Custom Query (1722 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 1722)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#553 OCSP stapling does not work when the OCSP server has a CNAME defect major 1.7 nginx-core
#556 OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL defect major nginx-module
#566 SPDY bug in Nginx 1.7.0 defect major nginx-core
#569 [emerg] invalid host in upstream "http://phpbackend" defect major 1.7 nginx-module
#570 Potential XSS in "400 Bad Request" response defect major 1.7.2 nginx-core
#571 Nginx treats dashes in server_name as catch-all servers defect major nginx-core
#572 ccs openssl vuln defect major nginx-core
#577 30000 worker_connections are not enough defect major nginx-core
#579 try_files and $fastcgi_path_info defect major nginx-core
#605 Configuration check for ngx_http_rewrite_module only enhancement major nginx-core
#613 nginx+ssl crashes very often on low memory environment defect major nginx-core
#620 NGINX binary for windows needs to be relinked with OpenSSL 1.0.1i defect major nginx-core
#624 Nginx SPDY module not working with Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1/ Windows Server 2012 defect major 1.6.2 nginx-module
#629 Nginx as a reverse proxy will not pass headers that contain a period. defect major nginx-core
#634 can't redirect long length URL http -> https defect major nginx-module
#637 "disable_symlinks" doesn't work on Windows defect major nginx-core
#643 unknown directive "subs_filter" defect major nginx-core
#646 can not compile nginx-1.7.6(with epoll supported) with uclibc defect major nginx-module
#648 Debian - Failed to fetch nginx source package defect major nginx-package
#649 Add Variable for ISO Time enhancement major nginx-core
#655 access_log fails to create log file when path contains variables defect major nginx-module
#659 Incomplete dependencies on NGINX RPM for CentOS7 defect major nginx-package
#669 Upstream keepalive connections do not properly handle early error responses defect major nginx-core
#670 %0a. routing bypass defect major nginx-core
#674 SSL server config without cert-file passes configtest defect major nginx-core
#676 Different ssl_protocols per server won`t work defect major nginx-core
#688 nginx 1.7.9 + passenger 4.0.53/4.0.56 фейл при компиляции defect major 1.7.9 nginx-core
#693 Randomly [error] 48003#0: *1110895 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream defect major nginx-core
#696 host not found prevents nginx from starting defect major nginx-core
#701 nginx -s stop and -s quit hang on Yosemite defect major nginx-core
#706 WebDav: issue about filename encoding defect major nginx-core
#710 stable segfault on default Unbuntu 12.04 LTS binaries. defect major nginx-core
#726 NGINX will use least level of security for SSL with SNI enabled. defect major nginx-core
#727 Nginx pass_proxy subdirectory without url decoding defect major nginx-core
#731 client_body_temp_path with levels does not work in some cases. defect major nginx-core
#736 Nginx responses 412 to invalid If-Unmodified-Since request-header defect major nginx-module
#743 Warn on Google DNS resolver use, issue a notice on non-localhost use defect major nginx-core
#745 if(false) does not work in 1.6.3 defect major nginx-core
#758 Nginx in FastCGI mode always returns 302 http code if location header is set defect major nginx-core
#763 service nginx configtest always returns zero exit code defect major nginx-core
#765 should not perform consistent hash on empty string defect major nginx-module
#767 Deleted fastcgicache items are used with open_file_cache enabled defect major nginx-module
#768 String garbling when using nested regex locations defect major nginx-core
#769 nginx 1.9.2 breaks ssl_stapling_file Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-core
#773 full site https support for enhancement major other
#777 Unix sockets are not closed before shutting down the server defect major nginx-core
#783 syslog tag not properly included when writing to unix socket defect major nginx-core
#784 Странное поведение внутренних переменных defect major nginx-core
#787 Nginx not able to properly handle charater-set encoding defect major nginx-core
#788 Segfault with dynamic upstream and many SSI includes defect major nginx-core
#789 Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. defect major nginx-core
