- 21:29 Changeset in nginx_org [546:694db9597ee0] by
- Documented the special value "*" in various "*_type" directives.
- 11:02 Changeset in nginx [4697:09187f9b0950] by
- Fixed compile-time conditionals used to detect if X-Forwarded-For …
- 10:58 Changeset in nginx_org [545:e97b46d1842d] by
- Documented the "worker_connections" directive.
- 13:50 Changeset in nginx_org [544:1507ec5ba69a] by
- Regenerated
- 13:46 Changeset in nginx_org [543:9085f0c59dc6] by
- Google Analytics tracking script added to all pages
- 12:55 Changeset in nginx [4696:b43fe2deb053] by
- Disabled gzip compression in OpenSSL prior to 1.0.0 version. This …
- 13:02 Changeset in nginx_org [542:a9e6a8613534] by
- Documented IPv6 support in ip_hash.
- 13:02 Changeset in nginx_org [541:a8971cf346be] by
- Documented the $status core variable.
- 12:36 Changeset in nginx [4695:441b2941a506] by
- Added IPv6 support to ip_hash.
- 06:01 Changeset in nginx_org [540:83e6e18a1358] by
- Added missing semicolons after AIX and HP/UX list items.
- 15:37 Changeset in nginx_org [539:785eff9d1bfa] by
- HP-UX 11.31 / ia64 added to the list of tested platforms.
- 14:39 Ticket #177 (docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected) closed by
- fixed: In [539/nginx_org]: […]
- 14:39 Changeset in nginx_org [538:58dd64aef626] by
- Documented ciphers used by default in modern nginx versions (closes #177).
- 14:23 Changeset in nginx [4694:5b5c07dee156] by
- Upstream keepalive: "single" parameter deprecated. The original idea …
- 14:13 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) closed by
- fixed: Fix committed, thanks.
- 14:12 Changeset in nginx [4693:f1a0de6eb505] by
- Fixed return type of ngx_strerror_init().
- 14:11 Changeset in nginx [4692:489839d07b38] by
- Fixed "sendmsg() failed" alerts on HP-UX. HP-UX needs …
- 14:10 Changeset in nginx [4691:626157fe6f17] by
- Fixed segfault with poll and resolver used. Poll event method needs …
- 14:09 Changeset in nginx [4690:d91f3c78603e] by
- Changed default alignment to 16. This fixes alignment problems …
- 14:06 Changeset in nginx [4689:d2ed9fee092b] by
- Fixed handling of conflicting wildcard server names. With previous …
- 14:02 Changeset in nginx [4688:5fedb27c3e36] by
- Mp4: fixed streaming if moov atom is at buffer edge.
- 14:01 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- In [4688/nginx]: […]
- 14:01 Changeset in nginx [4687:7f50a4063100] by
- Mp4: fixed non-keyframe seeks in some cases (ticket #175). Number of …
- 13:51 Changeset in nginx [4686:631eff4a0188] by
- Style fix.
- 13:43 Changeset in nginx [4685:956edecaedeb] by
- New core variable: $status. Contains response status code as a …
- 13:37 Changeset in nginx_org [537:288416af739a] by
- As of 1.3.2, "resolver" can now use all addresses when configured by a …
- 12:46 Changeset in nginx [4684:f5c2c9d656f9] by
- When "resolver" is configured with a domain name, only the first …
- 12:30 Changeset in nginx [4683:84d8e60b65f0] by
- Fixed crash in ngx_resolver_cleanup_tree(). If sending a DNS request …
- 11:07 Changeset in nginx [4682:752e65c6c0d1] by
- Version bump.
- 19:16 Ticket #30 (SPDY support) updated by
- The beta version of SPDY module is currently available here: …
- 17:51 Ticket #178 (listen with ssl but missing ssl_certificate is not detected by nginx -t) created by
- I just added the line: […] to one of my extra (non-production) …
- 16:09 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Replying to Maxim Dounin: > Ok, thanks. The following …
- 16:07 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Ok, thanks. The following patch seems to resolve both issues: […] …
- 15:43 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Replying to Maxim Dounin: > Could you please provide the …
- 14:06 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Could you please provide the mp4 file in question for testing?
