- 18:28 Changeset in nginx [4871:c85cefbdaafe] by
- Resolver: cached addresses are returned with random rotation now. …
- 13:49 Changeset in nginx [4870:8a9b7b4e9f2d] by
- Correct plural form for "path" in the whole source base.
- 13:15 Changeset in nginx [4869:2b129bb067b5] by
- Made sure to initialize the entire ngx_file_t structure. Found by …
- 11:14 Changeset in nginx_org [693:095d1972dad9] by
- Added ability to switch languages without context change.
- 11:04 Changeset in nginx_org [692:31ba6a104186] by
- Fixed the logo location and banner text direction for the Hebrew.
- 18:01 Changeset in nginx [4868:22a6ef66b6f5] by
- SSL: added version checks for ssl compression workaround. The …
- 17:59 Changeset in nginx [4867:90bbf2adb2c9] by
- SSL: fixed compression workaround to remove all methods. Previous …
- 15:19 Ticket #227 (Update Install doc --with-ld-opt for FreeBSD) closed by
- invalid: Ok, MacOSX 10.6.8 is indeed does wrong thing here. It's fixed in …
- 15:13 Ticket #228 (TrustWave PCI scan reports CVE-2012-1180 for version 1.2.3) closed by
- invalid: This problem was fixed in nginx 1.1.17, which is before 1.2.x, and all …
- 15:01 Changeset in nginx [4866:fac1cc762969] by
- Configure: additional test for ExtUtils::Embed perl module presence. …
- 15:00 Ticket #228 (TrustWave PCI scan reports CVE-2012-1180 for version 1.2.3) created by
- Using the RPM from the YUM repository. Perhaps the fixed was not …
- 14:04 Changeset in nginx_org [691:023e9f139c3c] by
- Added 'professional services' banner to the site header.
- 10:48 Changeset in nginx_org [690:c0daabbd8c21] by
- Rolled back default values descriptions for add_*_body directives.
- 16:39 Changeset in nginx [4865:ca794c55c43f] by
- Configure: help updated to list upstream keepalive and least_conn. …
- 16:25 Changeset in nginx [4864:cb2304585a8b] by
- Added clearing of cpu_affinity after process spawn. This fixes …
- 15:52 Changeset in nginx [4863:25a4a7259560] by
- Version bump.
- 15:01 Ticket #227 (Update Install doc --with-ld-opt for FreeBSD) updated by
- I encountered the problem on OSX 10.6.8 (darwin) and the space after …
- 12:50 Ticket #227 (Update Install doc --with-ld-opt for FreeBSD) reopened by
- Err, I don't mean to actually close the ticket right now, sorry. I …
- 12:48 Ticket #227 (Update Install doc --with-ld-opt for FreeBSD) closed by
- invalid: While both variants are actually valid on FreeBSD as well as on many …
- 12:36 Changeset in nginx_org [689:3cc1c7bb0674] by
- Documented geoip_org directive and fixed parameter names
- 10:52 Ticket #226 (memcache_pass returns malformed content with big results) closed by
- invalid: This *is* compression, which is activated by your memcached client as …
- 06:58 Ticket #120 (RFC5077 stateless tls session tickets) updated by
- I came across …
- 18:25 Ticket #227 (Update Install doc --with-ld-opt for FreeBSD) created by
- On the install documentation page …
- 17:45 Ticket #226 (memcache_pass returns malformed content with big results) created by
- Hi, i'm trying to use HttpMemcachedModule in my server and i found …
- 14:53 Changeset in nginx-tests [236:5ac875a3088e] by
- Tests: improve proxy_store.t timeouts a bit. Now we wait a bit more …
- 14:18 Milestone 1.2.4 completed
- Status: released [[http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES-1.2 | 1.2.4 …
- 14:02 Changeset in nginx_org [688:d05c1c996ced] by
- nginx-1.2.4
- 13:43 Changeset in nginx [4862:550d82bfdb03]stable-1.2 by
- release-1.2.4 tag
- 13:42 Changeset in nginx [4861:e8aa72e49ef3]stable-1.2release-1.2.4 by
- nginx-1.2.4-RELEASE
- 12:20 Ticket #225 (Please support nested if statements with SSI) created by
- I'm in the process of moving a site from an old server using apache to …
- 10:49 Changeset in nginx-tests [235:8d58b624a142] by
- Tests: fix number of skipped tests in auth_basic.t.