#800 Variable $server_protocol is empty on HTTP2 Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-core
#802 $server_protocol is empty with the HTTP/2.0 module defect major nginx-core
#820 Add neverbleed support enhancement major 1.9.6 nginx-core
#821 Header "Expires" and "Cache-Control" is not sent for random requests when using "expires" directive defect major nginx-core
#822 Worker process crashing (exit, signal 11) Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-core
#825 NTLM option in upstream module allows authentication bypass defect major nginx-module
#827 proxy_cache bug when using custom error pages Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-module
#828 HTTP2 POST requests seg faulting defect major 1.9 nginx-module
#830 400 Bad Request - No required SSL certificate was sent occurs randomly during a valid SSL session defect major nginx-module
#831 Possible incorrect handling of invalid headers with HTTP/2.0 and POST/PUT requests defect major nginx-core
#840 HTTP2 over plaintext (port 80) returns a file download containing gibberish defect major nginx-core
#842 php not working on nginx when using ssl defect major documentation
#845 signal 11 on ssllabs test Sergey Kandaurov defect major nginx-module
#848 HTTP2 domain redirect error with ssl_verify_client Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-module
#850 worker process exists, prevents OCSP stapling response (?) defect major documentation
#856 Reload Nginx configuration file will cause Nginx can't work on Solaris11 defect major nginx-core
#865 OCSP (ssl module) defect major nginx-module
#873 Bug : ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR and ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH defect major nginx-core
#878 1.8.0 - segfault on debian jessie defect major nginx-core
#881 Nginx with php-fpm + SSI defect major 1.9 nginx-module
#884 NGINX 1.8.1 fails to restart depending on configuration set PIDFILE defect major nginx-core
#885 Add support for multiple elliptic curves enhancement major nginx-core
#887 nginx skips SNI when determining protocols for SSL negotiation defect major nginx-module
#890 with caching enabled, nginx returns 502 bad gateway error long after upstream server comes back up defect major nginx-core
#891 return wrong data when using http2 defect major nginx-core
#894 HTTP Response Header incomplete for 414 Request-URI Too Large defect major nginx-core
#895 Header text ignored in HTT2 defect major nginx-core
#896 Maxed out DNS connections defect major nginx-core
#899 Response headers in body defect major nginx-package
#903 nginx 1.9.11+: Can`t build static nginx any more defect major nginx-core
#904 Servername without semi-colon won't throw an error when used with SSL defect major nginx-core
#906 Header duplicated in case of NGINX and NodeJS defect major nginx-core
#908 Nginx 1.9.12 fails to compile against LibreSSL 2.2.6 defect major nginx-core
#939 acess_log with if unnecessarily accesses access_log causing error defect major nginx-core
#950 Bad gateway with http2 requests on hhvm fastcgi since 1.9.14 defect major nginx-module
#955 Changing vary response header based on varied-opub request hedares causes cache misses enhancement major nginx-core
#962 Nginx leaves old socket defect major documentation
#963 Double escaping of URI variable in IF statement defect major nginx-core
#983 NGINX PROXY 0000 1204 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 8000 defect major other
#988 stuck by below,here is my code please help me defect major 1.11 documentation
#991 http2 uses suboptimal stream prioritization making http/2 slower than http/1.1 defect major other
#992 proxy_next_upstream broken since 1.9.13 including stabe 1.10.1 defect major nginx-core
#993 support for X25519 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect major nginx-core
#1001 Nginx error with php socket defect major 1.11 nginx-core
#1005 client_body_timeout does not send 408 as advertised defect major documentation
#1009 Upstream sent invalid header while reading response header from upstream defect major nginx-core
#1018 debian repo package inconsistent with official debian defect major nginx-package
#1021 Ports 11310 and 11820 are considered to be the same defect major nginx-core
#1023 SNI problem with nginx and apache httpclient defect major nginx-core
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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