

15:09 Changeset in nginx [7973:3443c02ca1d1] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
SSL: $ssl_curve (ticket #2135). The variable contains a negotiated …
14:06 Ticket #1869 (Wrong client IP in errors logged early in request processing when ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
See also #2269.
14:06 Ticket #2269 (TLS handshake errors within proxy protocol are reported with incorrect ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
duplicate: Duplicate of #1869.


20:32 Changeset in nginx-tests [1745:823f603da727] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: adjusted TODO for alerts not seen after c7a8bdf5af55.
10:02 nginx-tcpdump.pcap attached to Ticket #2269 by sgielen@…
PCAP of broken TCP stream between LB and nginx
10:01 Ticket #2269 (TLS handshake errors within proxy protocol are reported with incorrect ...) created by sgielen@…
I am running nginx as a reverse proxy, receiving connections from a …


10:21 Ticket #1639 (Add support for writing PROXY protocol v2 to upstream) updated by nextgens@…
We would definitely use it in Mailu (https://mailu.io/) too if it was …
01:51 Ticket #2248 (Stalled connection when using `aio_write on`) closed by Maxim Dounin
fixed: Fix committed, thanks for reporting this.
01:48 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by xbkaishui@…
Ok, got it. thanks Replying to Maxim Dounin: > > Yes, I …
01:44 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
> Yes, I am use custom intercepter add host header Thanks for …
01:38 Ticket #2248 (Stalled connection when using `aio_write on`) updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In [changeset:"c7a8bdf5af55f1f9d878d52a8e229eeb3b3acbb5/nginx"
01:08 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by xbkaishui@…
Yes, I am use custom intercepter add host header code gist like this …


23:39 Changeset in nginx [7969:84c60a3cd12a]stable-1.20 by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Changed ngx_chain_update_chains() to test tag first (ticket #2248). …
23:39 Changeset in nginx [7951:c7a8bdf5af55] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Changed ngx_chain_update_chains() to test tag first (ticket #2248). …
21:34 Ticket #1870 (Large file download is not completed with sendfile option.) closed by Maxim Dounin
fixed: Fix committed, sendfile() internal limits should be correctly handled …
20:49 Ticket #2267 (Upload large files with Firefox via http2) updated by jeffrson@…
Well that's hard - I tried to create files of different size. One …
20:21 Ticket #1870 (Large file download is not completed with sendfile option.) updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In [changeset:"51a260276425b4e7c1302d0a8b0f25ba4d9becfb/nginx"
17:21 Changeset in nginx [7950:e3dbd9449b14] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Changed default value of sendfile_max_chunk to 2m. The …
17:21 Changeset in nginx [7949:862f6130d357] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Upstream: sendfile_max_chunk support. Previously, connections to …
17:21 Changeset in nginx [7948:a2613fc1bce5] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Fixed sendfile() limit handling on Linux. On Linux starting with …
17:21 Changeset in nginx [7947:51a260276425] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Simplified sendfile_max_chunk handling. Previously, it was checked …
17:21 Changeset in nginx [7946:61e9c078ee3d] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Switched to using posted next events after sendfile_max_chunk. …
16:46 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
> I am using grpc-java client I'm pretty sure grpc-java, even if for …
14:20 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by xbkaishui@…
Got it, so is it make sense for this change? I think it is a break …
14:19 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by xbkaishui@…
I am using grpc-java client, sorry i don't know the rule that …
13:58 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
The HTTP/2 code pretends that ":authority" pseudo-header is the "Host" …
12:03 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) updated by Sergey Kandaurov
Status changed
While HTTP/2 forbids requests with different Host header and …
11:32 Ticket #2268 (http2 client set both host and :authority header, server throws 400 ...) created by xbkaishui@…
when use http2 client. we both set host and :authority header. nginx …
11:25 Ticket #2267 (Upload large files with Firefox via http2) updated by Sergey Kandaurov
Can you collect and attach entire debug log for two connections, with …


18:50 Ticket #2267 (Upload large files with Firefox via http2) created by jeffrson@…
I use nginx (1.21.3) inside docker container (nginx:alpine) as reverse …
11:14 Changeset in nginx [7945:f17ba8ecaaf0] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
Mp4: mp4_start_key_frame directive. The directive enables including …
10:11 Changeset in nginx [7944:24f7904dbfa0] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
Mp4: added ngx_http_mp4_update_mdhd_atom() function. The function …


