Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#1018 closed defect (invalid) debian repo package inconsistent with official debian

Reported by: vovodroid@… Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: nginx-package Version: 1.11.x
Keywords: Cc:
uname -a:
nginx -V: 1.11



package available in deb jessie nginx has incompatible setting with official debian repository.

For instance deb runs as nginx user, while php5-fpm runs as www-data user, thus default Unix socket connection doesn't works due to permission deny.

/etc/nginx/ tree also is slightly different, default debian install have sites-available and sites-enabled subfolders and include to sites-enabled in nginx.conf.

So it's not critical, it can break existing sites when switching from debian package to, so I set bug to major.


Change History (2)

comment:1 by Ilyas Bakirov, 9 years ago

IMHO it's not bug because Debian/Ubuntu package from officially maintained by nginx itself on infrastructure whereas Debian/Ubuntu's package adopted and maintained by Debian/Ubuntu members/contributors on Debian/Ubuntu infrastructure on their own favor.

So whenever user decide to install nginx for Debian/Ubuntu, other OS, from source or custom nginx build found in Internet should have idea of what he is doing and consider differences between them. Indeed, nginx's configuration is smart enough and well documented to quickly fix such platform specific properties

comment:2 by thresh, 9 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Official packages were never intended to be a drop-in replacement for Debian-provided ones. They share the same filesystem layout / users / permissions with packages for other distros, such as RHEL/CentOS/SLES, and are consistent this way. We don't expect them to be 100% compatible with downstream packagers, because we don't want to depend on decisions made by them and carry on every bad decision like sites-enabled to all the systems.

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