Custom Query (530 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 530)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2162 Detected socket leaks after restarting worker processes defect minor nginx-core
#2255 different declaration and impementation defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#431 directory redirect ex: try_files $uri $uri/ @backend; defect minor nginx-core
#107 disable_symlinks somebody defect critical nginx-core
#2277 Docker Image for v1.21.4 missing on Docker Hub thresh defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-package
#177 docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected Ruslan Ermilov defect minor other
#2272 Docs for mp4_start_key_frame directive is missing Yaroslav Zhuravlev enhancement minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#1693 Documentation bug: Redirects without localization end up insecure defect minor other
#1684 documentation for ngx_http_geo_module is inconsistent with the module's behavior when the server is accessed through a unix domain socket defect minor nginx-module
#708 Documentation improvement: SSL chain verification with SNI support enhancement minor documentation
#1615 documentation: include is not allowed inside if defect minor nginx-core
#2002 Documentation: NGINX Open Source Alpine installation documentation uses apt-get for Step 4 rather than apk Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor documentation
#2348 documentation uses incorrect quotes results in config file error defect minor documentation
#1158 Document volatile parameter for map module enhancement minor 1.11 documentation
#138 Does ngx_mutex_init have an error? somebody defect minor other
#1000 Domain-relative redirects doesn't work, they are absolute instead Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor other
#2079 Empty path in URL defect minor nginx-core
#236 Enabling Stapling causes Segmentation Fault somebody defect major nginx-core
#190 Error 337 (net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR) (spdy-48 and nginx 1.3.3) Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor other
#1865 error: cast between incompatible function types from 'FARPROC' on MinGW defect minor other
#561 error in init.d script in Centos RPM defect minor nginx-package
#2024 Error log contains "unexpected response for" when resolver is called defect minor nginx-core
#1722 Error log of proxy buffer size for cache key looks weird defect trivial nginx-module
#953 Error on logrotate when Nginx is stopped defect minor nginx-package
#274 error_page 400 =444 /; утекают сокеты defect minor nginx-core
#377 etag не отдается с gzip defect trivial nginx-module
#964 Expires header incorrectly prioritised over Cache-Control: max-age defect minor nginx-core
#32 expires header not set correctly using '@' format Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#413 Extra roundtrip during SSL handshake with long certificate chains defect major nginx-core
#1557 Extra spaces should not cause nginx error defect minor other
#84 failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) while sending mp4 to client somebody defect minor nginx-module
#1539 Failed to configure with clang if installed CUDA Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect major other
#366 Feature that return ssl_client_s_dn according to the RFC 2253 enhancement minor nginx-module
#25 fix ngx_utf8_decode(): it did not fully decode utf-8 symbol somebody defect minor nginx-core
#967 Force secure bit on cookies when site running under SSL enhancement minor documentation
#734 FYI off-by-one while processing request header (low/no impact?). defect trivial nginx-core
#250 GeoIPv6 patch merge Ruslan Ermilov task minor nginx-module
#2176 Get only 200 responses when "if_modified_since" is set to "off" defect minor documentation
#1057 Google QUIC - statement enhancement major other
#1003 Growing amount of active connections with http/2 defect minor nginx-core
#1792 grpc module handles RST_STREAM(NO_ERROR) improperly on closed streams defect minor nginx-module
#1797 grpc module handles WINDOW_UPDATE improperly on closed streams defect minor other
#1519 grpc_pass causes grpc TCP reset when streaming a lot of data (with default gprc_buffer_size) Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-module
#2229 Grpc Upstream timeout defect minor documentation
#1826 Gzip deflate broken in some cases defect major nginx-core
#1720 gzip module documentation does not warn about BREACH Yaroslav Zhuravlev enhancement minor documentation
#171 $gzip_ratio ratio needs documentation vl enhancement trivial other
#662 Handle SSL_R_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK like the other handshake failures enhancement minor nginx-core
#776 Hang after NGX_AGAIN defect minor nginx-core
#821 Header "Expires" and "Cache-Control" is not sent for random requests when using "expires" directive defect major nginx-core
#261 HEAD requests still have content-type when gzip on Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-module