19:12 signinff_success.har.gz attached to Ticket #2266 by mkg20001@…
HAR of login via firefox 92.0 (it works with firefox)
18:45 signin_redirect.har.gz attached to Ticket #2266 by mkg20001@…
HAR of redirect loop
18:41 Ticket #2266 (QUIC: cookies not transferred correctly on redirect) created by mkg20001@…
Occurs with Chrome 93.0.4577.82 Cookies are not properly transferred …
13:53 BadContent edited by thresh
13:11 BadContent edited by thresh
12:54 BadContent edited by thresh
12:39 BadContent edited by thresh
10:14 BadContent edited by thresh
09:57 BadContent created by thresh


19:17 Ticket #2251 ("underscores_in_headers on" didn't work) closed by Maxim Dounin
worksforme: Feedback timeout.
12:26 Changeset in nginx-tests [1744:38bd7e75fe69] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: skip ALPN rejection tests with OpenSSL < 1.1.0.


08:12 Ticket #2263 (Nginx-Quic - Only 1 quic domain possible on udp 443) created by bertusdebruin@…
Seems as it is only possible to connect 1 Quic domain with Nginx-Quic …


17:18 Changeset in nginx-tests [1743:2318ed01ce53] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: skip ALPN rejection tests with too old LibreSSL.
15:41 Tickets #1678,​1965 batch updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In [changeset:"9e7de0547f094be7ddffcdb763e393f6b13a0f25/nginx"
10:56 Changeset in nginx-tests [1742:7bfa47410cc0] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: basic ALPN tests in the mail module.
10:56 Changeset in nginx-tests [1741:3408029c09f5] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: added HTTP/2 test with rejected ALPN.
10:55 Changeset in nginx-tests [1740:f7e667a4898d] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: added HTTP/2 test for ALPN fallback to HTTP/1.1. While here, …
10:54 Changeset in nginx-tests [1739:f2fe58b4b59f] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: ALPN tests in the stream module.


16:49 Ticket #2254 (cache loader ignores reopen signal) updated by Maxim Dounin
Priority, Type changed
As currently implemented, cache loading happens in one run, without …


22:56 Ticket #2261 (A case of Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade) closed by Maxim Dounin
worksforme: For nginx, contents of the Connection header does not matter. You …
22:52 Ticket #2262 (In server_name directive match of counts using {x,y} causes failure in ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Regular expressions are not part of nginx configuration syntax, and …
20:20 Ticket #2260 (NGINX Basic Authentication Not Using SSL) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Basic authentication checks authentication and responds to the …
18:42 Ticket #2262 (In server_name directive match of counts using {x,y} causes failure in ...) created by sjsadowski@…
server { listen 80; server_name …
15:54 Milestone njs-0.7.0 completed
Planned features and enhancements: * async/await support * TLS …
08:41 Ticket #2261 (A case of Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade) updated by xinyanglbeijing@…
Description changed
08:39 Ticket #2261 (A case of Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade) created by xinyanglbeijing@…
nginx -v 1.14 kernel Linux ubuntu1804-dev-server-xinyang …
00:36 Ticket #2260 (NGINX Basic Authentication Not Using SSL) created by ngx3@…
I noticed this issue with chrome / chromium based browsers. I have …


22:17 Ticket #1724 (Nginx doesn't sanitize and is inconsistent with multiple, repeated ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
For the record, multiple Host headers were disabled in 4f18393a1d51
22:16 Ticket #2256 (Typo in Beginner's Guide) closed by Yaroslav Zhuravlev
fixed: Thanks, fixed: http://nginx.org/en/docs/beginners_guide.html
21:31 Ticket #2259 (Variables in proxy_pass url lead to unresovable host if host is only ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Indeed, this behaviour is as intended and explicitly documented. Just …
14:13 Ticket #2259 (Variables in proxy_pass url lead to unresovable host if host is only ...) updated by func0der
Seems like this is intended behavior and I did just overread the part …
13:54 Ticket #2259 (Variables in proxy_pass url lead to unresovable host if host is only ...) created by func0der
Setup: Have a /etc/hosts files on your nginx machine: […] Now …
12:47 Changeset in nginx [8903:0d3bf08eaac0]quic by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
HTTP/3: allowed QUIC stream connection reuse. A QUIC stream …
12:22 Changeset in nginx [8902:925572184d4a]quic by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
HTTP/3: adjusted QUIC connection finalization. When an HTTP/3 …
11:48 Changeset in nginx [8904:d2c193aa8480]quic by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
HTTP/3: send Stream Cancellation instruction. As per quic-qpack-21: …


