Opened 12 months ago

#2610 new defect

Nginx returning 502 gateway error repeatedly

Reported by: varun.khulbey@… Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: other Version: 1.24.x
Keywords: Cc:
uname -a: NA
nginx -V: 1.24.0


We are facing an HTTP 502 gateway error repeatedly while rendering a page. When we are fetching the page to be rendered from our presentation app with Nginx as a proxy, the response status is 502, but when we directly hit the presentation app without Nginx we get a response of 200.

We have tried the below troubleshooting steps but to no avail:

  1. chunked_transfer_encoding off; in nginx.conf.template
  2. proxy_set_header Transfer-Encoding ""; in domains.conf.template and server.conf
  3. Tried putting chunked_transfer_encoding off; and proxy_set_header Transfer-Encoding ""; in server.conf, domains.conf.template, and nginx.conf.template
  4. Tried version Nginx: 1.24.0 with lua-nginx-module: 0.10.26
  5. Tried Nginx: 1.25.1 with lua-nginx-module: 0.10.26

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