Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 2310)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#393 Rewrite defect minor nginx-module
#395 http_spdy_module not enabled when using --with-openssl=... enhancement minor nginx-core
#396 Chrome <--> nginx SPDY/2 misunderstanding defect minor 1.5.3 nginx-core
#397 nginx repomd.xml 404 Not Found defect major nginx-package
#398 a bug about config file test defect minor nginx-core
#399 disable_symlinks return always 403 defect major nginx-core
#400 ssl_verify_client per location basis enhancement minor nginx-module
#401 Config reverse proxy used 'localhost' will cause 'upstream time out' error defect minor nginx-core
#402 PHP not working on Nginx defect major nginx-package
#403 SPDY: image requests to same host but different domain very slow defect major nginx-core
#404 while loging errors, nginx does not interpolate ${host} defect major nginx-module
#406 Auth request module fails certain requests (http status 415) defect minor nginx-module
#408 capture in if - escaping depends on location bug defect minor nginx-core
#409 Move syslog support for the ngx_http_log_module into NGINX open source enhancement major nginx-module
#410 Valgrind falsepositive with ngx_string length 0 defect minor nginx-core
#411 misallocation with ngx_mail_smtp_module at STARTTLS defect minor nginx-core
#412 misallocation with ngx_crypt with apr1 defect minor nginx-core
#413 Extra roundtrip during SSL handshake with long certificate chains defect major nginx-core
#414 Ошибка 500 при использовании seek для файлов с mp4s stream defect minor nginx-module
#415 auto/unix syntax errors with /bin/sh lines defect minor nginx-core
#416 proxy_cache_use_stale run updating in new thread and serve stale data to ALL enhancement minor nginx-core
#418 memcached module returns a code 000 instead of the code 200 defect major nginx-module
#419 one-time "Deny from all"-scan in .htaccess files enhancement minor nginx-core
#420 keepalive_disable: bingbot (to prevent DoS) enhancement major nginx-core
#421 nginx plus 1.5.3 mp4 module cannot seek defect minor nginx-module
#422 compilation bug: changing #include header order changes sizeof(ngx_http_request_s) defect minor nginx-core
#423 compilation bug: changing #include header order changes sizeof(ngx_http_request_s) defect minor nginx-core
#424 PID file race condition defect major nginx-core
#425 ocsp stapling may send expired response defect minor nginx-core
#427 $upstream_addr prints upstream name instead of real server IP defect minor nginx-core
#429 nginx eats response header defect major nginx-core
#431 directory redirect ex: try_files $uri $uri/ @backend; defect minor nginx-core
#432 Source code release date is incorrect on install instructions (web) defect minor other
#433 Systemd PasswordAgent Support for SSL Passphrases (http_ssl_module) enhancement minor nginx-module
#434 try_files not honored when in location and if + rewrite defect major nginx-core
#435 Не оптимальная работа proxy_store defect minor nginx-core
#436 After authentication with auth I get a 401 timeut on socket proxy defect minor nginx-core
#438 Test audit enhancement trivial private
#439 auth_basic: username variable enhancement minor nginx-module
#440 Nginx write content to client instead of 504 when fastcgi timeout expired in configuration defect minor nginx-core
#441 "Как предотвратить обработку запросов без имени сервера" - не работает defect minor nginx-module
#442 proxy defect minor nginx-core
#443 Checking for PCRE JIT support always successful defect minor nginx-core
#444 SSL error with Internet explorer clients defect minor nginx-core
#445 RPM minor upgrade should not replace nginx.conf with default enhancement minor nginx-package
#446 Can't register on Nginx forum or mailing list! defect blocker other
#447 X-Forwarded-For header incorrect sometimes when using nginx as proxy defect minor nginx-core
#448 merge_slashes off doesn't work inside server context defect minor other
#449 New variable for SubjectAltName in the client SSL certificate enhancement minor nginx-module
#450 memory leak in src/os/win32/ngx_files.c. defect major nginx-core
#451 Turn NGX_SSL_BUFSIZE into a configuration directive enhancement minor nginx-core
