Custom Query (2297 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 2297)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#70 fixed url not properly handled in ngx_http_internal_redirect somebody lanshun zhou

url is changed in ngx_http_internal_redirect, but some flags like r->valid_unparsed_uri are not always reset. Then in ngx_http_proxy_create_request the original uri is sent to backends instead of the new one.

This affects the redirects in ngx_http_core_try_files_phase and ngx_http_send_error_page.

Reproduce config: /test.html is sent to backend, which should be /back/test2.php

upstream not_exists {

server {
  listen 9998;

  location /test.html {
    try_files /cache/test.html /back/test2.php;

  location /back {
    proxy_pass http://not_exists;
#72 fixed Bad mp4 handling Maxim Dounin

The built in MP4 module corrupts files produced by ffmpeg 0.9. While it's true that our setup had both the built in module *AND* the third party one, we did retest with 1.0.11 and only the builtin and the same error persisted. The issue seems to be solved by

The generated file is most likely not cut on a keyframe boundary because the audio works fine, and playing the file in mplayer shows some motion similar to the original video.

#76 fixed HttpLimitReq not working somebody sam

After upgrading from nginx 1.1.8 to 1.1.12, limit req module started to reject requests that has been previously accepted. Firstly I discovered this problem on wordpress admin page that makes really many sub-request, but other pages making only few requests seem to be affected.

config: limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=lim1:10m rate=2r/s; limit_req zone=lim1 burst=10;

error_log: 2012/01/02 22:15:29 [error] 16072#0: *7 limiting requests, excess: 0.571 by zone "lim1", client:, server: xxx, request: "GET /wp-content/plugins/akismet/akismet.js?ver=3.3 HTTP/1.1" 2012/01/02 22:15:30 [error] 16072#0: *8 limiting requests, excess: 0.994 by zone "lim1", client:, server: xxx, request: "GET /wp-includes/images/rss.png HTTP/1.1" 2012/01/02 22:15:30 [error] 16074#0: *5 limiting requests, excess: 0.993 by zone "lim1", client:, server: xxx, request: "GET /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/images/yoast-logo-rss.png HTTP/1.1" 2012/01/02 22:15:30 [error] 16072#0: *9 limiting requests, excess: 0.994 by zone "lim1", client:, server: xxx, request: "GET /wp-includes/images/wpmini-blue.png HTTP/1.1" 2012/01/02 22:15:30 [error] 16074#0: *6 limiting requests, excess: 0.993 by zone "lim1", client:, server: xxx, request: "GET /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/images/email_sub.png HTTP/1.1"

Other configurations with higher limits give same results. Workarounded by disabling all limits...

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