Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1222 Update doc to mention about HTSP new enhancement major
#738 Describe how to extend mime.types in types docs new defect minor
#781 Documentation not clear on auth_basic_user_file new task minor
#967 Force secure bit on cookies when site running under SSL new enhancement minor
#971 Clarify $host and $hostname in embedded variables documentation new enhancement minor
#985 request_id variable, needs more documentation new enhancement minor
#1004 try_files outside of location{} triggered when no location{} matches new enhancement minor 1.11
#1058 недокументированный редирект? accepted defect minor
#1216 Confusing use of 'URI' when referring to a path in the proxy_pass documentation new defect minor
#1255 map regexp fail to match accepted defect minor
#1269 $upstream_response_time is improperly evaluated in header filter handlers accepted defect minor
#1285 map regexp positional captures interfere with location regexp positional captures new defect minor
#1421 worker_rlimit_nofile description is not clear new enhancement minor
#1467 Problem of location matching with a given request accepted Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor
#1523 large_client_header_buffers directive is ignored in server context reopened defect minor
#1768 Request for documentation: `--with-http_degradation_module` new enhancement minor
#1938 mail proxy connect issue with Outlook new defect minor
#1987 underscores_in_headers directive seems to be specific to each server block new defect minor
#1990 proxy_cache_min_uses not counted per variant on initial requests new defect minor
#712 limit_conn and internal redirects accepted defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.