- 10:41 Changeset in nginx [4860:ce42f6b8d1d2]stable-1.2 by
- Stable: removed gunzip module from win32 helper target. Gunzip filter …
- 02:15 Ticket #204 (Nginx is not compiling in pentium 3 with libatomic.) closed by
invalid: Well,
exists for reason. As with the options setgrep
- 19:14 Changeset in nginx [4859:b91740dedb8a]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4835, r4841: improved welcome and 50x error pages.
- 19:13 Ticket #204 (Nginx is not compiling in pentium 3 with libatomic.) reopened by
- The problem occurred because in my system have changed through grep …
- 19:11 Changeset in nginx [4858:5e789d8b009d]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4833: limit req: fix of rbtree node insertion. Limit req: …
- 19:06 Ticket #201 (cannot build with gcc 4.7.1 and -O2) updated by
- In 4858/nginx: […]
- 19:06 Changeset in nginx [4857:880dedfa4008]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4829: fixed strict aliasing with ipv6 (ticket #201). Fixed …
- 19:05 Changeset in nginx [4856:43b7b9572fe1]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4828: "include" with wildcards in map and types blocks. The …
- 19:02 Changeset in nginx [4855:f66d0a6d7fdd]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4817: geo: fixed handling of ranges without default set. …
- 19:00 Changeset in nginx [4854:735a05a53dc5]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4815: map: fixed optimization of variables as values. …
- 18:58 Ticket #187 (incorrect handling of bind option on wildcard listen addresses) updated by
- In 4854/nginx: […]
- 18:58 Changeset in nginx [4853:0b0ddfdbdd7b]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4813, r4814, r4818, r4819, r4820, r4823: mail fixes. *) …
- 18:54 Changeset in nginx [4852:9be0b6b749ae]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4785, r4795, r4811, r4812, r4816, r4822: coverity. *) …
- 18:50 Changeset in nginx [4851:6173853dd782]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4784: fixed the -p parameter handling. Ensure that the path …
- 18:46 Changeset in nginx [4850:e74c39b69ebe]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4842: fixed make macros to use parentheses. Configure: …
- 18:37 Changeset in nginx [4849:026ff0eb3062]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4779, r4840, r4843, r4844: win32 changes. *) Fixed build …
- 18:34 Changeset in nginx [4848:a0f1d53546d4]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4778, r4782, r4783, r4824, r4830, r4834: minor fixes. *) …
- 18:30 Changeset in nginx [4847:0275f587e00b]stable-1.2 by
- Merge of r4777, r4780, r4831, r4832: release process changes. *) …
- 18:24 Changeset in nginx [4846:f0300f64e8fb]stable-1.2 by
- Version bump.
- 20:17 Ticket #224 (Args Delimiter) created by
- Hi. I have a PHP application that uses ";" to delimit GET arguments …
- 11:09 Ticket #222 (nginx segfaults on start) closed by
- invalid: There is no segmentation fault in kernel logs provided, but rather …
- 10:32 Ticket #221 (Feature Request - X-Accel header to singal if another upstream server ...) updated by
- after some thought, for the situation we wanted this feature for... …
- 21:23 Ticket #223 (when using proxy_buffer_size 0 instead proxy_buffering off gives bad ...) created by
- to reproduce it set a proxy_pass to any server and then …
- 20:49 Ticket #222 (nginx segfaults on start) updated by
- I've been deploying to EC2 instances using a python fabric script, …
- 20:42 Ticket #222 (nginx segfaults on start) created by
- I've been having a semi-reproducable issue with nginx segfaulting at …
- 16:15 Ticket #221 (Feature Request - X-Accel header to singal if another upstream server ...) created by
- Imagine the following upstream block: upstream name { server …
- 16:04 Ticket #220 (Feature Request - Per-server proxy_connect_timeout) created by
- Imagine a simple upstream block as follows: upstream name { …
- 15:13 Ticket #195 (Close connection if SSL not enabled for vhost) updated by
- See also #214, which is somewhat related.