- 12:10 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- I think the second problem can be solved by this way […]
- 12:03 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Replying to Maxim Dounin: > Could you please instead …
- 11:04 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Could you please instead provide a description of the problem you are …
- 10:40 Ticket #177 (docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected) updated by
Status, Description, Component, Summary, Version, Owner changed
Yes, docs should be updated. Ruslan is looking into this. - 10:00 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Replying to maxim: > Probably. But could you please …
- 09:45 Ticket #177 (docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected) reopened by
- 09:28 Ticket #177 (docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected) updated by
- Maxim, then documentation should be changed to reflect this. It still …
- 07:26 Ticket #177 (docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected) closed by
- invalid: Default is HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 since 1.0.5.
- 07:02 Changeset in nginx_org [536:8068d592b390] by
- Donor added.
- 00:50 Ticket #177 (docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected) created by
- Documentation for ssl_ciphers needs updating, it still lists …
- 21:06 Ticket #176 (Error handling fallback with variables when using try_files in a ...) closed by
- duplicate: Yep, thank you for report. This is another case of try_files and alias …
- 21:04 Ticket #97 (try_files and alias problems) updated by
Description changed
Added case from ticket #176. - 20:52 Ticket #170 (nginx sending incorrect header) closed by
- invalid: Feedback timeout. Real issue seems to be backend which incorrectly …
- 18:35 Ticket #176 (Error handling fallback with variables when using try_files in a ...) updated by
- Reported by Layke in #nginx on freenode
- 18:32 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) updated by
- Probably. But could you please provide more information about the bug …
- 18:27 Ticket #176 (Error handling fallback with variables when using try_files in a ...) created by
- When the fallback for a try_files in a static location with an alias …
- 13:08 Changeset in nginx_org [535:f8652d663b62] by
- Revised description of "proxy_pass".
- 02:45 Ticket #175 (Bug Report about mp4 module) created by
- The ngx_http_mp4_update_stsc_atom function has some bug.
- 15:05 Changeset in nginx_org [534:6761e05e5128] by
- List of supported Debian and Ubuntu versions added.
- 17:06 Ticket #9 (autoindex_max_name_len directive) updated by
- Any updates? Any problems with the proposal? Any problems with the patch?
- 19:05 Changeset in nginx_org [533:fb630c3c5039] by
- Revamped the upstream documentation somewhat.
- 15:03 Changeset in nginx_org [532:480a4cd56a6a] by
- Mentioned Netflix success story.
- 10:49 Ticket #174 (Problem with redirection when subdomain string is the same as the ...) closed by
- invalid: This problem was fixed in nginx 0.9.5, http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES: […]
- 09:41 Changeset in nginx [4681:bb37a9cc08fb] by
- Fixed spelling of "endianness", and called it "byte ordering" in the …
- 09:14 Ticket #174 (Problem with redirection when subdomain string is the same as the ...) created by
- Hi, I have now the following configuration: in nginx.conf …
- 12:30 Changeset in nginx_org [531:ee6fa4805637] by
- Donor added.
- 05:56 Milestone 1.3.1 completed
- Status: released Trunk: development * …
- 05:50 Milestone 1.2.1 completed
- Status: released Trunk: stable * …
- 14:19 Changeset in nginx_org [530:d8c7160527ae] by
- query -> request
- 14:17 Changeset in nginx_org [529:d477ae38c0bd] by
- Clarified on what this module actually limits.
- 12:54 Changeset in nginx_org [528:85bbe7a5f393] by
- Updated with Netcraft June 2012 Web Server Survey stats.
- 22:11 Changeset in nginx_org [527:58d79f8c412d] by
- Documented 1.3.1 changes in "resolver".
- 21:42 Changeset in nginx_org [526:4f907cde0382] by
- 1.3.1 changes: ip_hash+weight, least_conn.
- 16:44 Ticket #158 (Debian package does not provide package name httpd) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in 1.2.1
- 16:34 Ticket #144 (RFE: implement weighted ip_hash) closed by
- fixed: Weight support added to ip_hash in 1.3.1.
