Custom Query (702 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 702)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#313 Issue with load balance several Apache instances. defect major nginx-core
#326 Проблема с созданием модальных окон в Joomla 2.5 defect major nginx-core
#339 Time zone lookup needs to be cached enhancement major 1.5 nginx-core
#345 Nginx 1.4.0 is not binding to IPv4 with [::]:80 on Ubuntu 13.04 when net.ipv6.bindv6only is set to false defect major nginx-core
#364 Listen directive broken defect major nginx-core
#370 Possible null pointer dereference? defect major nginx-core
#379 the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c defect major 1.5 nginx-core
#386 Extra strings when getting XML or CSV through Nginx defect major nginx-core
#387 auth_basic_user_file is relative not from prefix given by -p key defect major nginx-core
#397 nginx repomd.xml 404 Not Found defect major nginx-package
#399 disable_symlinks return always 403 defect major nginx-core
#402 PHP not working on Nginx defect major nginx-package
#403 SPDY: image requests to same host but different domain very slow defect major nginx-core
#404 while loging errors, nginx does not interpolate ${host} defect major nginx-module
#424 PID file race condition defect major nginx-core
#429 nginx eats response header defect major nginx-core
#450 memory leak in src/os/win32/ngx_files.c. defect major nginx-core
#464 ngx_http_ssl_module and ssl_ciphers (use of RC4) defect major nginx-core
#466 Sample nginx.con includes SSLv2, lacks TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols defect major nginx-core
#467 Transfer-Encoding: chunked и proxy_pass defect major nginx-core
#471 GZIP does not compress 201 Created Responses defect major nginx-module
#472 ssl_client_verify fails in Safari defect major nginx-module
#480 Unsigned Integers Mishandled defect major nginx-core
#483 Nginx failed with php5-fpm for new php frameworks defect major 1.5 nginx-module
#487 Connection problems after multiple reloads. defect major nginx-core
#489 Segfault in ngx_log_error_core under load defect major nginx-core
#496 Windows upstream 60 proxy_pass timeout defect major nginx-module
#497 X-Accel-Redirect problem with proxy_pass and proxy_set_heder defect major nginx-core
#499 WebSocket will not connect from iOS Safari if ssl_verify_client is set to "optional" defect major nginx-core
#501 Incorrect Host HTTP header when using upstream element in location defect major nginx-core
#502 Problems with serving content on 1.4.4 defect major nginx-core
#515 1.4.6 quietly dropped support for secp521r1 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect major nginx-core
#527 "+" sign is encoded by rewrite as %2B defect major nginx-module
#533 Progressive download (http_mp4): delays before responding with actual data streams defect major nginx-module
#535 Windows Distribution Vulnerable Due to OpenSSL Bug defect major nginx-package
#552 Nginx doesn't honor net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 defect major nginx-core
#569 [emerg] invalid host in upstream "http://phpbackend" defect major 1.7 nginx-module
#570 Potential XSS in "400 Bad Request" response defect major 1.7.2 nginx-core
#572 ccs openssl vuln defect major nginx-core
#577 30000 worker_connections are not enough defect major nginx-core
#624 Nginx SPDY module not working with Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1/ Windows Server 2012 defect major 1.6.2 nginx-module
#629 Nginx as a reverse proxy will not pass headers that contain a period. defect major nginx-core
#637 "disable_symlinks" doesn't work on Windows defect major nginx-core
#643 unknown directive "subs_filter" defect major nginx-core
#655 access_log fails to create log file when path contains variables defect major nginx-module
#659 Incomplete dependencies on NGINX RPM for CentOS7 defect major nginx-package
#670 %0a. routing bypass defect major nginx-core
#688 nginx 1.7.9 + passenger 4.0.53/4.0.56 фейл при компиляции defect major 1.7.9 nginx-core
#727 Nginx pass_proxy subdirectory without url decoding defect major nginx-core
#745 if(false) does not work in 1.6.3 defect major nginx-core
#758 Nginx in FastCGI mode always returns 302 http code if location header is set defect major nginx-core
#763 service nginx configtest always returns zero exit code defect major nginx-core
#773 full site https support for enhancement major other
#784 Странное поведение внутренних переменных defect major nginx-core
#787 Nginx not able to properly handle charater-set encoding defect major nginx-core
#842 php not working on nginx when using ssl defect major documentation
#856 Reload Nginx configuration file will cause Nginx can't work on Solaris11 defect major nginx-core
#865 OCSP (ssl module) defect major nginx-module
#873 Bug : ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR and ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH defect major nginx-core
#881 Nginx with php-fpm + SSI defect major 1.9 nginx-module
#887 nginx skips SNI when determining protocols for SSL negotiation defect major nginx-module
#890 with caching enabled, nginx returns 502 bad gateway error long after upstream server comes back up defect major nginx-core
#894 HTTP Response Header incomplete for 414 Request-URI Too Large defect major nginx-core
#895 Header text ignored in HTT2 defect major nginx-core
#896 Maxed out DNS connections defect major nginx-core
#899 Response headers in body defect major nginx-package
#904 Servername without semi-colon won't throw an error when used with SSL defect major nginx-core
#939 acess_log with if unnecessarily accesses access_log causing error defect major nginx-core
#983 NGINX PROXY 0000 1204 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 8000 defect major other
#988 stuck by below,here is my code please help me defect major 1.11 documentation
#991 http2 uses suboptimal stream prioritization making http/2 slower than http/1.1 defect major other
#1018 debian repo package inconsistent with official debian defect major nginx-package
#1023 SNI problem with nginx and apache httpclient defect major nginx-core
#1081 ngx_stream_core_module proxy_pass dynamic resolve enhancement major nginx-module
#1087 System crashes that were solved by increasing server_names_hash_max_size defect major other
#1092 virtal host attacks: Limit Host header to CN/DNS-Name of currently used certificate defect major 1.11.5 nginx-core
#1105 Unknown directive "init_by_lua" defect major other
#1115 Skeleton for dynamic module's config file shows invalid example defect major documentation
#1124 4** pages cache don't appear in file cache defect major nginx-core
#1208 Ubuntu 16.04 Mainline version from NGINX Repo not including IPV6 mocule defect major 1.11 nginx-package
#1220 Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP defect major nginx-core
#1221 add_header conflict defect major nginx-core
#1223 Missing error pages + deny + try_files results in full body being returned defect major nginx-core
#1224 Wildcard in server_name defect major nginx-core
#1231 Testconfig using filename doesn't test includes defect major nginx-core
#1233 Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new proxy_cache_background_update directive defect major nginx-core
#1246 proxy_pass does not form correct URI when declared with $scheme variable defect major nginx-core
#1256 match-all regex server name not always matching defect major other
#1290 проблема с proxy_store при использовании https defect major other
#1292 Chunked FastCGI output gets chunked an extra time defect major nginx-core
#1313 If "return" rules are above than "expires", then "expires" stop working. task major nginx-core
#1314 If I set sendfile to off, expire header never sent to client. task major nginx-core
#1318 Upgrading on Ubuntu Conflicts with nginx-common defect major nginx-package
#1326 rpm update overwrites data defect major nginx-package
#1328 Incorrect value of $upstream_addr in access_log defect major nginx-module
#1352 error when starting defect major 1.13 other
#1378 fix a bug that in the function ngx_http_subrequest, it will make the headers_in.headers incorrect,and it will cause many problems defect major nginx-core
#1400 test the configuration file failed in v1.12.2, but not in v1.12.1 defect major other
#1409 ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR defect major other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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