7 | | Now, if you comment memcached but retain "break", the content handler is inherited from the implicit server location, which happens to be "index" content handler (since uri ends with "/"). Index first checks root+uri+index file, /my/root/showpage/index.html, fails, then tests if a directory exists (to return either 403 or 404), and since there's no directory, returns 404 which is then internally redirected to @cgipass. There, uri gets rewritten to /cgi-bin/showpage.fcg/, and rewrite module finishes. The uri then matches the "/" location with the static file handler, which is probably not what you wanted. But you already know how to solve it. |
| 7 | Now, if you comment out memcached but retain "break", the content handler is inherited from the implicit server location, which happens to be "index" content handler (since uri ends with "/"). Index first checks the root+uri+index file, /my/root/showpage/index.html, fails, then tests if its parent directory exists (to return either 403 or 404), and since there's no directory, returns 404 which is then internally redirected to @cgipass. There, uri gets rewritten to /cgi-bin/showpage.fcg/, and rewrite module stops. The uri then matches the "/" location with the static file handler, which is probably not what you wanted. But you already know how to solve it. |