- 15:12 Ticket #214 (Ability to detect presence of SNI header) updated by
Priority, Status changed
See also #195, which is somewhat related. - 15:08 Ticket #202 (a nginx moudle bug) closed by
- worksforme: Feedback timeout.
- 11:05 Changeset in nginx_org [687:0bfdc0d91b49] by
- Donor added.
- 08:48 Ticket #219 (nginx - время обработки на стороне сервера на 200 мс дольше, чем ...) updated by
- Я бы начал с простого - посмотрел, что конкретно происходит "on the …
- 08:46 Changeset in nginx_org [686:f368bff5c70a] by
- Documented missing contexts in the http_headers module.
- 08:44 Changeset in nginx_org [685:3f43a59a1dba] by
- Documented possible contexts and inheritance details in the addition …
- 08:39 Changeset in nginx_org [684:2ff9c3ea8c98] by
- Documented the userid_mark directive in the userid module.
- 08:37 Changeset in nginx_org [683:6c14c73d74ee] by
- Documented default value of the image_filter directive.
- 20:13 Ticket #219 (nginx - время обработки на стороне сервера на 200 мс дольше, чем ...) updated by
- У меня стоит локальный php-fpm с 200 процессами. Из них используется …
- 19:13 Ticket #219 (nginx - время обработки на стороне сервера на 200 мс дольше, чем ...) closed by
- invalid: Это нормально - код на php видит только часть обработки запроса внутри …
- 16:22 Changeset in nginx_org [682:9d09ba854aeb] by
- - Changed the link to WordPress.com success story
- 21:24 Ticket #219 (nginx - время обработки на стороне сервера на 200 мс дольше, чем ...) created by
- Здравствуйте, nginx 1.2.1, используется для ресайза изображений. …
- 13:07 Changeset in nginx_org [681:67826df692cc] by
- Translated 'syntax' article into English and gave it a better name.
- 12:13 Changeset in nginx_org [680:c0e05d052196] by
- - Added link to Firefox Help (Disable or remove Add-ons)
- 14:37 Ticket #218 (stable segfault on default Unbuntu binaries.) closed by
- invalid: You have to upgrade to at least 1.2.0 (next version after 1.1.19) or …
- 14:26 Ticket #218 (stable segfault on default Unbuntu binaries.) updated by
- Please update your nginx first. Nginx 1.1.19 is known as unstable.
- 14:15 Ticket #218 (stable segfault on default Unbuntu binaries.) created by
- […]
- 08:02 Changeset in nginx_org [679:9888364847b7] by
- Documented status codes in the error_page directive.
- 14:56 Ticket #217 (Wrong "Content-Type" HTTP response header in certain configuration ...) created by
- In certain configuration scenarios the "Content-Type" HTTP response …
- 11:19 Milestone 1.3.6 completed
- Status: released [[http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES | 1.3.6 …
- 11:00 Changeset in nginx_org [678:90c27a37f4ed] by
- nginx-1.3.6
- 10:41 Changeset in nginx [4845:d13ab0094fc9] by
- release-1.3.6 tag
- 10:41 Changeset in nginx [4844:3aeb14f88dae]release-1.3.6 by
- nginx-1.3.6-RELEASE
- 10:12 Changeset in nginx_org [677:934fd358c944] by
- Updated revisions for files affected by gunzip module addition.
- 09:36 Changeset in nginx_org [676:6d6aa03e43fa] by
- Actually added gunzip module documentation files.
- 09:35 Changeset in nginx_org [675:08140f6b7964] by
- Documented gunzip module and corresponding changes.
