Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1338 ssl_session_cache get incorrect shm zone defect minor nginx-core
#1342 Problem without server_name with directive `index` defect minor nginx-core
#1345 improve slice subrequest memory free enhancement minor other
#1355 Can't make 1.13.4 with ngx_pagespeed-latest-stable defect minor other
#1356 try_files directive and variables defect minor other
#1359 Map command map $upstream_http_cache_control $bypass_cache_control ignored with proxy_cache_bypass $bypass_cache_control defect minor nginx-module
#1361 SSL: error:14077102:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol defect minor other
#1364 proxy_ssl_protocols does not handle hole in version properly, or is it ? defect minor nginx-core
#1367 `gzip_static always` doesn't use index.html.gz unless index.html exists defect minor other
#1370 proxy_pass changes Content-Type to html when use variables defect minor other
#1372 Nginx not respecting the TTL for the resolver at the Location block with 418 http response defect minor nginx-core
#1375 Can‘t use parallel ECDSA / RSA certificates in BoringSSL defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1377 invalid option "--with-compat" defect minor nginx-module
#1381 'proxy_set_header Host' causes https drop in proxied redirect's Location header defect minor nginx-core
#1385 how to uninstall nginx from RHEL 6.6 linux task minor nginx-module
#1389 cant run php files outside of document root defect minor other
#1394 nginx отдает мусор в первые секунды после заливки статического файла defect minor other
#1395 Wrong request_time defect minor nginx-module
#1412 Ubuntu can't compile nginx 1.9.9 with RTMP module defect minor other
#1414 ACLs have no effect for root location with `return 301 ...` or `rewrite ... permanent` defect minor nginx-module
#1415 HTTP/2 log status as 000, when client send invalid data, like "exceeded http2_max_field_size limit" defect minor other
#1418 Allow/Deny don't correctly work with realip_module defect minor other
#1420 URL with long query string defect minor other
#1425 Log path is inherited from custom error page location defect minor other
#1427 how can I remove_header ? defect minor other
#1432 Can't build connection ID defect minor other
#1438 failed (36: File name too long) defect minor nginx-core
#1442 May be caused bad request when received with both a Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length header defect minor nginx-core
#1448 http2_idle_timeout parameter does not take effect defect minor other
#1453 nginx transform https to http when using try_files enhancement minor other
#1455 Status Error 416 after Header-Request "Range" with multiple ranges defect minor other
#1456 .tech domain location problem defect minor nginx-core
#1457 nginx reload doen't support listen interface changes defect minor nginx-core
#1475 SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number) defect minor other
#1476 SecureApt defect minor documentation
#1485 Issue in using proxy_redirect default defect minor other
#1486 Why proxy_pass is changing the URL when I am pointing it to an external domain? defect minor other
#1491 Package built by nginx does not have IPV6 enhancement minor nginx-package
#1492 nginx proxy + cloudflare + https = 403 Forbidden cloudflare-nginx defect minor 1.13 other
#1496 Issue while logging after client sent duplicate header defect minor nginx-core
#1497 test defect minor other
#1502 ngx_http_parse remove /../ from the uri defect minor other
#1514 ngx_http_mirror_module does not send body defect minor 1.13 other
#1516 Missing GPG Key defect minor nginx-core
#1518 ngx_rbtree small bug defect minor other
#1531 ngx_rbtree.h defect minor other
#1540 Support for '-' (dash) in syslog TAG field defect minor other
#1542 gRPC - Variables not allowed in grpc_pass defect minor other
#1545 proxy_cache_bypass does not work when a period characer is part of the name of a cookie defect minor 1.15.0 nginx-module
#1547 Nginx trying to create NGX_HTTP_PROXY_TEMP_PATH even when it is overridden via configuration file defect minor other
#1550 Slice module closes connection unexpectedly defect minor nginx-module
#1551 nginx returns 400 beacuse of missing host header when receiving HTTP2 :authory pseudo field defect minor other
