2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: accept on, ready: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12532#12532: accept on, ready: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12533#12533: accept on, ready: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12530#12530: accept on, ready: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12531#12531: accept on, ready: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12534#12534: accept on, ready: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: posix_memalign: 00007F93E802E580:512 @16 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12532#12532: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12530#12530: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12531#12531: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 accept: fd:27 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12533#12533: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12534#12534: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer add: 27: 60000:1500626735081 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 reusable connection: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 epoll add event: fd:27 op:1 ev:80002001 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http wait request handler 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 malloc: 00007F93E7F30C70:1024 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 recv: eof:0, avail:1 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 recv: fd:27 201 of 1024 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 reusable connection: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 posix_memalign: 00007F93E801E360:4096 @16 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 posix_memalign: 00007F93E7F3DAF0:4096 @16 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http process request line 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http request line: "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http uri: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http args: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http exten: "php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http process request header line 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header: "X-Real-IP:" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header: "X-Forwarded-For:" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header: "X-Forwarded-Proto: https" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header: "Host: 86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header: "Connection: close" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header: "User-Agent: curl/7.51.0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header: "Accept: */*" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http header done 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer del: 27: 1500626735081 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 generic phase: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 add cleanup: 00007F93E801F078 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 rewrite phase: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script set $skip_cache 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script set $skip_cache_m 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script set $in_cart 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "1" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script set $in_cart_advanced_cache 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script set $rt_session 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "GET" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "POST" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script regex: "/wp-admin.*|/checkout.*|/checkout.*|/account.*|/myaccount.*|/%ce%bf-%ce%bb%ce%bf%ce%b3%ce%b1%cf%81%ce%b9%ce%b1%cf%83%ce%bc%cf%8c%cf%82-%ce%bc%ce%bf%cf%85/addond.*|/wc-api.*|/logout.*|/lost-password.*/xmlrpc.php|/wp-(app|cron|login|register|mail).php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|wp-comments-popup.php|wp-links-opml.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml|a-z0-9_-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [notice] 12535#12535: *2 "/wp-admin.*|/checkout.*|/checkout.*|/account.*|/myaccount.*|/%ce%bf-%ce%bb%ce%bf%ce%b3%ce%b1%cf%81%ce%b9%ce%b1%cf%83%ce%bc%cf%8c%cf%82-%ce%bc%ce%bf%cf%85/addond.*|/wc-api.*|/logout.*|/lost-password.*/xmlrpc.php|/wp-(app|cron|login|register|mail).php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|wp-comments-popup.php|wp-links-opml.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml|a-z0-9_-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml" does not match "/test.php", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0", host: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script regex: "wordpress_no_cache|wp-postpass" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [notice] 12535#12535: *2 "wordpress_no_cache|wp-postpass" does not match "", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0", host: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script not equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script not equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "WOO_MYACCOUNT_ARG_VALUE" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "WOO_CHECKOUT_ARG_VALUE" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "WOO_CART_ARG_VALUE" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script regex: "/cart.*|/%ce%ba%ce%b1%ce%bb%ce%ac%ce%b8%ce%b9.*" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [notice] 12535#12535: *2 "/cart.*|/%ce%ba%ce%b1%ce%bb%ce%ac%ce%b8%ce%b9.*" does not match "/test.php", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0", host: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "11" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "1" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "11" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script regex: "wordpress_logged_in_([0-9a-zA-Z]+)=(.*);?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [notice] 12535#12535: *2 "wordpress_logged_in_([0-9a-zA-Z]+)=(.*);?" does not match "", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0", host: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "https" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "https" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script not equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script not equal: no 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if: false 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script regex: "^/%CF%80%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%8A%CF%8C%CE%BD/(.*)$" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [notice] 12535#12535: *2 "^/%CF%80%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%8A%CF%8C%CE%BD/(.*)$" does not match "/test.php", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0", host: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script regex: "^/προϊόν/(.*)$" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [notice] 12535#12535: *2 "^/προϊόν/(.*)$" does not match "/test.php", client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0", host: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: "/" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: "papaki-env.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: "robots.txt" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: "wp-config.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: ~ "/\." 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: ~ "^/phpmyadmin/.+\.php$" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: ~ "^/phpmyadmin/(.