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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#214 fixed Ability to detect presence of SNI header somebody Aaron Q

I think it would be a great feature to be able to detect the lack of the SNI header inside of a server block for an SSL listener.

Something like:

server {

listen default_nosni; server_name ssl_certificate ...; ssl_key ...; location / {

rewrite .* /no_sni.html;



Could be the catch-all for all SSL requests hitting that do include the headers needed for SNI to work (Windows XP + Internet Explorer 7/8). We could then display a page to the user that requests them to use a different browser or upgrade instead of them being served a possibly invalid or mismatching SSL certificate than the host they are trying to reach.

#1237 fixed ability to mirror traffic (like goreplay) without using post_action…

A lot of us want to mirror traffic from production setups to another server. This is NOT a/b testing - we dont want to split traffic. There's a lot of value in being able to apply production traffic to staging or when you are moving to a new architecture.

Currently, the way to do this is via a specialized tool like goreplay ( or using post_action in nginx -

using post_action to mirror traffic is actually pretty popular on stackoverflow, but obviously it has its limitations (example only being able to support a single mirror, etc).

It would be awesome if this could be built right into nginx as a proxy directive.

For example, uses "backup" and "down" as two possible directives. One could also add "mirror" as a directive. This would mean that traffic would be sent to the mirror servers in addition to the normal servers... however, it would not wait for any response of the mirror (like proxy_ignore_client_abort).

#615 fixed Ability to specify different SSL certificate based on negotiated cipher suites and tls versions Ryan Hurst

As TLS evolves, algorithms get deprecated and added the ability to selectively use certificates containing different types of keys based on which suite and TLS version are negotiated is useful.

Apache supports this, google also does this in their custom server so that they can intelligently use the best and most appropriate key material.

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