#1560 Slow response on wrong request defect minor nginx-core
#1562 grpc with ssl self-signed certificates fail defect minor other
#1568 Multiple header_filter_by_lua_block wont working with FastCGI cache defect minor other
#1572 Nginx is ignoring the charset directive for CSS files defect minor other
#1578 Используется HTTP/2 даже есть нет http2 в listen defect minor nginx-module
#1582 func ngx_proxy_protocol_read encounter an incomplete line defect minor other
#1591 Reload signal does not show error for failed bind defect minor nginx-core
#1595 http2 server can't send the Header [Upgrade] to backend defect minor other
#1599 I get two strange errors with Nginx? defect minor other
#1600 nginx not fully parsing config file on 400 errors defect minor nginx-core
#1608 $proxy_port is empty if proxy_pass specified using upstream defect minor other
#1609 I cannot configure php7.2 on the latest version of nginx defect minor other
#1613 Nginx uses server's ip address instead of its domain name while verifying as a load balancer defect minor other
#1625 TLS1.3 not available with nginx 1.15.3 and openssl 1.1.1-pre9 defect minor nginx-core
#1635 Nginx (1.13.6) does not ignore Host Header for absoluteURI defect minor other
#1636 CPU 100% with njs on simple base64 decode (2.3.1) defect minor nginx-module
#1645 Some questions about slab_stat module? defect minor other
#1652 Issue with seems like query strings when trying to hit API urls. Gives 404. Same url with no "?" string works fine. defect minor other
#1653 http2_push_preload does not recognize Link header defect minor nginx-core
#1656 It may be a bug of udp rbtree init in function ngx_set_inherited_sockets defect minor nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1660 Docs say $host header comes from the request line? defect minor documentation
#1667 Nginx [PHP] sometimes blank page sometimes Connection Refused defect minor other
#1673 Nginx don't read upstream response in case upstream close connection. defect minor nginx-core
#1674 SSL session ID is not reused when other server disable session cache defect minor other
#1679 Possible infinite loop in function ngx_cache_manager_process_cycle and ngx_cache_loader_process_handler in src/os/unix/ngx_process_cycle.c defect minor nginx-core
#1682 Nginx tries to open the html file and through error 404. I expected the redirection to the php script. defect minor other
#1683 ngx_parent in ngx_daemon() can not work properly? defect minor nginx-core
#1686 Log files ownership defect minor nginx-module
#1694 Prefer SNI name to Host header when selecting server block defect minor nginx-core
#1698 A minor optimization for ngx_log_debug enhancement minor nginx-core
#1699 encoding error ssl_stapling_file defect minor nginx-core
#1703 [NGINX Plus Openid Connect]: error log printing variable not value defect minor nginx-1.15 other
#1704 Nginx should have a friendly notice when config file have same port and same server_name defect minor other
#1706 Orphan processes after fatal signals defect minor other
#1713 proxy_ssl_session_reuse not working with proxy_pass containing variables defect minor other
#1718 More info on ssl_early_data security enhancement minor documentation
#1725 nginx ends up in a state where current and oldbin exist for days defect minor nginx-core
#1726 Как собирать модуль из ядра динамическим? task minor nginx-module
#1729 If-Modified-Since won't trigger 304 unless server send Last-Modified defect minor nginx-core
#1730 An open Nginx Plus dashboard prevents reload enhancement minor nginx-package
#1731 Reverse proxy websocket If the number of concurrency is large, many close_waits will appear. defect minor nginx-1.15.9 other
#1739 invaild r->port_end defect minor nginx-1.15 other
#1740 ngins -s reopen / SIGUSR1 and permissions problem enhancement minor nginx-core
#1744 Cannot use custom variable in ssl_certificate directive. defect minor other
#1746 websocket response 302 error defect minor other
#1747 apt-key add is deprecated defect minor documentation
#1753 Wrong suggestion: could not build server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 64 enhancement minor documentation
#1756 Invalid or Binary in URI causes core 400 and 500 errors, plus binary in logfile defect minor other
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