Custom Query (2297 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 2297)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#79 fixed if-modified-since etc. should be used to update cache somebody

Идея не моя и была ранее озвучена в рассылке:proxy_cache + conditional GET Если в кэше уже есть устаревший ответ, то посылать к backend-у запрос с If-Modified-Since или If-None-Match и для ответа с кодом 304 обновлять только время кэширования(из X-Accel-Expires или proxy_cache_valid 200). В случае получения 200 или любого другого кода - поведение не меняется.

Как вариант реализации - директива proxy_cache_conditional_update с параметрами off, etag(If-None-Match), modified(If-Modified-Since), а значения для них брать из полей ETag, Last-Modified или Date в заголовке закэшированного ответа. Если забыть о ETag и делать на backend-е проверку в стиле if_modified_since before, то значение для If-Modified-Since можно задавать по времени записи в кэш или текущему и даже не читать заголовоки из файла(proxy_cache_conditional_update off | modified | cached | date).

#84 fixed failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) while sending mp4 to client somebody Vlad K


-rw------- 1 web web 2954987161 Jan  9 15:02 /xxxxxx/attachments/31/504/df213e53-926f-4660-94ee-e52a9f6fdca0.mp4


http {
    include            mime.types;
    default_type       application/octet-stream;

    sendfile           off;  # Tried both with sendfile on and off
    server_names_hash_max_size          2048;
    server_names_hash_bucket_size       128;
    gzip                                on;
    gzip_min_length                     1000;
    gzip_buffers                        2000 64k;
    gzip_types                          text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
    gzip_static                         on;
    client_max_body_size                5500m;
    client_body_buffer_size             256k;
    client_header_buffer_size           1k;
    large_client_header_buffers         4 4k;
    output_buffers                      1 32k;
    postpone_output                     1460;
    client_header_timeout               3m;
    client_body_timeout                 3m;
    send_timeout                        3m;
    proxy_connect_timeout               90;
    proxy_send_timeout                  90;
    proxy_read_timeout                  90;
    proxy_buffer_size                   4k;
    proxy_buffers                       4 32k;
    proxy_busy_buffers_size             64k;
    proxy_temp_file_write_size          64k;
    client_body_temp_path  tmp/client_temp;
    proxy_temp_path        tmp/proxy_temp;
    fastcgi_temp_path      tmp/fastcgi_temp;

    server {
        listen       80;
        server_name  localhost;
        access_log   nginx-access.log;
        server_name_in_redirect  off;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      ===== cut =====

        location ~ /file/(.+\.mp4)$ {
            sendfile off;
            alias  $alias$1;
            mp4_buffer_size     5m;
            mp4_max_buffer_size 40m;


- - [11/Jan/2012:20:07:59 +0800] "GET /file/attachments/31/504/df213e53-926f-4660-94ee-e52a9f6fdca0.mp4?start=1000 HTTP/1.0" 200 48979 "-" "Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)"

Nginx error message:

2012/01/11 20:07:59 [emerg] 15463#0: *1 malloc(18446744072188658253) failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) while sending mp4 to client, client: xxxxx, server: localhost, request: "GET /file/attachments/31/504/df213e53-926f-4660-94ee-e52a9f6fdca0.mp4?start=1000 HTTP/1.0", host: "xxxxx"


CentOS Linux release 6.0 (Final)


# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2055616    1648424     407192          0     175648    1226188
-/+ buffers/cache:     246588    1809028
Swap:      4128760          0    4128760
#90 fixed location search tree incorrect on case-insensitive systems somebody

I tried run query: /ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt or any other query: /ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/*

I want to work location /ftp/Library/SomeLibrary, but this location silly ignore. And selected default location "". But for page 404 this location is tested. Why?

I am use FileMon and enable debug log:

2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http request line: "GET /ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt HTTP/1.1"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http uri: "/ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http args: ""
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http exten: "txt"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http process request header line
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header: "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-ms-application, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/xaml+xml, */*"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header: "Accept-Language: ru"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header: "UA-CPU: x86"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header: "Host:"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header: "Connection: Keep-Alive"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http header done
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 event timer del: 236: 551573295
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 generic phase: 0
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 rewrite phase: 1
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 test location: "/ftp/pub/KPI/Selena"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 test location: "/ftp/Library/share"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 using configuration ""
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 rewrite phase: 3
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 post rewrite phase: 4
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 generic phase: 5
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 generic phase: 6
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 generic phase: 7
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 access phase: 8
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 access phase: 9
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 post access phase: 10
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 try files phase: 11
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 12
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 13
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 14
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 15
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 16
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 17
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http filename: "d:/server/site/www/ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 add cleanup: 00C001B4
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [error] 4824#5920: *95105 CreateFile() "d:/server/site/www/ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt" failed (3: Системе не удается найти указанный путь), client:, server:, request: "GET /ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http finalize request: 404, "/ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt?" a:1, c:1
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http special response: 404, "/ftp/Library/SomeLibrary/other/file.txt?"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 internal redirect: "/404.php?"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 rewrite phase: 1
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 test location: "/ftp/pub/KPI/Selena"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 test location: "/ftp/Library/share"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 test location: "/ftp/Library/SomeLibrary"
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 using configuration ""
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 rewrite phase: 3
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 post rewrite phase: 4
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 generic phase: 5
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 generic phase: 6
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 generic phase: 7
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 access phase: 8
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 access phase: 9
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 post access phase: 10
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 try files phase: 11
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 12
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 13
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 14
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 15
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 16
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 content phase: 17
2012/01/27 22:33:27 [debug] 4824#5920: *95105 http filename: "d:/server/site/www/404.php"

22:44:21 nginx.exe:4824 QUERY INFORMATION D:\server\site\www\ftp\Library\SomeLibrary\other\file.txt PATH NOT FOUND Attributes: Error

Part of configuration:

server {

listen 82; server_name localhost; root d:/server/site/www;

error_page 404 /404.php;

location /uz/ {

#try_files $uri /uz/log.php;


location /ftp/Library/SomeLibrary {

alias H:/Shara/SomeLibrary; #try_files $uri /dir-generator.php;


location /ftp/pub/KPI/Selena {

alias F:/S; #try_files $uri /dir-generator.php;


location /ftp/pub/Multimedia {

alias H:/Shara/Multimedia; #try_files $uri /dir-generator.php;


location /ftp/Library/share {

alias G:/share; #try_files $uri /dir-generator.php;



OS: Windows XP SP3

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.