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|html|xml|txt))$" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 test location: ~ "\.php$" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 using configuration "\.php$" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http cl:-1 max:104857600 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 rewrite phase: 3 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 rewrite phase: 4 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script value: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script equal 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script if 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 post rewrite phase: 5 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 generic phase: 6 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 generic phase: 7 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 generic phase: 8 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 access phase: 9 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 access phase: 10 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 access phase: 11 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 access phase: 12 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 post access phase: 13 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 try files phase: 14 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http init upstream, client timer: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 epoll add event: fd:27 op:3 ev:80002005 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "http" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "GET" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http cache key: "httpGET86332-86332-stg.thecore.link/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 add cleanup: 00007F93E7F3EAC0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache exists: 0 e:1 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 posix_memalign: 00007F93E800F280:4096 @16 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 cache file: "/dev/shm/nginx/4/55/3ecfc32a6a28e8e9a177aff5ac3cd554" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 add cleanup: 00007F93E7F3EAD8 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache fd: 29 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 read: 29, 00007F93E800F340, 437, 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache expired: 4 1500626505 1500626675 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream cache: 4 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 43 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 05 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record length: 67 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi parser: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi header: "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi parser: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi header done 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache send: /dev/shm/nginx/4/55/3ecfc32a6a28e8e9a177aff5ac3cd554 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 headers more header filter, uri "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "STALE" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 xslt filter header 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 08:44:35 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Connection: close Vary: Accept-Encoding TC-Cache: STALE TC-S-Cache: 0 TC-S-Cache-M: 0 TC-Cache-U: /test.php TC-Cache-IC: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007F93E800F848, pos 00007F93E800F848, size: 241 file: 0, size: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:241 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http output filter "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http copy filter: "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 image filter 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 xslt filter body 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http postpone filter "/test.php?" 00007FFCFCC54E90 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007F93E800F848, pos 00007F93E800F848, size: 241 file: 0, size: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 write new buf t:0 f:1 0000000000000000, pos 0000000000000000, size: 0 file: 437, size: 25 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:266 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http write filter limit 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 tcp_nopush 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 writev: 241 of 241 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 sendfile: @437 25 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 sendfile: 25 of 25 @437 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http write filter 0000000000000000 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http copy filter: 0 "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 posix_memalign: 00007F93E7F556D0:4096 @16 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http subrequest "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http finalize request: 0, "/test.php?" a:1, c:3 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http request count:3 blk:0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http finalize request: -4, "/test.php?" a:1, c:2 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http request count:2 blk:0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http posted request: "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http init upstream, client timer: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "http" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "GET" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http cache key: "httpGET86332-86332-stg.thecore.link/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 add cleanup: 00007F93E7F56368 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache exists: 0 e:1 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 cache file: "/dev/shm/nginx/4/55/3ecfc32a6a28e8e9a177aff5ac3cd554" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 add cleanup: 00007F93E7F563B8 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache fd: 31 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 read: 31, 00007F93E7F56438, 437, 0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache expired: 5 1500626505 1500626675 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream cache: 5 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 posix_memalign: 00007F93E7F566E0:4096 @16 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/var/www/shared/documentRoot" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/shared/documentRoot/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: " 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "GET" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: " 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: " 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_URI" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_URI: /test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "/var/www/shared/documentRoot" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/shared/documentRoot" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "HTTP/1.0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "REQUEST_SCHEME" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "http" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_SCHEME: http" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "CGI/1.1" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_SOFTWARE" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "nginx/" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "1.13.3" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "SERVER_SOFTWARE: nginx/1.13.3" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR:" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: " 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_ADDR" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "SERVER_ADDR:" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "80" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 80" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "localhost" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "SERVER_NAME: localhost" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "REDIRECT_STATUS" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "200" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "REDIRECT_STATUS: 200" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script copy: "" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_REAL_IP:" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR:" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO: https" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "HTTP_HOST: 86332-86332-stg.thecore.link" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "HTTP_CONNECTION: close" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: curl/7.51.0" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT: */*" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http cleanup add: 00007F93E7F566B0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 get rr peer, try: 2 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 get rr peer, current: 00007F93E7FB9CF8 -1 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 stream socket 33 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 epoll add connection: fd:33 ev:80002005 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 connect to, fd:33 #3 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream