

05:32 Ticket #1314 (If I set sendfile to off, expire header never sent to client.) created by nonegit@…
location ~* \.(css|html|js|jpg)$ {expires 2h;} If I set sendfile to …
01:46 Ticket #1313 (If "return" rules are above than "expires", then "expires" stop working.) updated by nonegit@…
nginx processing Expected result: 0. Ok, next line. 1. Referer is …
01:41 Ticket #1313 (If "return" rules are above than "expires", then "expires" stop working.) created by nonegit@…
server{ ... [1] location ~* \.(css|js|jpg|zip)$ {valid_referers …


13:03 Ticket #1300 (nginx configuration test is breaking connections from the running instance) updated by Max Laverse
We were suspecting that other OSs might handle such a case in a better …
12:35 Ticket #1297 (Javascript Engine:IoT tutorial not working) closed by xeioex
06:58 Ticket #1312 (In fastcgi_pass does not correctly handle variables) created by sleuthhound@…
I use Debian 8.8 (jessie) php5-fpm 5.6.30 and nginx/1.13.2 My typical …


15:43 Ticket #1309 (Chunked transfer encoding with Live video stream does not clean tmp files) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: By default, the request body is fully read by nginx if it is needed …
14:58 Ticket #1151 (Use sched_getaffinity() and CPU_COUNT() for ngx_ncpu on Linux) updated by Maxim Dounin
See also #1311.
14:58 Ticket #1311 (worker_processes auto mode does not consider isolated CPUs) closed by Maxim Dounin
duplicate: By "isolated CPUs" you mean Linux kernel isolcpus= option? This …
14:51 Ticket #1309 (Chunked transfer encoding with Live video stream does not clean tmp files) updated by unifiedstreaming@…
Please note that the following line: make sure this flag is …
12:53 Ticket #1300 (nginx configuration test is breaking connections from the running instance) updated by Maxim Dounin
Just to clarify, there are two factors that contribute to the observed …


17:57 Ticket #857 (Problem with multiline $ssl_client_cert HTTP header in proxy mode) updated by Renkas@…
Any progress on getting this fixed?
14:37 Ticket #1311 (worker_processes auto mode does not consider isolated CPUs) created by affinioso@…
When worker_processes is set to "auto" - it does not take into …
13:46 Ticket #1310 (SSL proxy - CRL verification error) closed by Maxim Dounin
duplicate: See ticket #1094 (in particular, [[comment:6:ticket:1094|this …
13:21 Ticket #1310 (SSL proxy - CRL verification error) updated by Renkas@…
'conf/_ssl.conf' content is as follows. Forgot to include in original …
13:19 Ticket #1310 (SSL proxy - CRL verification error) created by Renkas@…
This is mostly duplicate of: https://trac.nginx.org/nginx/ticket/344
11:16 chunked.zip attached to Ticket #1309 by unifiedstreaming@…
A zip file containing module (src, makefile and config) as well as …
11:15 Ticket #1309 (Chunked transfer encoding with Live video stream does not clean tmp files) created by unifiedstreaming@…
Hi Maxim, When using 'chunked transfer encoding' Nginx writes the …


12:08 Ticket #189 (timeouts break when time changes) updated by Maxim Dounin
See also #1308.
12:08 Ticket #1308 (nginx timer don't work if change system date.) closed by Maxim Dounin
duplicate: The problem is that nginx uses system time to control expiration of …
12:06 Ticket #1308 (nginx timer don't work if change system date.) updated by panjiearray@…
My idea have been verified. I used uptime instead, then this issue …
11:53 Ticket #1308 (nginx timer don't work if change system date.) updated by panjiearray@…
I think ngx_gettimeofday() in function ngx_time_update() caused this …
06:38 Ticket #1308 (nginx timer don't work if change system date.) created by panjiearray@…
I register a timer used by function ngx_add_timer(), and it works …


02:51 Ticket #1276 (Nginx segfault error that leads to server crash) updated by seewellpjl@…
After change the compile options to --crossbuild=Linux:x86_64 and …


01:22 Ticket #990 (ssl_stapling_file does not work with multiple certificates) updated by plinss@…
Patch submitted: …


