

20:43 Ticket #573 (Reloading config with differently cased proxy_set_header field name ...) updated by Oliver Friedrich
Thanks for clearing this up. So I understand correctly that `service …
18:27 Ticket #573 (Reloading config with differently cased proxy_set_header field name ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
The nginx -s reload is a wrong choice. The only difference is extra …
17:49 Ticket #573 (Reloading config with differently cased proxy_set_header field name ...) updated by Oliver Friedrich
Even though I was aware that service is part of the OS, I wasn't …
16:21 Ticket #573 (Reloading config with differently cased proxy_set_header field name ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
The service command isn't part of nginx but rather your OS (or, …
16:01 Ticket #573 (Reloading config with differently cased proxy_set_header field name ...) updated by Oliver Friedrich
Thanks, Maxim, you were of course right. I work with NGINX only rarely …
15:42 Ticket #573 (Reloading config with differently cased proxy_set_header field name ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
worksforme: There are multiple reasons why a configuration reload can fail, and …
14:12 Ticket #573 (Reloading config with differently cased proxy_set_header field name ...) created by Oliver Friedrich
Today, I was pulling my hair out because I wanted to change my …
13:23 Ticket #377 (etag не отдается с gzip) updated by openid.yandex.ru/guseynov-alexey
I'd like to see this problem solved too. Sometimes it is hard to …
09:54 Ticket #572 (ccs openssl vuln) closed by Sergey Budnevitch
invalid: Last versions (1.6.0 & 1.7.1) build with openssl 1.0.1h
09:51 Ticket #572 (ccs openssl vuln) created by Jeffrey Smith
Hi All, It appears all the windows binaries are using out of date …


09:10 Ticket #571 (Nginx treats dashes in server_name as catch-all servers) closed by Sergey Kandaurov
worksforme: Could not reproduce it on 1.4.1 with the provided configuration …
09:04 Ticket #571 (Nginx treats dashes in server_name as catch-all servers) updated by Jad Joubran
I'm afraid I can't because the issue happened on a production machine …
08:59 Ticket #571 (Nginx treats dashes in server_name as catch-all servers) updated by Sergey Kandaurov
Could you provide a [http://nginx.org/en/docs/debugging_log.html debug …
08:47 Ticket #571 (Nginx treats dashes in server_name as catch-all servers) created by Jad Joubran
The following nginx configuration […] because the server_name …


14:18 Ticket #570 (Potential XSS in "400 Bad Request" response) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The response provided is not something returned by nginx, likely it's …
14:08 Ticket #570 (Potential XSS in "400 Bad Request" response) created by arend wolters
Hi I treid to add this issue yesterday but got no feedback. I suspect …
11:33 Ticket #556 (OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL) updated by Maxim Dounin
The "strange thing" suggests that OpenSSL thinks there is no issuer …


20:00 Ticket #556 (OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL) updated by Frederik Schwan
As I already wrote twice: I've tried to add the issuer cert to the …
14:46 Ticket #556 (OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL) updated by Maxim Dounin
The workaround is not for OpenSSL command line interface, it's for …
13:55 Ticket #556 (OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL) updated by Frederik Schwan
Just tried it. Using cert-chain with issuer leads to "signer …
13:42 Ticket #556 (OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL) updated by Maxim Dounin
The workaround works fine here, I've tested it before I suggested this …


18:29 Ticket #556 (OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL) updated by Frederik Schwan
Putting issuer cert in certificate file is not a workaround - does not …
18:18 Ticket #556 (OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: It is believed that the underlying problem is in the OpenSSL library …
15:02 Ticket #569 ([emerg] invalid host in upstream "http://phpbackend") updated by Bruno Galindro da Costa
I'm very sorry for this post Maxim... Next time I'll use mailling lists.
14:52 Ticket #569 ([emerg] invalid host in upstream "http://phpbackend") closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The "fastcgi_pass" can't use "http" as a protocol, hence the error. …
14:29 Ticket #569 ([emerg] invalid host in upstream "http://phpbackend") created by Bruno Galindro da Costa
I'm trying to use upstream config to loadbalance my fastcgi requests …