#452 Custom ETag is not honoured by not_modified_filter module enhancement minor nginx-core
#453 Modules are initialized twice in single-process mode for Win32 defect minor nginx-core
#455 nginx makes it hard to configure ipv4/6 default cases in listen statement defect minor nginx-core
#456 ngx_random: random number generator initialized (srandom) to same value for all processes enhancement minor nginx-core
#457 Win32: ngx_utf8_to_utf16 doesn't allow file names outside U+FFFF defect minor nginx-core
#458 Win32: autoindex module doesn't support Unicode names defect minor nginx-core
#459 HTTP 304 NOT MODIFIED should not set Content-Length defect minor nginx-core
#460 Clang reports use-after-free in core/ngx_resolver.c task minor nginx-core
#461 Client: OpenSSL SSLv2 options set even with SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 defect minor nginx-core
#462 Server: OpenSSL Safari Workaround (SSL_OP_SAFARI_ECDHE_ECDSA_BUG) defect minor nginx-core
#463 Server: OpenSSL options for modern OpenSSL defect minor nginx-core
#464 ngx_http_ssl_module and ssl_ciphers (use of RC4) defect major nginx-core
#465 OCSP stapling fails to query StartCom's OCSP responder in HTTP 1.1 defect minor nginx-module
#466 Sample nginx.con includes SSLv2, lacks TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols defect major nginx-core
#467 Transfer-Encoding: chunked и proxy_pass defect major nginx-core
#468 X509_NAME_oneline and strings defect minor nginx-core
#469 OpenSSL Static Locks Patch enhancement minor nginx-core
#470 http_mp4_module is not seeking defect major nginx-core
#471 GZIP does not compress 201 Created Responses defect major nginx-module
#472 ssl_client_verify fails in Safari defect major nginx-module
#473 proxy_cache_revalidate does not distinguish through the cache key defect minor nginx-module
#474 in a vhost,hostname can not be "res" defect minor nginx-core
#476 ignoring stale global SSL error defect minor nginx-core
#477 gunzip does not decompress gzip static content for clients that do not support gzip encoding defect minor nginx-module
#478 open_file_cache doesn't invalidate cache entries when it should defect minor nginx-core
#479 Add mimetype for XSPF enhancement trivial 1.5 nginx-core
#480 Unsigned Integers Mishandled defect major nginx-core
#481 Executable missing platform security integrations enhancement major nginx-core
#483 Nginx failed with php5-fpm for new php frameworks defect major 1.5 nginx-module
#484 Core module fails to resolve AAAA records defect minor nginx-core
#485 Multiple WWW-Authenticate headers enhancement minor nginx-core
#486 ngx_http_upstream module lack the check of broken peer connection before using it defect minor nginx-module
#487 Connection problems after multiple reloads. defect major nginx-core
#488 proxy_next_upstream_action to distinguish different network actions enhancement minor nginx-module
#489 Segfault in ngx_log_error_core under load defect major nginx-core
#490 ngx_reset_pool() memory wastage defect minor nginx-core
#491 performance issue on same url defect minor 1.5 nginx-core
#492 location-specific charset not respected defect minor nginx-core
#493 nginx always sends 100-continue instead of delegating that responsibility to upstream server defect major nginx-core
#494 nginx should not ignore log_format changes during reload enhancement minor nginx-core
#495 error_page 497 handling resulting in 504 error doesn't use configured 504 error page defect minor nginx-module
#496 Windows upstream 60 proxy_pass timeout defect major nginx-module
#497 X-Accel-Redirect problem with proxy_pass and proxy_set_heder defect major nginx-core
#498 APIs need ability to set ssl_verify_client per Location enhancement major nginx-core
#499 WebSocket will not connect from iOS Safari if ssl_verify_client is set to "optional" defect major nginx-core
#500 nginx segfaults on Solaris 11.1 x86 when compiled with -m64 defect minor nginx-core
#501 Incorrect Host HTTP header when using upstream element in location defect major nginx-core
#502 Problems with serving content on 1.4.4 defect major nginx-core
#504 the resourcenot release in time when file be truncated defect minor nginx-core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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