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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2488 fixed $remote_addr is wrong after quic migration…

In ngx_quic_set_connection_path(), the address is copied from path->addr_text to c->addr_text. path->addr_text includes the port number, but c->addr_text does not usually include it.

Also, the address may be truncated because it uses min(c->addr_text.len, path->addr_text.len) for the new length.

#1938 fixed mail proxy connect issue with Outlook 9yw@…

When I use Outlook2016 (with wrong password) to connect a "mail proxy" type SSL port(465/993/995), always get 0x800CCC0F error.But it's ok when using "stream proxy". After some research,I got a "I don't know how but it works" solution:

Edit mail/ngx_mail_handler.c: 1.copy void ngx_mail_close_connection to "ngx_mail_close_connection_keep" 2.remove "ngx_close_connection(c);" from void ngx_close_connection(c); 3.edit void ngx_mail_send change line 674 to ngx_mail_close_connection_keep(c);

        if (s->quit) {

Add "void ngx_mail_close_connection_keep(ngx_connection_t *c);" to mail/ngx_mail.h

============= I don't know how it works, also don't know dos it has side effects,so I hope the connect issue can be fixed official.

#535 invalid Windows Distribution Vulnerable Due to OpenSSL Bug Aaron Riesbeck

Due to the major security vulnerability in OpenSSL the windows binary offered on the website needs to have its version of OpenSSL updated. The current release (1.5.13) from 4/8 is using OpenSSL 1.0.1g which is vulnerable.

Thanks, Aaron

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