- 15:29 Changeset in nginx-tests [234:62114a0c1389] by
- Tests: skip ssi if regex tests without the rewrite module.
- 13:36 Changeset in nginx [4843:762605076600] by
- Updated zlib used for win32 builds.
- 13:17 Changeset in nginx [4842:d59fff553840] by
- Helper target "win32" to run configure for win32 builds.
- 12:43 Changeset in nginx [4841:95ce3172493e] by
- Configure: fixed make macros to use parentheses instead of braces. …
- 12:37 Changeset in nginx [4840:b5ba6f22a0fc] by
- Improved 50x error page. The feature set of the new page: - HTML5 …
- 12:35 Changeset in nginx [4839:9d458803bbe0] by
- Configure: provide inflate() when building zlib on win32. It is now …
- 01:13 Changeset in nginx [4838:3e789581349d] by
- Gunzip: removed nginx.h leftover include.
- 19:03 Ticket #216 (Ubuntu Package 1.2.3 Missing) updated by
- Thank you!
- 16:52 Changeset in nginx [4837:f9ae534ebf4b] by
- Gunzip filter import.
- 16:48 Changeset in nginx [4836:e368b822d034] by
- Gzip static: "always" parameter in "gzip_static" directive. With …
- 16:43 Changeset in nginx [4835:a4512d7737f6] by
- Memcached: memcached_gzip_flag directive. This directive allows to …
- 16:18 Changeset in nginx-tests [233:1a5574d84917] by
- Tests: tweak various timeouts and replace sleep() with select(). …
- 15:55 Changeset in nginx-tests [232:4c43b3a0117c] by
- Tests: revert 5db96b64cead, use "which" instead of "command -v". It …
- 13:56 Ticket #216 (Ubuntu Package 1.2.3 Missing) closed by
- fixed: yes, thanks, fixed
- 06:15 Ticket #216 (Ubuntu Package 1.2.3 Missing) created by
- Hello, I noticed that the Ubuntu package for 1.2.3 release is missing …
- 16:42 Ticket #185 (предлагаю добавить тип для файлов *.crl) closed by
- wontfix: Closing this, as there were no additional requests got in 2 months. …
- 15:19 Ticket #214 (Ability to detect presence of SNI header) updated by
- There would not be a link to the original URL. In my case, I do not …
- 15:16 Ticket #214 (Ability to detect presence of SNI header) updated by
- BTW, what is user benefit of the upgrade message page ? Even if you …
- 06:29 Ticket #214 (Ability to detect presence of SNI header) reopened by
- Well, you are right.
- 06:04 Ticket #214 (Ability to detect presence of SNI header) updated by
- You the default won't be hit if there is a server_name that matches …
- 05:26 Ticket #214 (Ability to detect presence of SNI header) closed by
- invalid: There is no necessity of special listen option. This could be achieved …
- 00:24 Ticket #215 (SSL: decryption failed or bad record mac with upstream servers) created by
- 2012/09/07 20:23:52 [error] 3417#0: *1 SSL_read() failed (SSL: …
- 21:13 Ticket #214 (Ability to detect presence of SNI header) created by
- I think it would be a great feature to be able to detect the lack of …
- 16:30 Changeset in nginx-tests [231:bc1861122d0c] by
- Tests: gunzip filter tests import.
- 15:50 Ticket #213 (Ошибка при установке NGINX 1.3.5) closed by
- invalid: * пакета для 1.3.5 не существует, пакеты есть только для стабильной …
- 15:37 Ticket #213 (Ошибка при установке NGINX 1.3.5) created by
- Доброго времени суток. На виртуальной машине установлена Ubuntu …
- 13:24 Changeset in nginx [4834:ed470a7bf7fd] by
- Improved welcome page. The feature set of the new page: - HTML5 …
- 13:00 Changeset in nginx_org [674:c48c0936b4df] by
- Documented internal redirections limit.
- 06:41 Changeset in nginx_org [673:f2d8603813b0] by
- Documented the "rewrite_log" directive.
