Custom Query (2297 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 2297)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1982 fixed Zero length UDP packets aren't forwarded to upstreams but a lack of response is still counted as an upstream failure d0x2f@…

Using wireshark I can see that zero length packets aren't forwarded to upstreams, but the nginx logs still report an error after 'fail_timeout'.

2020/05/20 16:46:03 [error] 2046093#2046093: *3 upstream timed out BBB (110: Connection timed out) while proxying connection, udp client:, server:, upstream: "", bytes from/to client:0/0, bytes from/to upstream:0/0

More than 'max_fails' upstream errors cause it to be marked as down even though it was never sent any packets.

As a minimal example I have a simple program that just responds to all requests with a static response and with the following nginx config.

If you send a zero length packet (I use sudo nmap -sU -p 1912), it will exhibit the bug.

user nginx;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;

events {
  worker_connections 128;

stream {
  upstream radius {
    server max_fails=1 fail_timeout=5s;

  server {
    listen 1912 udp;
    proxy_pass radius;
    proxy_timeout 5s;
    proxy_responses 1;

http {}
#2531 invalid You cannot use variables in error_log and ssl_certificate EduardoRuizM@…

Variables defined by SET are not processed internally


set $DOMAIN ""; error_log /mypath/$DOMAIN/logs/error.log; ssl_certificate /mycerts/$DOMAIN/fullchain.cer ssl_certificate_key /mycerts/$DOMAIN/$DOMAIN.key;

No problem with access_log and you can use: access_log /mypath/$DOMAIN/logs/access.log main;

#1416 fixed xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request kmq@…

Consider this configuration. The parameter domain is to be passed into the stylesheet to transform the existing file

location /mail/config-v1.1.xml {
  root /var/www/autoconfig._/htdocs;
  xslt_stylesheet /var/www/autoconfig._/autoconfig.xsl domain='';

This works as expected on the first request.

2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 xslt filter header
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 http output filter "/mail/config-v1.1.xml?"
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 http copy filter: "/mail/config-v1.1.xml?"
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 read: 17, 00005581753C2010, 48, 0
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 xslt filter body
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 xslt filter param: "domain=''"
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 xslt filter param name: "domain"
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 xslt filter param value: "''"
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 xslt filter param unescaped: "''"
2017/11/03 14:39:59 [debug] 4303#4303: *1 xslt filter type: 9 t:(null) e:(null)

but fails on every subsequent request, until the process is restarted.

2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 xslt filter header
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 http output filter "/mail/config-v1.1.xml?"
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 http copy filter: "/mail/config-v1.1.xml?"
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 read: 17, 0000558175491090, 48, 0
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 xslt filter body
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 xslt filter param: "domain"
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [error] 4303#4303: *2 invalid libxslt parameter "domain" while sending response to client, client: ::1, server:, request: "GET /mail/config-v1.1.xml HTTP/2.0", host: ""
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 http special response: 500, "/mail/config-v1.1.xml?"
2017/11/03 14:40:56 [debug] 4303#4303: *2 xslt filter header

Specifying the parameter separately like this:

location /mail/config-v1.1.xml {
  root /var/www/autoconfig._/htdocs;
  xslt_string_param "domain" "";
  xslt_stylesheet /var/www/autoconfig._/autoconfig.xsl;

does not have this problem.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.