Custom Query (321 matches)


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Results (301 - 321 of 321)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2372 nginx -t does not indicate potential permissions error for SSL certificates enhancement minor nginx-core
#2381 Unable to read configuration from /dev/stdin defect minor nginx-core
#2392 The limit_except directive's description is opaque defect minor documentation
#2398 Debug output is wrong for try_files directive with code as last argument defect minor nginx-core
#2414 support unknown variables when it is only used in log format enhancement minor nginx-module
#2439 1.23.3: test suite is failing defect minor other
#2452 fastcgi_split_path_info should specify NGX_REGEX_MULTILINE enhancement minor nginx-module
#2453 Variables in different contexts are mixed together defect minor nginx-core
#2467 In daemon mode nginx completes detaching before the service is ready enhancement minor nginx-core
#2534 Build error with clang 16 on Alpine defect minor nginx-core
#2570 memcpy from NULL during startup defect minor nginx-core
#2665 Nginx cannot properly process requests with a tab after the colon in a host header defect minor nginx-core
#73 Support logging to external process (pipe) in HttpLogModule somebody enhancement trivial nginx-module
#185 предлагаю добавить тип для файлов *.crl somebody enhancement trivial nginx-package
#279 mime.types: audio/ogg for .opus files Sergey Kandaurov enhancement trivial nginx-core
#538 Server origin header not passed through the proxy defect trivial nginx-core
#737 systemd service unit file ignores sysconfig environment variables enhancement trivial nginx-package
#1327 Pre-Build packages with static openssl (http2) enhancement trivial nginx-package
#1662 A minor code clean for ngx_configure_listening_sockets enhancement trivial nginx-core
#2077 rename conf files with ".sample" extension for windows package enhancement trivial nginx-1.19 nginx-package
#2232 ngx_http_auth_basic_module does not support different passwords for the same user enhancement trivial nginx-module
1 2 3 4
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.