17:44 Ticket #1306 (ngx_http_geo_module ranges do not support ipv6) updated by ajorgensen@…
Sounds good. I think it would be helpful to document this in the …
13:54 Ticket #1306 (ngx_http_geo_module ranges do not support ipv6) updated by Maxim Dounin
Priority, Type changed
As of now, only IPv4 ranges are supported by the code.
12:26 Ticket #1303 (Nginx should respect error_page directives) updated by Maxim Dounin
When you define an error page /500.html, you define an URI which …
10:47 Ticket #1307 (proxy_ssl_verify fails with multiple upstreams) updated by maxim
Not really. I am saying that there is a dedicated support channel for …
10:31 Ticket #1307 (proxy_ssl_verify fails with multiple upstreams) reopened by wheelq@…
Are you saying this bug does not exist in nginx (not plus) ?
08:58 Ticket #1307 (proxy_ssl_verify fails with multiple upstreams) closed by maxim
invalid: Hello, this is a bug tracking system for nginx open-source. It looks …
08:57 Ticket #1307 (proxy_ssl_verify fails with multiple upstreams) updated by wheelq@…
Seems like this module needs to support: - proxy_ssl_verify_ca to …
08:54 Ticket #1307 (proxy_ssl_verify fails with multiple upstreams) created by wheelq@…
nginx version: nginx/1.11.10 (nginx-plus-r12-p2) I have used default …
02:45 Ticket #1303 (Nginx should respect error_page directives) updated by wurde@…
Ok I'm aware that the 'if' block doesn't allow for sending the error …


22:11 Ticket #1306 (ngx_http_geo_module ranges do not support ipv6) created by ajorgensen@…
It appears that while ipv6 is supported via CIDR in the geo module, …
19:22 Ticket #1305 (OCSP stapling fails due to not working DNS resolution) updated by grazzolini@…
So, basically, setting up the resolver directive, makes nginx to deal …
15:08 Ticket #1305 (OCSP stapling fails due to not working DNS resolution) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: With OCSP stapling enabled, nginx will parse OCSP responder address …
13:44 Ticket #1305 (OCSP stapling fails due to not working DNS resolution) created by grazzolini@…
I'm the maintainer of Archlinux's nginx-mainline package. Recently we …
12:30 Ticket #1304 (proxy_cache not support slice) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Please read the …
12:11 Ticket #1303 (Nginx should respect error_page directives) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The if (-f /home/ubuntu/accreu/tmp/maintenance-on) ... in your …
03:00 Ticket #1304 (proxy_cache not support slice) created by yan.sheng.upai.com@…
== config: == proxy_cache_path /root/cjhust/cache levels=1:2 …
00:28 Ticket #990 (ssl_stapling_file does not work with multiple certificates) updated by plinss@…
Let me add my support for allowing multiple staple files. Regardless …


19:30 Ticket #1303 (Nginx should respect error_page directives) created by wurde@…
I define a custom error page for 503 errors when putting my site into …


14:51 Milestone 1.13.2 completed
Status: released Trunk: mainline * HTTP trailers support
14:06 Ticket #1031 (nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
13:19 Ticket #1302 (New variables $ssl_client_sha256_fingerprint and/or ...) created by dmitry.rudenko.moneta.ru@…
$ssl_client_fingerprint value is too weak (sha1) for us. …
12:25 Ticket #1301 (New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: Ok, thank you for clarification. I'm closing this as the request to …
07:21 Ticket #1301 (New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module) updated by dmitry.rudenko.moneta.ru@…
You are right, we need signature to identify a certificate. …


23:00 Ticket #1031 (nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < ...) updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In [changeset:"aeaac3ccee4f6fb4ab7928126028a55d107ee147/nginx"
15:12 Ticket #1301 (New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module) updated by Maxim Dounin
What do you mean by "x509 certificate signature"? Normally, an X509 …
14:24 Ticket #1301 (New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module) updated by dmitry.rudenko.moneta.ru@…
14:19 Ticket #1301 (New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module) updated by dmitry.rudenko.moneta.ru@…
Sorry for briefness. $ssl_client_signature is client x509 certificate …
14:10 Ticket #1301 (New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module) updated by Maxim Dounin
It is not clear what the variable is expected to contain, and why it …
14:05 Ticket #1301 (New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module) created by dmitry.rudenko.moneta.ru@…
New variable $ssl_client_signature for ngx_http_ssl_module
13:56 Ticket #857 (Problem with multiline $ssl_client_cert HTTP header in proxy mode) updated by dmitry.rudenko.moneta.ru@…
We use apache httpd as a backend server. Changes with Apache 2.4.24: …
10:21 Ticket #1288 (upstream server port defaults to port 80 even for https: proxy_pass) updated by Neil Craig
OK, I see. So when the upstream is called, there's no parameter/arg …
08:45 Ticket #1297 (Javascript Engine:IoT tutorial not working) updated by florinpatan@…
Hi xeioex, liam, Thank you both for your replies. I can confirm that …


14:33 Ticket #1300 (nginx configuration test is breaking connections from the running instance) created by Max Laverse
Hi! We were investigating why we were losing requests when the …
11:58 Ticket #1288 (upstream server port defaults to port 80 even for https: proxy_pass) updated by Maxim Dounin
The scheme is not know when the upstream{} block is created and its …
08:57 Ticket #1288 (upstream server port defaults to port 80 even for https: proxy_pass) updated by Neil Craig
Sorry for the delay Max, i never get emails from this tracker. Yes, i …