22:47 Ticket #2258 (add_header directive: A colon added after the header name passes Nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Priority, Type changed
The add_header directive is a low-level directive which makes it …
17:46 Ticket #1209 (Weird net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR errors when http2 emabled) closed by Maxim Dounin
worksforme: Feedback timeout. Likely an issue with headers returned by the …
15:34 Ticket #178 (listen with ssl but missing ssl_certificate is not detected by nginx -t) updated by Maxim Dounin
See also #2257.
15:33 Ticket #2257 (Неявное разрушение всех настроек и очень странное поведение сервера) closed by Maxim Dounin
duplicate: Если конфиг именно такой, как приведён, и не содержит других блоков …
15:24 Ticket #2256 (Typo in Beginner's Guide) updated by Yaroslav Zhuravlev
Owner, Status changed
15:23 Ticket #2256 (Typo in Beginner's Guide) updated by Yaroslav Zhuravlev
Status changed
14:47 Ticket #2258 (add_header directive: A colon added after the header name passes Nginx ...) created by guyr.evision.ca@…
This morning, I added the following directive to one of my proxy …
13:40 Ticket #2257 (Неявное разрушение всех настроек и очень странное поведение сервера) created by wberdnik@…
Timeline ошибки здесь: …


23:26 Ticket #2256 (Typo in Beginner's Guide) updated by jonathanberger@…
Ofcourse my ticket would have a typo in the title... :)
23:25 Ticket #2256 (Typo in Beginner's Guide) created by jonathanberger@…
In the "Setting Up a Simple Proxy Server" section: > for serving a …


11:48 Changeset in nginx [8896:e2ec952dc295]quic by Vladimir Homutov <vl@…>
QUIC: fixed removal of unused client IDs. If client ID was never …


21:27 Ticket #2255 (different declaration and impementation) closed by Maxim Dounin
fixed: Synced argument names in the declaration to match names used in the …
21:22 Ticket #2255 (different declaration and impementation) updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In [changeset:"01829d1620956241455867fd8ba28ba54eed5aa9/nginx"


14:34 Changeset in nginx-tests [1738:9e0347f4df11] by Dmitry Volyntsev <xeioex@…>
Tests: added js tests for async functions.


08:09 Ticket #2255 (different declaration and impementation) created by RekGRpth@…
cppcheck: […]
07:56 Ticket #2254 (cache loader ignores reopen signal) updated by mirek.chocholous.showmax.com@…
I forgot to mention one important detail: we have got 32 cache devices …


17:29 Changeset in nginx-tests [1737:9fc3b428b18a] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: uwsgi request body tests.
15:57 Ticket #2253 (ngx_http_limit_req_module: incorrect work logic with minute time range ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: There is no "range intervals" in limit_req, there is a rate, which can …
15:10 Ticket #2254 (cache loader ignores reopen signal) created by mirek.chocholous.showmax.com@…
Hi, in our environment we use logrotate to rotate the logs regularly. …
10:48 Changeset in nginx [8894:de7b9af30fc6]quic by Vladimir Homutov <vl@…>
QUIC: refactored packet creation. The "min" and "max" arguments refer …
09:24 Changeset in nginx [8893:126a15530136]quic by Vladimir Homutov <vl@…>
QUIC: removed unused argument in ngx_quic_create_short_header().
04:49 Ticket #2253 (ngx_http_limit_req_module: incorrect work logic with minute time range ...) created by phoedos16@…
Made a sample configuration with limit_req directive limit_req_zone …


17:43 Ticket #2236 (Unable to reach APT repository for nginx.org) updated by seanking2919@…
By unable to reach, I meant I'm unable to receive any sort of updates …
17:14 Ticket #2252 (Rate limiting rules turn chunked transfer into invalid request) closed by Maxim Dounin
fixed: Fix committed.
17:13 Ticket #2252 (Rate limiting rules turn chunked transfer into invalid request) updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In [changeset:"ae7c767aa491fa55d3168dfc028a22f43ac8cf89/nginx"
15:01 Changeset in nginx [7968:5354bf552520]stable-1.20 by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Fixed $content_length cacheability with chunked (ticket #2252).
13:19 Ticket #2248 (Stalled connection when using `aio_write on`) updated by Maxim Dounin
Thanks for testing, submitted the patch …


21:10 Ticket #2252 (Rate limiting rules turn chunked transfer into invalid request) updated by Sergey Kandaurov
The patch looks good to me. Basic tests used to demonstrate the …
14:33 Changeset in nginx-tests [1736:f7a8997c46c7] by Antoine Bonavita <antoine.bonavita@…>
Tests: added fetch js tests, HTTPS support.


08:48 Ticket #2248 (Stalled connection when using `aio_write on`) updated by aminvakil@…
Thanks for taking a look at this! I can confirm that this patch on …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.