#282 Hide a ETag header with ssi on enhancement trivial nginx-module
#1143 http2 and auth_request corrupts first 32 bytes of POST request bodies longer than 8192 bytes defect major nginx-core
#1397 HTTP/2 broken in popular Android libraries with nginx v. 1.13.6 defect critical nginx-core
#848 HTTP2 domain redirect error with ssl_verify_client Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-module
#1544 http/2 downloads broken during reload defect major other
#1549 HTTP2 push does not work due to incorrect scheme in proxy_protocol mode Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor other
#2431 HTTP3: Clang reports heap-use-after-free in ngx_http_v3_insert src/http/v3/ngx_http_v3_table.c:231 defect minor documentation
#2374 HTTP3 sent too much body data to upstream when use POST request Roman Arutyunyan defect minor http/3
#100 http_geoip_module should support requests from proxies Ruslan Ermilov enhancement minor nginx-module
#76 HttpLimitReq not working somebody defect minor nginx-module
#475 http_mp4_module seeking problem: "start time is out mp4 stts samples" Roman Arutyunyan defect minor nginx-module
#350 http proxy module: wrong Content-Length shared between main request and subrequests defect minor nginx-module
#2 HttpRealIpModule only seems to work with one trusted proxy, you can't build a list of trusted proxies as only the first one will work Ruslan Ermilov enhancement minor nginx-module
#2403 http request has no response, the configure with 'master_process off and listen reuseport' defect minor documentation
#554 serves * ssl certificate defect minor other
#1316 $http_ variables only contain the first field-value defect minor nginx-core
#2104 I encountered an error when compiling nginx-quic. defect minor nginx-package
#79 if-modified-since etc. should be used to update cache somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#159 Implement fcgi_buffering option somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#1170 implement keepalive timeout for upstream enhancement minor nginx-module
#293 implement $limit_rate_after, similar to $limit_rate Maxim Dounin enhancement minor nginx-core
#635 include directive not allowed within upstream context defect minor nginx-core
#1430 Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using proxy_cache_background_update defect minor nginx-module
#196 Inconsistent behavior on uri's with unencoded spaces followed by H somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1178 Inconsistent PID file paths cause systemctl timeout thresh defect minor nginx-package
#12 incorrect dependency for nginx app templates for debian 6.0 and 5.0 somebody defect blocker nginx-package
#187 incorrect handling of bind option on wildcard listen addresses somebody defect minor nginx-core
#135 Incorrect http filename (string problem) Ruslan Ermilov defect blocker nginx-core
#21 Incorrectly caching pages with non-cacheable Cache-Control headers somebody defect major nginx-core
#1 Incorrect parsing of IPv6 literal in Host header somebody defect minor nginx-core
#739 init script for newrelic agent fails to find running daemon defect minor other
#2180 Installation instructions fail on Ubuntu 16.04 thresh defect minor documentation
#2303 Installation instructions for Ubuntu refer to non-existent package thresh defect minor documentation
#5 Installation script fails on ArchLinux with Linux 3.0 kernel somebody defect minor nginx-core
#29 Install something like Orphus to catch typos on the nginx website somebody enhancement minor other
#855 Invalid detection of unix sockets in configuration files defect blocker nginx-core
#44 IPv6 support for HTTP realip module Ruslan Ermilov enhancement minor nginx-module
#1102 keepalive_requests is not supported for HTTP/2 connections defect minor nginx-module
#2142 keepalive_timeout 0 will break http2 defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-core
#323 Lack of IPv6 support for upstream in mail_auth_http_module enhancement minor nginx-core
#118 Lack of "Vary" handling in proxy can lead to corrupted downloads somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1523 large_client_header_buffers directive is ignored in server context defect minor documentation
#1870 Large file download is not completed with sendfile option. defect minor nginx-core
#544 Limit proxy_next_upstream enhancement minor nginx-core
#121 limit_zone/conn: combined key somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#186 listen directive should use AAAA record Ruslan Ermilov defect minor 1.3 nginx-core
#2400 listen on localhost can fail (sort of a docker and glibc issue, worth working around?) enhancement minor nginx-core
#178 listen with ssl but missing ssl_certificate is not detected by nginx -t somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1317 load_balance failed in ngx_stream_proxy_module because of "pending buffers" defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
1 2 3 4 5 6
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