Custom Query (155 matches)


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Results (101 - 155 of 155)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#677 FQDN treated as syslog tag by rsyslog defect minor nginx-core
#742 OCSP stapling does not work at all when default_server runs with a self-signed certificate defect minor nginx-module
#749 Nginx not correctly cleaning fasctgi cache defect minor nginx-core
#754 add_header not being inherited by named location defect minor nginx-core
#809 http2 cookies not readable under php defect minor nginx-core
#811 http2 auth not working defect minor nginx-core
#824 NGINX returning 404 on proxy timeout instead of 504 when request is a POST defect minor nginx-module
#835 Gzip module doesn't handle application/javascript mime type. defect minor nginx-module
#836 the file existence check fails if permission is denied defect minor documentation
#849 proxy_cache filder no files,I think it is a bug,because in version 1.0.4 is OK! defect minor documentation
#863 Support for serving any directory as a low priviliged user enhancement minor nginx-core
#875 Vary Header Duplicate defect minor documentation
#916 Incorrect map value passed. defect minor nginx-core
#930 Nginx падает через несколько минут с ошибкой при включении proxy_cache на Win 2012 defect minor nginx-core
#951 'proxy_request_buffering' does not work with 'http2' on nginx 1.9.14 defect minor documentation
#968 Error in `nginx: worker process': free(): invalid pointer: 0x08962628 defect minor documentation
#996 nginx memory leak defect minor other
#1002 worker process 9255 exited on signal 11 (core dumped) defect minor other
#1008 Nginx ignores reload defect minor other
#1013 problem on restart nginx defect minor nginx-core
#1050 Fucking disable your fucking client certificate requests! defect minor other
#1095 nginx crashed defect minor other
#1112 invalid $host with one line muli domain server_name defect minor nginx-core
#1146 large stderr freeze request defect minor other
#1152 Custom error_page doesn't work for HTTP error 413 defect minor other
#1173 "client sent invalid request" when proxy protocol destination is defect minor other
#1177 Segfault - Invalid pointer in ngx_ssl_shutdown > SSL_free > CRYPTO_free defect minor nginx-core
#1340 Incorrect TLS session resumption for SNI-enabled upstream. defect minor nginx-core
#1351 NGINX closing connection with GOAWAY if client sends SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE with too large value in initial SETTINGS frame defect minor other
#1358 Only first parameter of querystring available defect minor other
#1387 large_client_header_buffers, SSL, 400 Bad Request defect minor nginx-core
#1392 Постоянное увелечение nginx writing defect minor nginx-core
#1401 No config warning/error emitted when ssl_dhparam is set but file not found defect minor other
#1436 ngx_http_upstream_test_next u->peer.tries > 1 defect minor 1.13 other
#1489 Document bug/inaccuracy (syntax doc) defect minor documentation
#1510 gRPC stream RST_STREAM PROTOCOL_ERROR defect minor other
#1527 No gRPC support in Debian packages? defect minor nginx-package
#1555 nginx with grpc is poor performance defect minor other
#1564 Broken repomd.xml for CentOS6 i686 thresh defect minor other
#1580 Deprecate 'ssl on;' enhancement minor other
#1588 about realip module defect minor other
#1597 strange issue with TLS and IPv6 defect minor other
#1640 Question on handling NGX_HTTP_CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST defect minor nginx-core
#1648 Nginx compiled with Openssl 1.1.1 allow renegotiation defect minor nginx-core
#1649 Improve documentation for the location block enhancement minor documentation
#1741 Use IP_FREEBIND? enhancement minor nginx-core
#1799 client_max_body_size ignored except at the bottom of http context defect minor nginx-core
#1807 SSI include subrequests are not logged defect minor nginx-core
#1858 uWSGI params Content length issue when uploading file defect minor nginx-1.17 other
#1885 when nginx proxy to tomcat, sometimes nginx changes method(POST -> 01POST) defect minor nginx-module
#1895 Serious issue with .site domain extension defect minor other
#1913 Large number of error “512 worker_connections are not enough” defect minor other
#1943 $arg_ variable cannot see the parameter which comes right after "?" defect minor documentation
#1980 custom 401 error_page with auth_basic never shows the custom 401 page defect minor documentation
#255 HttpAutoindexModule fails to align collumns correctly when special characters are used somebody defect trivial nginx-module
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