Custom Query (115 matches)


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Results (101 - 115 of 115)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2448 Restrict Request Response Cycle Length new enhancement minor
#2449 Allow using OpenSSL 3.0 "provider" API instead of deprecated "engine" API new enhancement minor
#2475 access_log with if does not work when variable name starts with a number new defect minor
#2509 Support IPv6 interface identifiers outside of URLs new enhancement minor
#2530 ACK of packet containing PATH_RESPONSE frame can't update rtt state accepted defect minor
#2552 Correct xsl and xslt mimetypes missing from ngxinx mime.types file new enhancement minor
#2562 SSL: use server names from upstream configuration for proxied server's name validation new enhancement minor
#2567 sub_filter and gziped payload should trigger warning new enhancement minor
#2609 Custom 413 Error Page Not Displayed for Oversized Uploads new defect minor
#2644 Different User-Agent detection at nginx and PHP via FastCGI new defect minor
#2650 Uncovered edge case in host header validation new defect minor
#2657 Specail redirect in location does not resolve upstream names new defect minor
#2685 stub_status counter leak when killing old workers new defect minor
#246 Don't install config files for unused modules assigned Ruslan Ermilov enhancement trivial
#838 enable compare operators within if directive new enhancement trivial
1 2
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.