Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#405 Support for resumeable uploads new enhancement major
#217 Wrong "Content-Type" HTTP response header in certain configuration scenarios accepted somebody defect minor
#221 Feature Request - X-Accel header to singal if another upstream server should be attempted or not new somebody enhancement minor
#237 Add optional systemd socket activation support reopened somebody enhancement minor
#242 DAV module does not respect if-unmodified-since accepted somebody defect minor
#288 Wrong REQUEST_URI when using PHP with SSI new defect minor
#289 Add support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS / RFC 6797) accepted enhancement minor
#318 Change response behavior when SSL client certificate won't validate new enhancement minor
#319 koi-utf koi-win win-utf in conf are artifacts of the past reopened enhancement minor
#320 nginx should reliably check client connection close with pending data accepted enhancement minor
#327 Add support for animated GIF to HttpImageFilterModule new enhancement minor
#384 trailing dot in server_name accepted defect minor
#417 ngx_cache_purge new enhancement minor
#454 disable ngx_http_upstream_store for HEAD requests reopened enhancement minor
#2677 Support for resumable uploads new defect minor
#2678 resumeable uploads new defect minor
#241 Ability to align cropped images in image_filter new somebody enhancement trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.