- 14:35 Changeset in nginx_org [525:1dca638da1eb] by
- Win32 security issue added.
- 14:29 Changeset in nginx_org [524:5cc4842015a1] by
- nginx-1.3.1, nginx-1.2.1
- 14:02 Changeset in nginx [4680:92c618da7f4c] by
- release-1.2.1 tag
- 14:01 Changeset in nginx [4679:fee2dae560e3]stable-1.2 by
- nginx-1.2.1-RELEASE
- 13:52 Changeset in nginx [4678:01dbbe7236ee]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4674, r4675, r4676: win32 fixes. *) Win32: disallowed …
- 13:47 Changeset in nginx [4677:7ccd50a0a455] by
- release-1.3.1 tag
- 13:47 Changeset in nginx [4676:61b6a3438afe]release-1.3.1 by
- nginx-1.3.1-RELEASE
- 13:38 Changeset in nginx [4675:79c147bdeb6a] by
- Win32: uris with ":$" are now rejected. There are too many problems …
- 13:37 Changeset in nginx [4674:5d86ab8f2340] by
- Win32: normalization of trailing dot inside uri. Windows treats …
- 13:36 Changeset in nginx [4673:dc6c658942a8] by
- Win32: disallowed access to various non-canonical name variants. This …
- 13:17 Changeset in nginx [4672:4a4516a725dc]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4632: updated openssl used for win32 builds.
- 14:41 Changeset in nginx_org [523:a8daad8e83bb] by
- Documented 1.2.1 changes.
- 14:23 Changeset in nginx [4671:af9342747669] by
- Support for IPv6 literals and an optional port in resolver.
- 14:07 Changeset in nginx [4670:c070fa19511e] by
- Support for IPv6 literals in proxy_pass and so on.
- 12:00 Changeset in nginx [4669:56c98fb06bb3]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4630: fixed c->sent with unbuffered ssl. Update c->sent in …
- 11:58 Tickets #2,44,100 batch updated by
- In [4669/nginx]: […]
- 11:58 Changeset in nginx [4668:ba2c7463ce18]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4614, r4624-r4629, r4631: proxy recursive changes. *) Added …
- 11:21 Tickets #47,64 batch updated by
- In [4668/nginx]: […]
- 11:21 Changeset in nginx [4667:d05ab8793a69]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4622, r4623: balancing changes. *) Upstream: smooth …
- 11:15 Changeset in nginx [4666:0bb016b1fd2d]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4621, r4641: filter_finalize fixes. *) Fixed possible …
- 11:10 Changeset in nginx [4665:25611746fee7]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4619: accept moderation on EMFILE/ENFILE. In case of …
- 11:07 Ticket #162 (buffer overflow under a particular rewrite configuration) updated by
- In [4665/nginx]: […]
- 11:07 Changeset in nginx [4664:356c91151658]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4618: rewrite escaping fix (ticket #162). The following …
- 11:00 Changeset in nginx [4663:b9ea486e543f]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4617: fastcgi padding fix. Fastcgi: fixed padding handling …
- 10:54 Changeset in nginx [4662:979e0f5b196d]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4616: r->state fix. Added r->state reset on …
- 10:52 Changeset in nginx [4661:eb565752dd8e]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4615: write handler reset in ngx_http_named_location(). On …
- 10:33 Changeset in nginx [4660:6c20a377b883]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4613: removed surplus condition.
- 10:27 Changeset in nginx [4659:f12d474f0d5e]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4612: proper subrequest handling in various modules.
- 10:15 Changeset in nginx [4658:c92289afb5be]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4611, r4620: resolver fixes. *) Fixed segmentation fault in …
- 10:00 Changeset in nginx [4657:36b220b82f23]stable-1.2 by
- Version bump.
- 00:00 Changeset in nginx [4656:90ddd4abfdd2] by
- Upstream: least_conn compilation fixes. Removed duplicate call of …
- 23:22 Changeset in nginx [4655:382c523d253a] by
- Upstream: weights support in ip_hash balancer.
- 23:21 Changeset in nginx [4654:a2ca3a6ee680] by
- Upstream: least_conn balancer module.
