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Results (49 - 51 of 2297)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#100 fixed http_geoip_module should support requests from proxies Ruslan Ermilov Robby Grossman

When using the http_geoip_module through a proxy, the IP address used for the geolocation lookup is that of the proxy rather than the end-user.

On apache, one can use the "GeoIPScanProxyHeaders On" directive to tell GeoIP to use the X-Forwarded-For header instead of the typical remote address. This functionality should be replicated in the nginx module.

#101 fixed Support ETag/If-None-Match when proxy_http_version is 1.1 somebody Colin Mollenhour

If HTTP/1.1 support is specified for the proxy module using proxy_http_version (1.1.4+) it could also support cache re-validation using ETags with the upstream.

Preferably there should be an option such as proxy_cache_etag with options off,replace,append. With "append", when the server sets a new ETag the old cached data should not be removed so that subsequent upstream requests specify an If-None-Match header with multiple ETag values so that the server can specify which ETag should be used. Effectively, multiple version of the Request-URI could be cached and upstream would determine which version is to be served. With "replace" the most recently specified ETag from upstream is the only one kept in the cache.

#105 fixed sub_filter: an ability to specify it multiple times & regular expressions xeioex Максим Щелоков

Хотелось бы предложить немного улучшить функционал sub_filter:

  1. Добавить возможность многократного указания директивы в контексте location.
  2. Возможность использования регулярных выражений с выделениями, включая регистронезависимые.
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