Custom Query (312 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 312)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1924 10GB localhost download stalls defect major nginx-core
#1077 [1.11.4_1] error_log location not respected defect minor nginx-core
#161 1.2.0 compilation fails on Lion somebody defect major nginx-core
#878 1.8.0 - segfault on debian jessie defect major nginx-core
#1019 400 Bad request error on Edge Browser defect critical nginx-module
#1468 408 generated during active transfer to upstream defect minor other
#2408 413 error_page directive in server or location context returns default 413 error page when using HTTP/2 defect minor nginx-module
#1526 Absolute redirect auto-triggered by location does not include port from Host header defect minor other
#2147 Accessing of my devices using your server mallicioua criminal defect minor documentation
#747 access_log defined with a prefixing variable is concatenated with prefix defect minor nginx-module
#2168 Add application/wasm -- Recently approved by IANA enhancement minor other
#2177 Add audio/opus to mime.types enhancement minor nginx-core
#2442 add_header unsanitized defect minor nginx-module
#2327 Adding cross-domain configuration in HTTP2 is invalid defect critical nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#1839 Add new config/option for OpenSSL 1.1.1 / TLS 1.3 defect major nginx-1.17 other
#1612 Add Stric SNI supprot enhancement minor nginx-1.15 nginx-module
#672 Age header support enhancement minor nginx-core
#1011 Allow changing 'Server' header in HTTP/2 enhancement minor nginx-core
#1012 Allow changing 'Server' header in HTTP/2 enhancement minor nginx-core
#1875 allow configuring upstreams as HTTP2 to prevent high latency for SSL connects enhancement minor nginx-1.17 nginx-module
#1537 Allow for test_types_buffer_size to be set in server configuration enhancement minor nginx-core
#1129 Allow overriding/clearing Server HTTP response header defect minor 1.11 nginx-core
#1150 Apache2 http/2 as reverse proxy for nginx with iOS 10 devices defect critical 1.11.7 nginx-core
#498 APIs need ability to set ssl_verify_client per Location enhancement major nginx-core
#2447 A segment error occurred in ngx_http_variable_headers_internal defect minor documentation
#2175 autoindex is not compatible with utf-8 characters (1.20.0) defect minor nginx-module
#1802 Bad response for request with large cookie via http2 defect critical unit-1.10 nginx-core
#1596 $body_bytes_sent larger than acutual body size when chunked enabled defect minor other
#1581 Build issue in GCC defect minor nginx-core
#2069 build_module dnf install error nothing provides nginx-r1.18.0 needed error defect minor nginx-core
#2202 error cd: pkg-oss/rpm/SPECS: No such file or directory defect minor documentation
#2203 error cd: pkg-oss/rpm/SPECS: No such file or directory task minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2366 build on other glibc-based platforms e.g. GNU/kFreeBSD defect minor nginx-core
#1862 Cache-Control:no-store should remove entry from cache (with proxy_cache_background_update+proxy_cache_use_stale) defect minor other
#929 Cannot get cookies that contain dash in their name defect minor nginx-module
#1967 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect major nginx-core
#1968 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect major nginx-core
#127 Can't compile the newest nginx Mac OS X Lion somebody defect major nginx-core
#2036 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2037 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2038 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2039 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2040 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2041 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2042 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#1187 Can't Restart NginX Due to Socket Permissions defect major nginx-core
#408 capture in if - escaping depends on location bug defect minor nginx-core
#1670 Chipers list order not respected for TLS 1.3 defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#695 Client connection hangs when responding to error_page 497 with 444 defect minor nginx-core
#1758 CLI test configuration does not detect error within index directive defect minor nginx-package
#1611 Compile error (Werror=incompatible-pointer-types) with LibreSSL 2.8.0 defect minor other
