Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1645 closed defect (invalid)

Some questions about slab_stat module?

Reported by: huifeidexingyuner@… Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: other Version: 1.15.x
Keywords: Cc:
uname -a: #1 SMP Fri Aug 17 05:05:27 EDT 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
nginx -V: 1.4.7


Why is the number of pages calculated based on the end address minus the start address inconsistent with the total free space divided by the size of the page?

For example:
total: 466364(KB) free: 463576(KB) size: 4(KB)
pages: 463576(KB) start:00007FA613194000 end:00007FA62F65B000
slot: 8(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 16(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 32(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 64(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 128(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 256(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 512(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 1024(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0
slot: 2048(Bytes) total: 0 used: 0 reqs: 0 fails: 0

(140351736492032 - 140351261720576) /4096 = 116479

463576 /4 = 115894

The two results are different?

Attachments (1)

1.png (15.5 KB ) - added by huifeidexingyuner@… 7 years ago.
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Change History (3)

by huifeidexingyuner@…, 7 years ago

Attachment: 1.png added

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comment:1 by huifeidexingyuner@…, 7 years ago

00007FA62F65B000 Corresponding decimal 140351736492032
00007FA613194000 Corresponding decimal 140351261720576

463576 is the total free space

Last edited 7 years ago by huifeidexingyuner@… (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Maxim Dounin, 7 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This is a wrong place to ask questions about 3rd party modules. You may either want to find a place more relevant to a particular module you are asking about. Alternatively, you may try asking in the nginx@ mailing list.

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