Custom Query (2297 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 2297)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#177 fixed docs: default ssl_ciphers value should be corrected Ruslan Ermilov Артем Давыдов

Documentation for ssl_ciphers needs updating, it still lists "HIGH:!ADH:!MD5" (and suggests to use !ADH in the example).

#186 fixed listen directive should use AAAA record Ruslan Ermilov Roman Odaisky

Given the directive:

listen f.q.d.n;

where f.q.d.n has an AAAA record and no A record, nginx should listen on the corresponding IPv6 interface. A configuration error is reported instead.

#250 fixed GeoIPv6 patch merge Ruslan Ermilov Gregor Kališnik


I see that my patch submitted to nginx mailing list isn't up to date. I've updated it to work with nginx-1.3.8 version.

Do note that I've tested only IPv6 resolving part and there is a tiny code duplication (the proxy part).

Best regards, Gregor Kališnik

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