Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1936, comment 3

03/01/20 04:11:22 (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #1936, comment 3

    initial v1  
    11If something satisfies the way is was supposed to be written, it doesn't get right because of this.
    22NGINX has an extremely controversial behavior here.
    3 It looks like modules conflict or a flaw of architecture/documentation (e.g. inconsistency of phase handlers planning).
     3It is a modules conflict or a flaw of architecture/documentation (inconsistency of phase handlers planning).
    55> ''The realip module, if specified in a particular location, starts working only if a particular location is chosen''
    66Particular location is chosen, because 'return' directive inside it does execute.
    7 And it's always last chosen location, because there are no redirection is specified for it.
     7And this is always last chosen location, because there are no redirection is specified for it.
    99> ''configuration is only considered to be chosen after processing by the rewrite module''
    11 The presented case have simple unambiguous location config.
    12 But it is processed incorrectly due to flaw of consistent execution of rewrite module's directives and other modules.
    13 And there is no right processing plaсe for it now: nor on the same phase (there are no such phase), nor on the different phases (there are no appropriate phases).
     11The presented case above have simple unambiguous location config.
     12But it is processed incorrectly due to **flaw of consistent execution of rewrite module's directives with directives from other modules placed in the same location**.
     13And there is no right place for a correct processing it now: nor on the same phase (there are no such phase), nor on the different phases (there are no appropriate phases).
    15 Obviously, it is incorrect to declare an ability to use 'realip' directives in the location if they have conflicts
    16 with location handling directives.
     15Obviously, **it is incorrect to declare an ability to use 'realip' directives in the location if they have conflicts with location handling directives**.
    1817> ''In your particular example request processing is stopped by the return directive of the rewrite module before this happens.''