19:55 Ticket #565 (https + spdy + proxy_pass + limit_conn = 503 limiting connections (1.6.0)) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
It is a mistake to think that limit_conn limits number of open TCP …
19:32 Ticket #565 (https + spdy + proxy_pass + limit_conn = 503 limiting connections (1.6.0)) updated by pavel stano
Okey, i understand. But with spdy enabled is limit_conn unusable. For …
17:35 Ticket #553 (OCSP stapling does not work when the OCSP server has a CNAME) closed by Maxim Dounin
worksforme: Most likely reason for the problem you are seeing is broken AAAA …
16:33 Ticket #568 (Possible memory leak in proxy module) closed by Maxim Dounin
worksforme: Unless a size of nginx process grows, there are no reasons to assume …
16:07 Ticket #568 (Possible memory leak in proxy module) created by Greg Zoller
Hello, I'm running a stock 1.7.1 build of nginx on a Linux machine. …
12:08 Ticket #567 (Include a "remove" or "uninstall" section in the makefile) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: By default, uninstallation is as easy as "rm -rf /usr/local/nginx". …


22:45 Ticket #567 (Include a "remove" or "uninstall" section in the makefile) updated by Thomas Ward
Replying to Valentin V. Bartenev: > I believe nobody …
22:34 Ticket #567 (Include a "remove" or "uninstall" section in the makefile) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
I believe nobody should install software using make install and …
22:10 Ticket #567 (Include a "remove" or "uninstall" section in the makefile) created by Thomas Ward
When building nginx from source, it is very difficult for users and …


16:04 Ticket #566 (SPDY bug in Nginx 1.7.0) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
fixed: The issue should be fixed by 34d460c5d186.
08:59 Ticket #566 (SPDY bug in Nginx 1.7.0) updated by X Ryl
Beware that's only the first 255KB of the log, since this website does …
08:58 err.log attached to Ticket #566 by X Ryl
Debug log


22:45 Ticket #566 (SPDY bug in Nginx 1.7.0) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
Could you provide a [http://nginx.org/en/docs/debugging_log.html debug …
22:26 parsed2.txt attached to Ticket #566 by X Ryl
parsed date human understandable
22:18 hexD.txt attached to Ticket #566 by X Ryl
Hexdump of the SPDY dialog
22:18 Ticket #566 (SPDY bug in Nginx 1.7.0) created by X Ryl
Hi, I've seen a recurrent bug in nginx starting from 1.5 up to 1.7 …
20:25 Ticket #565 (https + spdy + proxy_pass + limit_conn = 503 limiting connections (1.6.0)) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
invalid: That's what actually is the SPDY about. It allows to a web browser to …
20:01 nginx.conf attached to Ticket #565 by pavel stano
example config
20:01 Ticket #565 (https + spdy + proxy_pass + limit_conn = 503 limiting connections (1.6.0)) created by pavel stano
When i use reverse proxy feature with limit_conn over spdy i get …
17:19 Ticket #564 (map regex matching affects rewrite directive) created by Pascal Jungblut
Using a regex in the map directive changes the capture groups in a …


13:50 Milestone 1.7.1 completed
Status: released [[http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES | 1.7.1 …


13:25 Ticket #563 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set) updated by Maxim Dounin
Provide values for all potentially required headers. Set the value to …
13:21 Ticket #563 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set) updated by David Coutadeur
Ok, but this method does not permit dynamic adjustment of exported …
13:17 Ticket #563 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set) updated by Maxim Dounin
Provide needed data in variables (e.g., via perl_set) and use as …
13:10 Ticket #563 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set) updated by David Coutadeur
Thanks for the links. So what is the best practice to insert, in the …


13:50 Ticket #563 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: There are no plans to add an ability to modify incoming request …
13:30 Ticket #559 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module) updated by Maxim Dounin
Replying to David Coutadeur <david.coutadeur@gmail.com>: > …
13:02 Ticket #563 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set) created by David Coutadeur
Hi, I would like to set input headers in perl module, but I realized …
12:48 ngx_http_authn_request_module.c attached to Ticket #559 by David Coutadeur
new nginx authentication request module …
12:46 Ticket #559 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module) updated by David Coutadeur
Hi, What I would like to have is these 3 behaviours: - auth_request …


