Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#289 Add support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS / RFC 6797) accepted HSTS, SSL, RFC 6797, header enhancement minor
#692 Introduce variable to get SSL cipher bits of current connection new ssl enhancement minor
#770 Enable PolarSSL or Botan as a compile-time alternative to OpenSSL new ssl security enhancement minor
#1164 Option to turn off TLS protocols errors in the logs new ssl tls enhancement minor
#1302 New variables $ssl_client_sha256_fingerprint and/or $ssl_client_sha512_fingerprint for ngx_http_ssl_module new ssl client fingerprint enhancement minor
#1458 ngx_http_ssl_module http block config bug new ngx_http_ssl_module defect minor
#1716 http2 ssl verify certificate failed should close tcp connection new http2 ssl verify certificate defect minor
#2449 Allow using OpenSSL 3.0 "provider" API instead of deprecated "engine" API new openssl, provider, tpm, pkcs11, engine enhancement minor
#2542 ssl_ecdh_curve is sometimes ignored in server blocks new ssl_ecdh_curve,kex,default_server defect minor
#2643 ssl_reject_handshake not working as expected new ssl_reject_handshake defect minor
#2579 OCSP stapling vs. $ssl_server_name reopened OCSP $ssl_server_name defect major
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.