

12:47 Ticket #384 (trailing dot in server_name) created by Sergey Kandaurov
nginx should treat server_name values with and without trailing dot as …


09:04 Ticket #383 (nginx 1.4.1 以及1.51 版本 报错) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The request generated by the command in question is invalid and …
04:40 Ticket #383 (nginx 1.4.1 以及1.51 版本 报错) created by zeng hongl
在使用nginx时,只要url地址中出现空格H 就会报400错误, 地址如下: curl "http://nginx.org/? H"


23:54 Ticket #382 (RFE - Support for bcrypt hashes) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: All crypt(3) algorithms supported in your OS are available for use in …
15:49 Ticket #382 (RFE - Support for bcrypt hashes) created by Gianluca Varisco
Hi everybody. I'd like to use bcrypt hashes for nginx auth. Is there …


14:31 Milestone 1.5.2 completed
Status: released 1.5.2 changelog


14:27 Ticket #321 (try_files & $fastcgi_path_info) updated by Nilesh Govindrajan
Feature or bug, I don't know and I don't care. My application doesn't …


22:38 Ticket #95 (Integrate syslog patch into modules) updated by Karsten McMinn
not meaning to troll, but I'd like to see some more debate on whether …
22:36 Ticket #95 (Integrate syslog patch into modules) reopened by Karsten McMinn
22:35 Ticket #95 (Integrate syslog patch into modules) updated by Karsten McMinn
+1 for syslog support in nginx. Its worth pointing out that if you …


12:00 Ticket #381 (Cannot use occurence regex in location) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Much like with rewrite, if a regular …


18:56 Ticket #381 (Cannot use occurence regex in location) created by TruongSinh Tran-Nguyen
My config: ` #... location ~ /[0-9a-fA-Z]{24}$ { …
09:42 Ticket #380 (can't make nginx --- ngx_http_request) updated by Maxim Dounin
09:07 Ticket #380 (can't make nginx --- ngx_http_request) updated by larry liang
Replying to Maxim Dounin: > Just a quick comment: an …
09:03 Ticket #380 (can't make nginx --- ngx_http_request) updated by Maxim Dounin
Just a quick comment: an obvious workaround is to use …
08:42 Ticket #380 (can't make nginx --- ngx_http_request) closed by Ruslan Ermilov
fixed: This has already been fixed in 1.5.1 in [5200]. The fix will be merged …
07:53 Ticket #380 (can't make nginx --- ngx_http_request) updated by larry liang
Change the nginx version to 1.2.9,it's ok now.
03:51 Ticket #380 (can't make nginx --- ngx_http_request) created by larry liang
OS version: Centos release 6.3 error log: cc -c -pipe -O -W -Wall …


11:00 Ticket #379 (the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c) updated by Wei Wang
I see. Thank you!!!
10:27 Ticket #379 (the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The ngx_cpystrn() functions is to copy null-terminated string from src …
02:40 Ticket #379 (the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c) created by Wei Wang
The function ngx_cpystrn(u_char *dst, u_char *src, n) is to copy …


16:08 Ticket #378 (Nginx directive underscores_in_headers is not valid for the first ...) created by Aviram Cohen
The configuration directive 'underscores_in_headers on;' should allow …
00:30 Ticket #377 (etag не отдается с gzip) updated by Maxim Dounin
При использовании gzip - содержимое ответа меняется, и strong entity …


17:25 Ticket #377 (etag не отдается с gzip) created by Владимир Андреев
Обнаружил странное поведение при одновременно включенных директивах …


11:58 Ticket #376 (log file reopen should pass opened fd from master process) updated by Maxim Dounin
Status changed
11:57 Ticket #376 (log file reopen should pass opened fd from master process) updated by Maxim Dounin
uname -a, Type, nginx -V, Summary changed
Current behaviour is as follows: - Do not attempt to do anything with …
05:17 Ticket #376 (log file reopen should pass opened fd from master process) created by Tiziano Müller
When starting nginx all the log files (error_log, access_log) are …


11:50 Ticket #375 (Unable to do if checking on $sent_http_content_type) updated by Maxim Dounin
Recommended approach is to configure separate location for resources …
11:03 Ticket #375 (Unable to do if checking on $sent_http_content_type) reopened by Silver Moonstone
so how to achieve what i am trying to do ?
10:43 Ticket #375 (Unable to do if checking on $sent_http_content_type) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The "if" directive, much like other rewrite module directives, are …
10:37 Ticket #375 (Unable to do if checking on $sent_http_content_type) created by Silver Moonstone
This does not have any effect if ( $sent_http_content_type = …


11:48 Ticket #374 (Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string) updated by Colin Matthias
I see. I wasn't aware of the %uXXXX issue... that definitely makes …


18:21 Ticket #374 (Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string) updated by Maxim Dounin
What makes you think that nginx doesn't follow the RFC? The fact that …
18:00 Ticket #374 (Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string) updated by Colin Matthias
OK, thank you for the info. Out of curiosity, is there a particular …
17:49 Ticket #374 (Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: As nginx doesn't decode query string, it's more or less expected that …
16:55 Ticket #374 (Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string) created by Colin Matthias
When serving a request with bad percent encoding in the path portion …
09:37 Ticket #373 (nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors) closed by Maxim Dounin
07:33 Ticket #373 (nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors) updated by oliver nadj
I updated PHP to 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.19, not helped, but my distro is out …


20:09 Ticket #373 (nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors) updated by Maxim Dounin
From debug log, it looks like a php problem: […] That is, stdout …
19:54 Ticket #373 (nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors) updated by oliver nadj
Now the location ~ ^.+\.php section looks like this: […] And the …
19:28 Ticket #281 (proxy_cache_use_stale conflicts with proxy_intercept_errors) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: As of now, the proxy_intercept_errors status is resolved when storing …
19:11 Ticket #373 (nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors) updated by oliver nadj
I just added logs, I hope it is ok. Currently I check …
19:07 error.with-debug.log.gz attached to Ticket #373 by oliver nadj
error log with debug flag
19:06 error.log.gz attached to Ticket #373 by oliver nadj
error log without debug flag
15:36 Ticket #351 (Nginx Perl: header_in('cookie') does not work in 1.4.0) closed by Maxim Dounin
fixed: Fix committed, thank you for report.
15:34 Ticket #373 (nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors) updated by Maxim Dounin
Script in question works fine here. Note well: script in question …
14:59 Ticket #373 (nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors) created by oliver nadj
The nginx server unexpectedly terminates php-fastcgi when it produces …
13:34 Ticket #351 (Nginx Perl: header_in('cookie') does not work in 1.4.0) updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In f5626ab8cb87da71a12eb47ddd5fc07dcdeb0660/nginx: […]
13:09 Ticket #372 (gzip_static: support for .svgz files) created by Steffen Weber
According to the SVG specification [1] and freedesktop's MIME database …
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