Custom Query (5 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#2389 "proxy_cache_background_update on" ignored using subrequest (more exactly: nested subrequest) reopened subrequest background cache defect major
#1402 Not invalidate cahe if fastcgi_cache_background_update is on new fastcgi_cache_background_update,fastcgi_cache,STALE defect minor
#1738 NGINX Not Honoring proxy_cache_background_update with Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate Header reopened background update cache control stale-while-revalidate defect minor
#2528 nginx reload with quic reuseport: quic packet rejected rc:-1 new listen quic reuseport quic packet rejected rc:-1 defect minor
#2621 QUIC ACKs could be delayed by congestion controllers new quic, ack defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.