Custom Query (334 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 334)

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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#52 urlencode/urldecode needed in rewrite and other places accepted somebody enhancement minor
#55 Неправильно определяется версия Opera accepted somebody defect trivial
#86 the "if" directive have problems in location context accepted somebody defect minor
#97 try_files and alias problems accepted somebody defect minor
#165 Nginx worker processes don't seem to have the right group permissions accepted somebody enhancement minor
#191 literal newlines logged in error log accepted somebody defect minor
#217 Wrong "Content-Type" HTTP response header in certain configuration scenarios accepted somebody defect minor
#239 Support for large (> 64k) FastCGI requests accepted somebody enhancement minor
#242 DAV module does not respect if-unmodified-since accepted somebody defect minor
#289 Add support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS / RFC 6797) accepted enhancement minor
#320 nginx should reliably check client connection close with pending data accepted enhancement minor
#348 Excessive urlencode in if-set accepted defect minor
#376 log file reopen should pass opened fd from master process accepted enhancement minor
#384 trailing dot in server_name accepted defect minor
#564 map regex matching affects rewrite directive accepted defect minor
#712 limit_conn and internal redirects accepted defect trivial
#752 try_files + subrequest + proxy-handler problem accepted defect minor
#756 Client disconnect in ngx_http_image_filter_module accepted defect minor
#774 modern_browser // gecko version overwrites msie version accepted defect minor
#853 Поведение cache_use_stale updating если новые ответы нельзя кешировать accepted enhancement minor
#861 Possibility of Inconsistent HPACK Dynamic Table Size in HTTP/2 Implementation accepted defect minor
#994 perl_require directive has effect only at first config accepted defect minor
#1058 недокументированный редирект? accepted defect minor
#1238 Core dump when $limit_rate is set both in a map and in a location accepted defect minor
#1383 Error if using proxy_pass with variable and limit_except accepted defect minor
#1459 Can't vary on request headers set by proxy_set_header (rev. proxy mode) accepted enhancement minor
#1463 Build in --builddir throws error on nginx.h accepted defect blocker
#1467 Problem of location matching with a given request accepted Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor
#1472 Downloads stop after 1GB depending of network accepted enhancement minor
#1500 ngx_hash_t can have only lower case key accepted makkarparteek@… enhancement minor
#1598 Windows Path Length Limitation issue accepted defect minor
#1607 mirror + limit_req = writing connections accepted defect minor
#1850 Content of the variable $sent_http_connection is incorrect accepted defect minor
#1904 sendfile with io-threads - nginx mistakenly considers premature client connection close if client sends FIN at response end accepted defect minor
#1958 `modern_browser` definition for Safari version is wrong/unexpected accepted defect minor
#1965 $request_time less than $upstream_response_time accepted defect minor
#2012 Wrong header Connection, when keepalive is disabled accepted defect minor
#2060 Nginx doesn't take case http_502 as unsuccessful attempt in ngx_http_grpc_module accepted defect minor
#2109 Content-Type header is dropped when HTTP2 is used( HTTP status 204 only) accepted defect minor
#2127 ngx_http_realip_module changes $remote_addr which leads to wrong ips in X-Forwarded-For received by upstream service accepted anveshagarwal@… defect minor
#2148 proxy_ssl_verify does not support iPAddress subjectAlternativeName accepted gavriluk@… enhancement minor
#2242 DNS UDP proxy with UNIX socket is not working accepted defect minor
#2268 http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 bad request error accepted defect minor
#2291 Regex plus variable in Nginx `proxy_redirect` accepted defect minor
#2310 Document behaviour for all config statements in nested location blocks accepted taladar@… defect minor
#2410 Add a doctype to autoindex HTML output accepted enhancement minor
#2421 proxy_next_upstream_tries might be ignored with upstream keepalive accepted enhancement minor
#2438 Improve fastcgi_cache_key documentation accepted task minor
#2441 pkg-oss - build error accepted defect minor
#2530 ACK of packet containing PATH_RESPONSE frame can't update rtt state accepted defect minor
#2667 Ubuntu repository documentation: keyring may need permissions set accepted defect minor
#246 Don't install config files for unused modules assigned Ruslan Ermilov enhancement trivial
#772 No Vary header on 304 Response. assigned Maxim Dounin defect minor
#1082 rpmlint issues centos7 assigned thresh enhancement minor
#1879 RHEL / CentOS 8 repository assigned thresh enhancement minor
#2048 Document that 'proxy_buffering off' disables caching assigned Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor
#68 Include larger speed units for HttpLimitReqModule new somebody enhancement major
#88 HttpRewriteModule - Feature Request - enhanced control structures new somebody enhancement minor
#129 include_shell directive new somebody enhancement minor
#146 Age header for proxy_http_version 1.1 new somebody enhancement minor
#220 Feature Request - Per-server proxy_connect_timeout new somebody enhancement minor
#221 Feature Request - X-Accel header to singal if another upstream server should be attempted or not new somebody enhancement minor
#224 Args Delimiter new somebody enhancement major
#225 Please support nested if statements with SSI new somebody enhancement minor
#241 Ability to align cropped images in image_filter new somebody enhancement trivial
#267 Introduce static variables new enhancement minor
#287 Add option to enable IP_TRANSPARENT new enhancement minor
#288 Wrong REQUEST_URI when using PHP with SSI new defect minor
#314 Dynamic document roots, defaults and prescedence new enhancement minor
#318 Change response behavior when SSL client certificate won't validate new enhancement minor
#327 Add support for animated GIF to HttpImageFilterModule new enhancement minor
#360 Feature wish proxy_ignore_client_abort = force new enhancement minor
#405 Support for resumeable uploads new enhancement major
#407 Cache X-Accel-Redirect responses (from fastcgi) new enhancement minor
#417 ngx_cache_purge new enhancement minor
#426 log entire header and cookie new enhancement minor
#430 Allow variables in userid_domain new enhancement minor
#508 nginx rewrite URL decoding first encoded character in URI new defect major
#523 Information leak with automatic trailing slash redirect new enhancement minor
#525 Max connection limit too low (http_limit_conn_module) new enhancement minor
#557 autoindex_show_hidden_files (autoindex feature option to show hidden files new enhancement minor
#586 variable support for client_max_body_size new enhancement minor
#606 lower log level of ngx_http_access_module forbidden access new enhancement minor
#609 Apply xslt-html-parser patch to http_xslt_module (used by Diazo) new christopher@… enhancement minor
#617 Add secondary groups configuration option in nginx user conf directive new enhancement minor
#632 option to send the access log to stdout new enhancement minor
#633 limit_except causes 404 new defect minor
#640 enable usage of $ in variable new enhancement major
#658 Implement new type of "resolver" -- "system" [for Docker usage] new enhancement minor
#689 ngx_http_referer_module issue new enhancement major
#692 Introduce variable to get SSL cipher bits of current connection new enhancement minor
#697 Couldn't produce multiple error log items from FastCGI new enhancement minor
#704 Nginx configure script can't detect groups reliably new defect minor
#711 Support X-Forwarded-Proto or similar when operating as a backend behind a SSL terminator new enhancement minor
#738 Describe how to extend mime.types in types docs new defect minor
#761 The auth_request does not supports query string/arguments new enhancement minor
#770 Enable PolarSSL or Botan as a compile-time alternative to OpenSSL new enhancement minor
#775 Support for more complex satisfy configurations new enhancement minor
#778 Immediatley expire cached responses new enhancement minor
#781 Documentation not clear on auth_basic_user_file new task minor
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.