Opened 11 years ago

#632 new enhancement

option to send the access log to stdout

Reported by: Igor Bukanov Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: nginx-core Version: 1.6.x
Keywords: access_log stdout Cc:
uname -a:
nginx -V: nginx version: nginx/1.6.1 (Ubuntu)


When nginx runs in a container or under a process manager that provide own logging facilities or to prevent the nginx process from manipulate the written log it would be useful if the access_log directive supported setting the log path to stdout similarly as error_log allows to send the log to stderr.

As a workaround in some cases one can use access_log /dev/stdout or similar. However, as nginx calls open() on the supplied path that may fail depending on how the receiving end of stderr and its permissions is set up. A better workaround is to use mkfifo to create a named pipe and then use cat /path-to-pipe to send the log out, but this is messy.

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