#2011 confusing stderr message 'could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log"' even if not using default error_log location defect minor nginx-core
#1854 Connection Reset due to "unexpected range in slice response" error defect major other
#1828 Cookies with 2-digit years in their expires value defect minor other
#2340 decoded percent-encoded values written to logfiles defect minor nginx-core
#1137 Default cipherlist contains HTTP/2 blacklisted ciphers (in first position) defect minor nginx-core
#272 deflateInit2() failed: -2 while logging request defect minor nginx-core
#2584 Deny IP doesn't work when behind multiple proxies. defect minor nginx-module
#2015 Directive 'ssl_protocols' doesn't work on server blocks defect minor nginx-core
#2149 disable access forbidden by rule in error_log defect minor nginx-core
#935 Disable SSL3 by default task minor nginx-core
#2563 Does not respect cache-control when using proxy_cache_use_stale updating defect minor documentation
#963 Double escaping of URI variable in IF statement defect major nginx-core
#1141 duplicate "60394" address and port pair in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf defect critical nginx-core
#1762 Duplicated headers not being passed to backend proxy defect minor other
#919 duplicate Vary: Accept-Encoding header defect minor nginx-module
#1827 Enabling http2 for one server block enables it for all defect minor nginx-module
#176 Error handling fallback with variables when using try_files in a location with an alias somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2393 Error log created and opened even when overwritten in config defect minor nginx-core
#2420 error_page directive has no effect on 408 defect minor nginx-core
#1647 Evaluation of multiple regexes brakes back references defect major nginx-core
#2100 Expires directive does not allow to add immutable variable to Cache-Control header enhancement minor nginx-core
#1428 Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable enhancement minor nginx-core
#1961 Extend gzip_static module to handle more accept-encodings enhancement minor nginx-module
#509 fastcgi_split_path_info Unsetting $fastcgi_path_info with Try_Files defect minor nginx-core
#2190 Feature request: ssl_prefer_server_ciphers exception option for TLSv1.3? enhancement trivial nginx-core
#1999 Fix webdav unable to rename folders and create folders defect critical nginx-module
#2413 func ngx_parse_inet6_url() can not set ipv6 connection local address defect minor nginx-core
#1853 grpc_pass not parsing set variables defect critical nginx-module
#1507 gzip in if + proxy_pass doesn't work defect minor nginx-core
#1569 gzip_static always does not work with try_files when no uncompressed file defect minor other
#1620 gzip_static not work with index file defect minor nginx-module
#1621 gzip_static not work with index file defect minor nginx-module
#1622 gzip_static not work with index file defect minor nginx-module
#1204 "gzip_vary" will add a duplicate Vary header if a PHP page also adds a Vary header defect major nginx-core
#906 Header duplicated in case of NGINX and NodeJS defect major nginx-core
#333 Headerless GET reply with un-escaped URLs containing ' H' defect minor nginx-core
#358 HEAD request with Accept-Encoding: gzip returns a response body defect minor nginx-core
#2078 Hop-specific HTTP headers (e.g. Upgrade) from origin server being forwarded by proxy module defect minor nginx-module
#1749 HTTP/2 broken connection on requests with URI > 5k defect minor other
#851 HTTP/2 connection abort in Firefox defect minor documentation
#2007 HTTP2 directive from one "server" passed to another defect minor documentation
#1441 HTTP/2 not good for okhttp defect critical other
#979 http2 on 1.9.15 and 1.10.0 (works ok on 1.9.14) defect minor nginx-core
#840 HTTP2 over plaintext (port 80) returns a file download containing gibberish defect major nginx-core
#828 HTTP2 POST requests seg faulting defect major 1.9 nginx-module
#1910 http2_push not pushing the file defect minor nginx-module
#2502 HTTP2 with non SSL causing downgrade to HTTP0.9 for HTTP1.0/HTTP1.1 clients defect minor nginx-module
#1561 HTTP/2 without SSL not working defect minor nginx-core
#2551 HTTP3 Reverse Proxy does not pass on Host Header defect minor http/3
1 2 3 4
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