Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #653, comment 4

11/06/14 00:35:36 (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #653, comment 4

    v3 v4  
    1111On the mailing list, you even consider everything is OK because browsers are removing support of SSLv3... Why do not you guys do the same?
    1212Browsers could still hide themselves behind the fact that some server applications require SSLv3 and they could also continue insisting on the importance of backward-compatibility... but they are not anymore.
    13 They are moving now, taking that opportunity. Mainly because XP is almost completely part of history. The guys who are still using it are not secured because they use outdated stuff. You cannot do anything for them from a security point of view: you said it yourself on the mailing list.
    14 Why is not nginx taking that opportunity too?
     13They are moving now, taking that opportunity. Mainly because XP is almost completely part of history. The guys who are still using it are not secured because they use outdated stuff. You cannot do anything for them from a security point of view: you said it yourself on the mailing list. It is the same for anyone/anything using SSLv3 and not knowing a bit of at least TLS v1.0 (which is also flawed).
     14Why is not nginx taking that opportunity to change things toward better security by getting rid of insane protocols?
    1616SSLv3 is facing yet another classical Mexican stand-off in computer engineering: