Custom Query (702 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 702)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1645 Some questions about slab_stat module? defect minor other
#1652 Issue with seems like query strings when trying to hit API urls. Gives 404. Same url with no "?" string works fine. defect minor other
#1653 http2_push_preload does not recognize Link header defect minor nginx-core
#1656 It may be a bug of udp rbtree init in function ngx_set_inherited_sockets defect minor nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1660 Docs say $host header comes from the request line? defect minor documentation
#1667 Nginx [PHP] sometimes blank page sometimes Connection Refused defect minor other
#1673 Nginx don't read upstream response in case upstream close connection. defect minor nginx-core
#1674 SSL session ID is not reused when other server disable session cache defect minor other
#1679 Possible infinite loop in function ngx_cache_manager_process_cycle and ngx_cache_loader_process_handler in src/os/unix/ngx_process_cycle.c defect minor nginx-core
#1682 Nginx tries to open the html file and through error 404. I expected the redirection to the php script. defect minor other
#1683 ngx_parent in ngx_daemon() can not work properly? defect minor nginx-core
#1686 Log files ownership defect minor nginx-module
#1694 Prefer SNI name to Host header when selecting server block defect minor nginx-core
#1698 A minor optimization for ngx_log_debug enhancement minor nginx-core
#1699 encoding error ssl_stapling_file defect minor nginx-core
#1703 [NGINX Plus Openid Connect]: error log printing variable not value defect minor nginx-1.15 other
#1704 Nginx should have a friendly notice when config file have same port and same server_name defect minor other
#1706 Orphan processes after fatal signals defect minor other
#1713 proxy_ssl_session_reuse not working with proxy_pass containing variables defect minor other
#1718 More info on ssl_early_data security enhancement minor documentation
#1725 nginx ends up in a state where current and oldbin exist for days defect minor nginx-core
#1726 Как собирать модуль из ядра динамическим? task minor nginx-module
#1729 If-Modified-Since won't trigger 304 unless server send Last-Modified defect minor nginx-core
#1730 An open Nginx Plus dashboard prevents reload enhancement minor nginx-package
#1731 Reverse proxy websocket If the number of concurrency is large, many close_waits will appear. defect minor nginx-1.15.9 other
#1739 invaild r->port_end defect minor nginx-1.15 other
#1740 ngins -s reopen / SIGUSR1 and permissions problem enhancement minor nginx-core
#1744 Cannot use custom variable in ssl_certificate directive. defect minor other
#1746 websocket response 302 error defect minor other
#1747 apt-key add is deprecated defect minor documentation
#1753 Wrong suggestion: could not build server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 64 enhancement minor documentation
#1756 Invalid or Binary in URI causes core 400 and 500 errors, plus binary in logfile defect minor other
#1757 nginx segfault defect minor other
#1761 Unknown directive "fastcgi_cache_purge" defect minor nginx-module
#1773 Unable to build nginx as static defect minor nginx-package
#1774 nginx 1.16.0 tls1.3 has broken defect minor other
#1781 Does not build on Mac with OpenSSL defect minor other
#1784 Pass cookie between `location` defect minor other
#1787 Documentation about log rotation? task minor other
#1789 regexp rewrite rule does not recognize semicolon at end defect minor other
#1790 syslog to localhost failure (potential IPv6 confusion) defect minor other
#1793 auth_request does not expand variables defect minor nginx-module
#1796 spam defect minor other
#1801 Stale cache is not updated after some time defect minor nginx-core
#1804 proxy_pass/proxy_redirect doesn't work if port 80 is explicitly specified defect minor other
#1805 Cannot reopen log files without restarting nginx defect minor nginx-core
#1812 NGINX does not reply with HTTP Headers on broken request line defect minor nginx-core
#1813 OCSP does not work with $ssl_server_name defect minor nginx-core
#1814 What should I do about the warning: "upstream response is buffered to a temporary file"? enhancement minor documentation
#1815 Debug log of response is garbled in journald defect minor nginx-core
#1816 Worker process loops infinitely in ngx_rbtree_min defect minor other
#1821 Nginx 1.14.0 fails to start if ipv6 support on host is disabled defect minor other
#1825 Is the $request_time conatin the time send to client or send to socket defect minor other
#1833 vim syntax highlighting defect minor other
#1838 problem in http2 defect minor nginx-core
#1840 Request different accept-encoding types, caching out multiple files. What is the reason? defect minor other
#1842 server_tokens doesnt affect redirects. Exposing software version. defect minor nginx-core
#1844 Nginx 1.16.1 + Rdns Segmentation fault defect minor other
#1845 Nginx logs POST on GET Timeouts. defect minor nginx-core
#1847 Client certificate verification failed if use Nginx with Openssl 1.1.1 defect minor nginx-module
#1849 Does nginx support Google Quic plan? Plan to support ahead of nginx? Thank you very much. defect minor other
#1859 wildcard support in map used for stream? defect minor nginx-core
#1860 ESNI support task minor other
#1863 "ssl_stapling" ignored, host not found in OCSP responder "" in the certificate defect minor other
#1867 Cached TLS 1.2+ECDSA OCSP must staple validation is not used to serve TLS1.3+CSDSA OCSP request (for the same EC certificate) defect minor other
#1868 wildcard include failing with FormatMessage() error:(15100) defect minor nginx-core
#1877 Проблема с "log_format" defect minor other
#1886 Privet Obrekotivich defect minor other
#1888 Nginx cache has multiple formats, and many of them are invalid during cleaning, so it is impossible to clean all of them defect minor other
#1889 access_log off; returns 404 with nginx proxy defect minor nginx-core
#1901 Can not specify cipher list of just 'TLSv1.3' defect minor other
#1903 Debian package dependencies are broken defect minor nginx-package
#1906 core dumped with debug timer defect minor nginx-core
#1914 Memory Leak in directory 'src/core', file 'ngx_buf.c' defect minor nginx-core
#1925 Ability to change the time format of the log. task minor nginx-1.17 nginx-module
#1927 test ticket defect minor documentation
#1929 Random errors with PHP-FPM defect minor nginx-core
#1930 Space in URL %20 is decoded space causing an invalid URL defect minor documentation
#1931 defect minor private
#1936 'set_real_ip_from' in location section is not processed before REWRITE_PHASE defect minor nginx-module
#1945 Caching proxy error with large files defect minor nginx-module
#1946 Mixed up HTTP responses when two requests with different hosts made in succession defect minor documentation
#1954 service file for CentOS 8 uses wrong variable for ExecReload defect minor nginx-package
#1956 duplicate requests in ssl environments when favicon is enabled defect minor nginx-1.17 documentation
#1957 http2 window_size defect minor nginx-module
#1959 Unexpected invalidation of embedded variables in ngx_http_ssl_module task minor documentation
#1962 proxy_hide_header don't work, why? defect minor nginx-module
#1963 Documentation does not mention important info about named locations at try_files defect minor documentation
#1971 Invalid 200 (OK) response code to range request defect minor nginx-module
#1974 Custom variable not written to access_log when nginx.status is 400 defect minor nginx-core
#33 fix ngx_vslprintf(): invalid processing terminated % somebody defect trivial nginx-core
#200 typo in a freshly installed sites-enabled/default somebody defect trivial nginx-package
#340 autoindex does not treat multi-byte unicode correctly defect trivial nginx-core
#371 Incorrect documentation for proxy_intercept_errors defect trivial other
#947 nginx -t just a bit buggy defect trivial nginx-core
#1080 README.dynamic shows wrong include path defect trivial other
#1190 fastcgi_cache_path in site-available AND site-enabled cause error defect trivial other
#1440 Mistake in manual for defect trivial documentation
#1525 worker_processes 0 defect trivial other
#1574 Использование alias и php-fpm defect trivial nginx-module
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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