connect: -2 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 posix_memalign: 00007F93E80036F0:128 @16 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer add: 33: 60000:1500626735081 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http finalize request: -4, "/test.php?" a:0, c:2 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http request count:2 blk:0 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http run request: "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http request empty handler 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream request: "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream send request handler 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream send request 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream send request body 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 chain writer buf fl:0 s:688 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 chain writer in: 00007F93E800F940 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 writev: 688 of 688 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 chain writer out: 0000000000000000 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer del: 33: 1500626735081 2017/07/21 08:44:35 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer add: 33: 3000000:1500629675082 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream request: "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream process header 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 malloc: 00007F93E7F36400:16384 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 recv: eof:0, avail:1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 recv: fd:33 96 of 15997 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 43 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 05 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record length: 67 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi parser: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi header: "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi parser: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi header done 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 headers more header filter, uri "/test.php" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 xslt filter header 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 charset: "UTF-8" > "UTF-8" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 file cleanup: fd:31 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "0" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache set header 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http cacheable: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream process upstream 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe read upstream: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe preread: 46 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F93E7F36400, pos 00007F93E7F365B5, size: 46 file: 0, size: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe length: -1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe write chain 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 add cleanup: 00007F93E7F56DF8 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 hashed path: /var/lib/nginx/fastcgi/1/00/0000000001 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 temp fd:31 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 write: 31, 00007F93E7F36400, 437, 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe write downstream: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe read upstream: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F93E7F36400, pos 00007F93E7F365B5, size: 46 file: 0, size: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe length: -1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer del: 33: 1500629675082 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer add: 33: 3000000:1500629680085 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream downstream error 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream request: "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream dummy handler 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream request: "/test.php?" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream process upstream 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe read upstream: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 readv: eof:1, avail:1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 readv: 1, last:15901 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe recv chain: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F93E7F36400, pos 00007F93E7F365B5, size: 46 file: 0, size: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe length: -1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 input buf #0 00007F93E7F365B5 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 03 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 08 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi record length: 8 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http fastcgi sent end request 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 input buf 00007F93E7F365B5 25 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe write chain 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 write: 31, 00007F93E7F365B5, 25, 437 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 pipe write downstream: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer: 33, old: 1500629680085, new: 1500629680085 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache update 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache rename: "/var/lib/nginx/fastcgi/1/00/0000000001" to "/dev/shm/nginx/4/55/3ecfc32a6a28e8e9a177aff5ac3cd554" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 malloc: 00007F93E800CC10:64 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 malloc: 00007F93E80107D0:462 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 finalize http upstream request: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 finalize http fastcgi request 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free rr peer 2 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 close http upstream connection: 33 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E80036F0, unused: 48 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 event timer del: 33: 1500629680085 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 reusable connection: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http upstream temp fd: 31 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http finalize request: 0, "/test.php?" a:0, c:1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http request count:1 blk:0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http close request 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http log handler 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http map started 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "curl/7.51.0" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http map: "curl/7.51.0" "1" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "1" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http script var: "1" 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 run cleanup: 00007F93E7F56DF8 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 file cleanup: fd:31 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 run cleanup: 00007F93E7F56368 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 run cleanup: 00007F93E7F3EAD8 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 file cleanup: fd:29 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 run cleanup: 00007F93E7F3EAC0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache cleanup 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 http file cache free, fd: 29 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 run cleanup: 00007F93E801F078 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E7F36400 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E801E360, unused: 1 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E7F3DAF0, unused: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E800F280, unused: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E7F556D0, unused: 8 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E7F566E0, unused: 1721 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 close http connection: 27 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 reusable connection: 0 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E7F30C70 2017/07/21 08:44:40 [debug] 12535#12535: *2 free: 00007F93E802E580, unused: 104