Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#383 nginx 1.4.1 以及1.51 版本 报错 defect blocker nginx-core 1.3.x
#339 Time zone lookup needs to be cached enhancement major nginx-core 1.3.x
#379 the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c defect major nginx-core 1.3.x
#483 Nginx failed with php5-fpm for new php frameworks defect major nginx-module 1.5.x
#355 Proxy protocol support enhancement minor nginx-core 1.3.x
#388 nginx proxy pass and CROS(cross-origin resource sharing) defect minor nginx-module 1.2.x
#491 performance issue on same url defect minor nginx-core 1.5.x
#547 Nginx worker randomly segfault during the day using owncloud android sync client defect minor nginx-core 1.5.x
#479 Add mimetype for XSPF enhancement trivial nginx-core 1.5.x
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.