Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1146, comment 1

02/10/17 19:29:14 (8 years ago)
Maxim Dounin


  • Ticket #1146, comment 1

    initial v1  
    11There is no such 4k limitation anywhere in nginx, and any amount of FastCGI stderr data works just fine. Just tested the exact script on Windows with PHP 7.1, and it works fine too.
    3 Note though, that writing to `php://stderr` in PHP currently will _not_ output to FastCGI's stderr as it should, but will rather write to the file descriptor 2, see [[ this bug]]. That is, when starting `php-cgi -b` manually from the command line you'll see the output on the screen. Given the above, most likely the problem is related to how you start `php-cgi`, likely execution hangs when the buffer it writes to is exhausted. Try starting `php-cgi` manually from the command line to see if it helps.
     3Note though, that writing to `php://stderr` in PHP currently will _not_ output to FastCGI's stderr as it should, but will rather write to the file descriptor 2, see [[|this bug]]. That is, when starting `php-cgi -b` manually from the command line you'll see the output on the screen. Given the above, most likely the problem is related to how you start `php-cgi`, likely execution hangs when the buffer it writes to is exhausted. Try starting `php-cgi` manually from the command line to see if it helps.