Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#764 closed defect (fixed)

Unable to login to this trac with Google

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: other Version: 1.7.x
Keywords: Cc:
uname -a: N/A
nginx -V: N/A


I get "OpenID 2.0 for Google Accounts has gone away"

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Valentin V. Bartenev, 10 years ago

That's it. Google is no longer provide OpenID 2.0, see:

OpenID Connect is a completely different protocol. So you should use another service provider. There are plenty of them.

comment:2 by Sergey Budnevitch, 10 years ago

I plan to add openid connect support, but it will take time.

comment:3 by, 10 years ago

MyOpenID also stopped working.

comment:4 by, 10 years ago

OpenID is so dead right now why not just use trac's registration?

comment:5 by, 10 years ago

OpenID is so dead right now why not just use trac's registration?

comment:6 by Sergey Budnevitch, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

OAuth added instead of openid

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