancement closed minor
#137 The "test configuration"/" -t " option does not check files included from "sites-available" somebody defect closed major
#2468 The value of variable `$http_host` will not fallback to the value of `:authority` pseudo-header when the client not providing the request header `Host` defect closed minor nginx-1.23.4
#1419 The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How should I do? defect closed minor 1.13
#75 Thousand separators in autoindex pages somebody enhancement closed minor
#2105 thread_pools with variable $server_name defect closed minor
#2064 $time_iso8601 not set or invalid value? defect closed minor
#2353 timeout parameters do not work at location level defect closed minor
#189 timeouts break when time changes somebody defect closed minor
#1484 Timeouts when proxying to Apache and using Keepalive defect closed major
#2208 time to add something like a SSLCertificateChainFile config option enhancement closed minor
#905 TIME_WAIT on return 444 enhancement closed minor
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