11:25 Ticket #562 (error_log does should support variables) updated by Julien Gormotte
Yes, my intention was for error_log in server context. It would be …
11:03 Ticket #561 (error in init.d script in Centos RPM) updated by Sergey Budnevitch
Thanks. We will build fixed package next week.
11:01 Ticket #562 (error_log does should support variables) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
Even more important that the error log is a critical thing. It must be …
10:08 Ticket #562 (error_log does should support variables) closed by Ruslan Ermilov
invalid: It's so by design. Variables are only available with HTTP requests, …
09:47 Ticket #562 (error_log does should support variables) created by Julien Gormotte
Hello, access_log supports variables in the path given, but not …
07:51 Ticket #9 (autoindex_max_name_len directive) updated by Bryan Whitehead
Original patch was for nginx 1.1.1, this is the same patch just for a …
07:49 ng-autoindex-namelen-fixed.patch attached to Ticket #9 by Bryan Whitehead
Updated patch for nginx-1.6.0
06:43 Ticket #531 (source port logging) closed by Ruslan Ermilov
fixed: With d5b8ee9f2201, the client port is output in the "connected to" log …


20:25 Ticket #531 (source port logging) updated by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
In d5b8ee9f2201e1d9fa7ac41da9a4a8d939cd42b1/nginx: […]
14:20 Ticket #409 (Move syslog support for the ngx_http_log_module into NGINX open source) closed by vl
fixed: Syslog support is merged into the open-source nginx branch. Commit: …
14:18 Ticket #95 (Integrate syslog patch into modules) closed by vl
wontfix: These patches are no longer needed. See …


21:24 Ticket #561 (error in init.d script in Centos RPM) updated by Sergey Budnevitch
Status changed
20:00 Ticket #561 (error in init.d script in Centos RPM) created by nearvirgo .
The new RPM for centos 5 (and probably all rhel and centos packages) …
16:13 Ticket #522 (websocket connect failed with non default_server) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: As already suggested, most likely reason is that nginx is working with …
15:49 Ticket #554 (https://wiki.nginx.org/ serves *.nginx.com ssl certificate) closed by Sergey Budnevitch
fixed: There is not https on wiki.nginx.org and now it closes connection …
15:39 Ticket #375 (Unable to do if checking on $sent_http_content_type) closed by Maxim Dounin


11:15 Ticket #560 (ECDSA server certificate) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Looks like problem in OpenSSL with the certificate you are trying to …


17:20 ssl.zip attached to Ticket #560 by Eugeny G.
testing ecdsa certs
17:19 Ticket #560 (ECDSA server certificate) created by Eugeny G.
I tested ECDSA certificates with nginx and found it crashes […] …
10:42 Ticket #559 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module) updated by Maxim Dounin
There is nothing to stop from conditional processing in error page …


18:39 Ticket #559 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module) updated by David Coutadeur
Sorry but my use case really needs two defined different behaviours …
16:53 Ticket #559 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: If needed (and possible in a particular configuration), this can be …
16:51 ngx_http_auth_request_module.c.patch attached to Ticket #559 by David Coutadeur
16:49 Ticket #559 (improvement proposed for ngx_http_auth_request_module) created by David Coutadeur
Hi all, I propose a nice functionnality which is to provide …
14:27 Ticket #86 (the "if" directive have problems in location context) updated by Maxim Dounin
Sensitive changed
A particular case with regex location + alias + if is resolved by …


01:43 Ticket #97 (try_files and alias problems) updated by https://stackoverflow.com/users/573152/bernard-rosset
I still confirm Maxim's reported bug 1st example of bug as of today …


13:25 Ticket #215 (SSL: decryption failed or bad record mac with upstream servers) updated by Maxim Dounin
Just for record: This seems to be already fixed by many/most major OS …
11:31 Ticket #307 (Filename support in error_page) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: No, thanks.


10:51 Ticket #491 (performance issue on same url) updated by thresh
I havent been able to reproduce performance degradation on "long" …


20:50 Ticket #251 (Option to disable upload buffers) updated by Brian Rak
We've run into similar issues with this when using nginx as a server …
17:16 Ticket #558 (Conditional (If-None-Match) requests against cached content require ...) created by Owen Garrett
Summary - conditional requests using If-None-Match "eTag" don't match …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.