Custom Query (531 matches)


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Results (501 - 531 of 531)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1511 multiple resolver would retry others when someone fails Ruslan Ermilov defect minor other
#1512 A confusion about code in function ngx_process_options Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor other
#1539 Failed to configure with clang if installed CUDA Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect major other
#1544 http/2 downloads broken during reload defect major other
#1546 nginx/1.14.0 compilation with gcc 8.1.0 fails Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…> defect minor other
#1549 HTTP2 push does not work due to incorrect scheme in proxy_protocol mode Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor other
#1557 Extra spaces should not cause nginx error defect minor other
#1577 When the file is moved to the directory that the disk is different by the MOVE method under the following conditions, content of moved file is not correct. defect minor other
#1605 nginx does not compile with LibreSSL 2.8.0 defect major other
#1606 WebAssembly doesn't work on Firefox/Chrome due to missing MIME type enhancement minor other
#1637 nginx:alpine latest (from 9/12/2018) uses alpine v3.7.1 task critical 1.15.4 other
#1646 Nginx 1.15.4 segfault during normal test Maxim Dounin defect major other
#1693 Documentation bug: Redirects without localization end up insecure defect minor other
#1695 Data is corrupted in static large objects (SLO swift API) when using nginx as a GET cache. defect minor other
#1782 NULL dereference in ngx_http_upstream.c defect minor other
#1797 grpc module handles WINDOW_UPDATE improperly on closed streams defect minor other
#1806 New Set of Map files causing server segmentation fault defect minor other
#1855 Strip an object from an header(cookie) enhancement minor other
#1865 error: cast between incompatible function types from 'FARPROC' on MinGW defect minor other
#1881 pkg-oss is missing a tag for nginx 1.17.5 defect minor other
#1884 Trac throws an error when logging in with StackExchange defect minor other
#1890 Cookie SameSite support for userid module enhancement major other
#2141 Vim syntax file uses `hi link` instead of `hi def link` defect minor other
#2276 VIM syntax file errors with vim 8 defect minor other
#2314 Nginx repo for centos 6 is not working 82a6e.....-other.sqlite.bz2 fiel is missing. task major other
#2479 Quic connection will be closed too early in stream prxoy mode defect major other
#2505 A question about the way of rttvar calculation in QUIC enhancement minor other
#2597 nginx-tests: some ssl tests fail with openssl 3.2.0 defect minor other
#2654 Signature on Ubuntu Focal Repo expired. defect critical other
#2663 certificate expired defect minor other
#438 Test audit enhancement trivial private
1 2 3 4 5 6
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