- 23:18 Changeset in nginx [4653:134ccdf44647] by
- Resolver: fixed format specification. Patch by Yichun Zhang (agentzh).
- 10:47 Changeset in nginx-tests [224:ba992cfdc606] by
- Tests: remove TODO from tests which pass in 1.2.x.
- 01:20 Changeset in nginx-tests [223:f9325406df0b] by
- Tests: skip tests not appropriate for win32. Skip tests which doesn't …
- 00:56 Changeset in nginx-tests [222:5b7883daaf82] by
- Tests: use kill(9, $pid) on win32. Change daemon termination to use …
- 18:58 Changeset in nginx-tests [221:8d2c6358d830] by
- Tests: avoid using FCGI on win32. The FCGI.pm under Windows refuses …
- 18:33 Changeset in nginx-tests [220:f6f60780f758] by
- Tests: fail has_daemon() on win32. The "command -v" hangs under …
- 17:40 Ticket #84 (failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) while sending mp4 to client) updated by
- The file in question ( is …
- 17:34 Changeset in nginx-tests [219:ce2e23daa1da] by
- Tests: minimal win32 support.
- 11:35 Changeset in nginx [4652:215857d53cbe] by
- Code reduction (no functional changes).
- 10:25 Ticket #173 (nginx fails to compile with SunCC on Linux) closed by
- invalid: It is a glibc bug. In /usr/include/glob.h glob64 is declared twice …
- 05:41 Ticket #84 (failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) while sending mp4 to client) updated by
- Hello. I've got the same problem with large file on my website …
- 18:51 Ticket #173 (nginx fails to compile with SunCC on Linux) created by
- OS: Debian 6 Compiler: SunCC/Solaris Studio 12.3 make -f …
- 16:14 Ticket #171 ($gzip_ratio ratio needs documentation) updated by
- 1. Since it's a Wiki page, please feel free to improve it.
- 15:14 Ticket #172 (gzip returning bigger response bodies than uncompressed) updated by
- Moreover, even if body hasn't been sent yet (was fully buffered), then …
- 14:49 Ticket #172 (gzip returning bigger response bodies than uncompressed) closed by
- invalid: Closing this as this is clearly not a bug.
- 14:45 Ticket #172 (gzip returning bigger response bodies than uncompressed) updated by
- In general, you don't know what the ratio will be until you compute …
- 14:36 Ticket #171 ($gzip_ratio ratio needs documentation) updated by
- 1. FYI, official English documentation is here: …
- 14:04 Ticket #172 (gzip returning bigger response bodies than uncompressed) created by
- I have just enabled gzip compression, and $gzip_ratio logging, in a …
- 13:56 Ticket #171 ($gzip_ratio ratio needs documentation) created by
- I propose two improvements to this wiki page: …
- 12:43 Changeset in nginx [4651:3797a44d1fa9] by
- Removed mistaken setting of NGX_SSL_BUFFERED flag in …
- 12:30 Changeset in nginx [4650:b38fea6f9a15] by
- Fixed returned value handling from the cookie rewrite handler. If the …
- 09:19 Changeset in nginx [4649:95d93f7e6fa2] by
- geoip: got rid of ugly casts when calling ngx_free(). This is done by …
- 14:20 Changeset in nginx [4648:70296867c740] by
- Fixed broken build.
- 13:17 Changeset in nginx [4647:a321eadcb16c] by
- Fixed memory leak if $geoip_org variable was used. Patch by Denis F. …
- 12:39 Changeset in nginx_org [522:ef11546f75ee] by
- Translated "request_processing" into Russian, removed "virtual_hosts" …
- 12:24 Changeset in nginx_org [521:3481a91d46ab] by
- Minor revision in preparation for translation.
- 12:22 Changeset in nginx_org [520:c5150ea6dd02] by
- Added support for "var" in articles.
- 07:35 Changeset in nginx [4646:959371df1806] by
- Fixed the reuse of parsed DTDs and XSLTs. Patch by Kuramoto Eiji.
- 04:14 Ticket #168 (Problem with mp4 pseudostreaming module) updated by
- You are right, im so sorry. I will try and get this user a proper mp4 …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.