Custom Query (2297 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 2297)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1482 fixed Memory leak in error handling block in ngx_stream_geo_block method Ruslan Ermilov keeplearning77@…

Source: nginx-1.13.8

File: nginx-1.13.8/src/stream/ngx_stream_geo_module.c

Function: static char * ngx_stream_geo_block(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf)

Code snippet:

... ... pool = ngx_create_pool(NGX_DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE, cf->log); if (pool == NULL) {



ngx_memzero(&ctx, sizeof(ngx_stream_geo_conf_ctx_t));

ctx.temp_pool = ngx_create_pool(NGX_DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE, cf->log); if (ctx.temp_pool == NULL) {




Here, if the creation of ctx.temp_pool fails, shouldn't the "pool" variable created above be freed before return?

#1511 fixed multiple resolver would retry others when someone fails Ruslan Ermilov crasyangel.lhy@…

As mdounin mentioned, the resolver_timeout directive controls hard limit on the total DNS resolution time. If not answered, DNS queries are resent (to a different server if configured) each 5 seconds, see here: There is no way to configure this timeout though, as this doesn't seem to be needed in most cases in practice.

To make sure DNS queries are resent to a different server if one the configured servers is down, consider using resolver_timeout set to something like 6s or more.

I set resolver_timeout to 10s, but when ngx_resolver_send_query fails, resolver do not retry, see here:, the code goto failed, return ERROR and clean events

#1909 worksforme http2_push not pushing the file Ruslan Ermilov thexeos@…

Using http2_push directive in location block doesn't push resources. Using Link header (via add_header directive or supplied by backend) makes the browser issue a GET (preload) request, which is not the same.

Configuration file:

listen http2;

root /var/www;
index index.php index.html;
error_page 404 = @notfound;
http2_push_preload on;

location = /manifest.json {
    expires 30d;
    http2_push /logos/logo.png;
    add_header Link "</logos/logo-2x.png>; rel=preload; as=image";

(There are many more location blocks, some with regex, some with prefix matching. Except those, there are no other directives in server{} block.)

http{} block has these, plus all the "standard" stuff.

sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
keepalive_timeout 120;
types_hash_max_size 2048;

server_tokens off;

server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
server_name_in_redirect off;

Debug log of making request to URL:

2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 using configuration "=/manifest.json"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http filename: "/var/www/manifest.json"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 header filter
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: ":status: 304"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: "server: nginx"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: "date: Mon, 30 Dec 2019 21:52:19 GMT"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: "last-modified: Thu, 26 Dec 2019 18:53:16 GMT"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: "etag: "5e05019c-390""
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: "expires: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 21:52:19 GMT"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: "cache-control: max-age=2592000"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 output header: "link: </logos/logo-2x.png>; rel=preload; as=image"
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2:1 create HEADERS frame 00005571CFBACBA0: len:164 fin:1
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http cleanup add: 00005571CFBACCA8
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 frame out: 00005571CFBACBA0 sid:1 bl:1 len:164
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 writev: 173 of 173
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2:1 HEADERS frame 00005571CFBACBA0 was sent
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 frame sent: 00005571CFBACBA0 sid:1 bl:1 len:164
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http finalize request: 0, "/manifest.json?" a:1, c:1
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http request count:1 blk:0
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 close stream 1, queued 0, processing 1, pushing 0
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 HEADERS frame sid:3 depends on 0 excl:0 weight:16
2019/12/30 16:52:19 [debug] 78078#78078: *22556 http2 table add: ":path: /logos/logo-2x.png"

(observation: 'http2 preload' is not appearing after 'http2 header filter' in debug log)

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.