Custom Query (255 matches)


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Results (201 - 255 of 255)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1366 ngx_epoll_notify override original handler defect minor nginx-core
#1386 allow_all parameter for ssl_verify_client enhancement minor other
#1391 Windows compile 64-bit on download page enhancement minor other
#1403 nginx module cannot use libpcre defect minor nginx-core
#1410 default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers enhancement minor nginx-core
#1424 Not consistent type cast in ngx_unix_send() defect minor other
#1435 NGINX allows sending of a malformed header per RFC7540 Section 10.3 defect minor other
#1447 Specific IP(v4) listen directives cause "address already in use" when using ipv6only=off defect minor other
#1461 set $arg_param does not work defect minor nginx-core
#1481 nginx -t should throw error when merge_slashes is used in non-default server block enhancement minor nginx-core
#1487 IPv6 Transparent Proxy not supported in the official pre-build package defect minor nginx-package
#1529 Could not configure TLS1.3 ciphers in OpenSSL 1.1.1 pre4 task minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1541 Allow to build grpc module as dynamic enhancement minor nginx-module
#1553 поддержка IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT на CentOS 7.4 и выше enhancement minor nginx-package
#1558 nginx does not pass metadata to grpc server defect minor other
#1559 ways to expose the value of client_max_body_size enhancement minor other
#1594 ngx_palloc.c may save more memory defect minor other
#1616 ssl_preread_alpn_protocols not safe defect minor nginx-module
#1632 Pool cleanups are not called in the daemonization defect minor nginx-core
#1663 Could we extend nginx by our own misc type modules enhancement minor nginx-module
#1665 Minimum zone size for limit_req strangely high defect minor nginx-module
#1676 nginx.service for tmpfs /var/log defect minor other
#1677 nginx does not resolve hostnames if there is no route defect minor nginx-core
#1681 Default_type defect minor other
#1687 Overrides system default minimum TLS version defect minor other
#1688 want to get the socket port which use in nginx and upstream servers enhancement minor nginx-1.15.8 nginx-core
#1690 Add MITM detection enhancement minor nginx-module
#1705 Enable ssl if ssl_certificate is present enhancement minor other
#1715 Logs are no longer written to /dev/stdout after HUP, if daemon is on defect minor other
#1723 proxy_cache_background_update does not really do updates in the background defect minor nginx-module
#1752 400 Bad Request when Content-Length header value starts with HT defect minor nginx-core
#1754 Proxy request supports different Host load balancing(http+https) enhancement minor other
#1772 Option to allow syslog tags longer than 32 symbols enhancement minor nginx-core
#1777 packages for Ubuntu Bionic/Cosmic/Disco do not include i386 defect minor nginx-package
#1783 --http-log-path and --error-log-path don't properly support passing syslog paths defect minor other
#1817 HTTP2 Server Push doesn't include Authorization header into the push request made from Link: preload header defect minor other
#1829 ssl: fail gracefully on Alert instead of ClientHello defect minor nginx-module
#1864 Tune documentation for ssl_session_tickets (supported RFC number) task minor nginx-1.17 other
#1869 Wrong client IP in errors logged early in request processing when using PROXY protocol defect minor nginx-core
#1891 $body_bytes_sent and $bytes_sent wrong during sliced subrequest defect minor other
#1896 SSL certificate password - startup defect minor other
#1897 Systemd is unable to read pidfile after nginx start-up due to a race-condition defect minor other
#1908 Listen Directive needs Documentation Update task minor documentation
#1911 [PATCH] Deprecate TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 for March 2020 enhancement minor nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1912 Ignore duplicate reuseport options defect minor nginx-core
#1972 Use of IRIs in redirect responses causes nginx to violate HTTP RFCs defect minor nginx-core
#1975 Certificates in ssl_trusted_certificate doesn't have to be CA, docs say otherwise defect minor documentation
#1978 Logging real client IP on invalid request enhancement minor nginx-core
#73 Support logging to external process (pipe) in HttpLogModule somebody enhancement trivial nginx-module
#185 предлагаю добавить тип для файлов *.crl somebody enhancement trivial nginx-package
#279 mime.types: audio/ogg for .opus files Sergey Kandaurov enhancement trivial nginx-core
#538 Server origin header not passed through the proxy defect trivial nginx-core
#737 systemd service unit file ignores sysconfig environment variables enhancement trivial nginx-package
#1327 Pre-Build packages with static openssl (http2) enhancement trivial nginx-package
#1662 A minor code clean for ngx_configure_listening_sockets enhancement trivial nginx-core
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