19:36 Ticket #1031 (nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
The wording in the above quote from RFC 7233 seems to be accidental, …
15:40 Ticket #1297 (Javascript Engine:IoT tutorial not working) updated by xeioex
See the patch above for your Dockerfile.
15:36 Dockerfile.patch attached to Ticket #1297 by xeioex
14:44 Ticket #1297 (Javascript Engine:IoT tutorial not working) updated by Liam Crilly
Your environment is failing because nginScript requires PCRE UTF-8. …
11:59 Ticket #1299 (Upstream docs) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
invalid: No, you're wrong.
09:31 Ticket #1299 (Upstream docs) created by Olaf van der Spek
> proxy_pass http://backend; AFAIK this should be just backend. …
09:29 Ticket #788 (Segfault with dynamic upstream and many SSI includes) closed by Roman Arutyunyan
09:21 Ticket #1298 (when use nginx stream module to proxy UDP traffic, one connection ...) updated by Roman Arutyunyan
Currently, nginx creates a new socket for proxying every incoming UDP …
08:55 Ticket #788 (Segfault with dynamic upstream and many SSI includes) updated by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
In [changeset:"6169dbad37d85fa8642b9d0a51f0f0f6c19dd3d1/nginx"
07:22 Ticket #1298 (when use nginx stream module to proxy UDP traffic, one connection ...) created by cheng0201@…
just use netperf to test nginx stream module UDP proxy performance, a …


15:44 Ticket #1297 (Javascript Engine:IoT tutorial not working) created by florinpatan@…
Hello, I'm following the IoT tutorial from here: …


14:51 Ticket #1031 (nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < ...) reopened by Maxim Dounin
It looks like returning 416 makes things at least inconvenient for the …


12:05 Ticket #1296 (build_module.sh fails for nginx version 1.10.2) closed by Andrei Belov
06:47 Ticket #1296 (build_module.sh fails for nginx version 1.10.2) updated by Andrei Belov
The prepare-build-env is available starting from 1.11.11-1 package …
06:32 Ticket #1296 (build_module.sh fails for nginx version 1.10.2) updated by Andrei Belov
Component changed


18:25 Ticket #1296 (build_module.sh fails for nginx version 1.10.2) created by davidbitton@…
The Makefile for 1.10.2 is different than the one for 1.13. Therefore …


18:08 Ticket #1295 (proxy_pass to websocket server) updated by Maxim Dounin
The log messages suggest that the connection is reset by your backend …
15:58 Ticket #1295 (proxy_pass to websocket server) created by nknighter@…
Hello, I have nginx config as a proxy server to local websocket …
09:19 Ticket #1294 (Add version-information resource) created by Sataur@…
In Windows version there are no executable details like product name …


03:49 Ticket #1293 (nginx http proxy stops sending request data after first byte of server ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Type changed
As of now, nginx stops sending request as long as it gets full header …


19:13 error.20170612_002.sanitized.log.gz attached to Ticket #1293 by swimfrog@…
debug error log for ticket #1293
19:11 Ticket #1293 (nginx http proxy stops sending request data after first byte of server ...) created by swimfrog@…
I have an upstream service that accepts large input files via PUT …
15:38 Ticket #1163 (cache size grows over max_size) updated by caseyf@…
I'm also observing this problem with nginx 1.11.12 and proxy_cache + …
12:24 Ticket #1291 (TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: As previously suggested, the observed behaviour is a result of an …


19:39 Ticket #1292 (Chunked FastCGI output gets chunked an extra time) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
>But nginx modifies the chunked HTTP response coming from the FastCGI …
17:08 Ticket #1292 (Chunked FastCGI output gets chunked an extra time) updated by jmarshall.com@…
But nginx modifies the chunked HTTP response coming from the FastCGI …
16:47 Ticket #1291 (TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx) updated by samysilva@…
Thanks for the info; Mdounin. We use nginx as an SLB service to …
10:55 Ticket #1292 (Chunked FastCGI output gets chunked an extra time) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
invalid: There's no such thing as HTTP chunked transfer encoding in FastCGI …
03:11 nginx-chunked.cgi attached to Ticket #1292 by jmarshall.com@…
Demonstrates the bug with FastCGI and chunked encoding
03:09 Ticket #1292 (Chunked FastCGI output gets chunked an extra time) created by jmarshall.com@…
When my FastCGI script returns a chunked body, with …


02:11 Ticket #1291 (TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx) updated by Maxim Dounin
Note that LAST_ACK state you refer in both your file and your video …


20:57 Ticket #1291 (TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx) updated by samysilva@…
The servers with logstash are monitored directly with Nagios, and are …
19:57 Ticket #1291 (TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx) updated by samysilva@…
Hi, could you read as evidence in the attached file? I'm going to …
16:07 Ticket #1291 (TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx) updated by Maxim Dounin
Priority, Keywords, Component changed
From the description it doesn't look like there is anything wrong with …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.