- 06:14 Changeset in nginx_org [672:8e1538faeacb] by
- Fixed apostrophes used.
- 06:13 Changeset in nginx_org [671:59def594b0c9] by
- Fixed spelling.
- 06:12 Changeset in nginx_org [670:0be0145c7ad8] by
- Reduced diffs between makefiles.
- 06:09 Changeset in nginx_org [669:7205c7630157] by
- Added links to mail modules from the "about" page.
- 16:01 Changeset in nginx_org [668:6726249b66ef] by
- Typos fixed.
- 16:00 Changeset in nginx_org [667:81ac18894319] by
- link and lang tags corrected.
- 15:25 Changeset in nginx_org [666:7465218cf964] by
- Added pop3,imap and smtp mail modules to modules index.
- 15:06 Changeset in nginx [4833:3464d0b63300] by
- Write filter: replaced unneeded loop with one to free chains. Noted …
- 14:11 Changeset in nginx_org [665:99e1b47b14a7] by
- Fixed SMTP module name.
- 14:07 Changeset in nginx_org [664:8283b1048b27] by
- Translated mail modules into English.
- 04:30 Ticket #212 (persistent connections not being remapped) created by
- When using keepalive with least_conn in the upstream module if an …
- 18:19 Ticket #203 (The gzip module doesn't produce a useful error on wrong syntax) closed by
- invalid: There is no syntax error in the provided configuration. The message …
- 14:20 Changeset in nginx_org [663:639bbb0c9d05] by
- The commercial support section moved to the top of the support page.
- 14:05 Ticket #211 (“autoindex $var” does not work) closed by
- invalid: The "autoindex" directive, as well as many other directives, doesn't …
- 13:12 Ticket #211 (“autoindex $var” does not work) created by
- I expected to be able to use variables as parameters of any directive. …
- 19:06 Ticket #202 (a nginx moudle bug) updated by
- Please provide: 1. Output of the "nginx -V" command. Please make …
- 12:55 Changeset in nginx [4832:949ea3d3cd1a] by
- Limit req: fix of rbtree node insertion on hash collisions. The …
- 07:20 Changeset in nginx_org [662:45a108627ef7] by
- Donor added.
- 10:16 Ticket #206 ($start_time http variable) closed by
- wontfix: The patch in question is certainly not something we are going to …
- 18:07 Ticket #209 (How to Install nginx as a Service on Windows) closed by
- invalid: There is more than one way to create user-defined services on windows, …
- 17:14 Ticket #208 (Nginx should give an error claiming lack of support for chunked ...) updated by
- Could you clarify things a bit, how does your application communicate …
- 16:20 Ticket #208 (Nginx should give an error claiming lack of support for chunked ...) updated by
- (It's interpreting the whole chunk-sequence as a chunk itself, 11 is …
- 16:19 Ticket #208 (Nginx should give an error claiming lack of support for chunked ...) updated by
- Sorry, I didn't mean that in my scenario the "Transfer-Encoding: …
- 16:08 Changeset in nginx [4831:5e3bda6f5208] by
- Pass changes.xml thru xmllint when generating CHANGES and CHANGES.ru.
- 16:05 Changeset in nginx [4830:2c863b4a8f93] by
- Converted DOS-style newlines.
- 15:09 Changeset in nginx [4829:40de49cf6b37] by
- Fixed overflow if ngx_slab_alloc() is called with very big "size" argument.
- 14:58 Ticket #201 (cannot build with gcc 4.7.1 and -O2) closed by
- fixed: In 4829/nginx: […]
- 14:58 Changeset in nginx [4828:f57154322e0e] by
- Fixed strict aliasing bugs when dealing with IPv4-mapped IPv6 …
- 13:32 Ticket #208 (Nginx should give an error claiming lack of support for chunked ...) closed by
- invalid: There's no such thing as "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" in …
- 09:43 Changeset in nginx_org [661:e1579b244800] by
- SNI: expressed more clearly that passing of literal IP addresses in an …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.